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Windows 11 to speed up slow PCs

Apart from the GUI overhaul, Windows 11 will also bring many improvements under the hood which should result in faster PC performance.

Windows 11 PCs should faster resume from sleep and better handle multiple apps.

For instance, sleep mode has been improved in a way that now it has three steps. Once the machine is in sleep mode, the PC’s memory is in a low-power/active state so it can instantly power up. Once the PC resumes after sleep, Windows will optimize the software calls to the PC’s hardware for faster access. The final steps will instruct the CPU’s instruction threads to free more resources in favor of high-priority tasks.

According to Steve Dispensa, who is a vice president of enterprise management at Microsoft, the mentioned 3-step process should faster resume from sleep mode by 25%.

Until now, PCs with low memory and multiple running applications were running slowly, forcing users to close inactive apps in order to free up memory and increase performance. Windows 11 will use so-called foreground prioritization that will make PCs feel faster even under heavy load and with many apps running.

Dispensa also said that a lot of work with memory management has been done favoring the apps that are running in the foreground so they are prioritized with more CPU and memory resources.

A full video about Windows 11 optimization and performance improvements can be viewed below:

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