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Win Toolkit

Win Toolkit Discussions - Customize your Windows Images

  1. Guest LYSY
    Started by Guest LYSY,

    Instruction: 1. Export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts from registry 2. Leave fonts which you want to integrate and save key 3. Open W7T > Addon Creator 4. In "Add Files" Enter patch to your fonts 5. Copy directory is %windir%\Fonts\ 6. In "Import Registry" Add your saved registry key 7. Click "Create Addon" 8. Integrate created with All-In-One Integrator That`s all. Now You can integrate fonts with ease Template Addon with fonts Download from MediaFire -EDIT- Little Edited instruction Added screenshosts Added template addon

    • 4 replies
  2. Started by ChiefZeke,

    W7Toolkit and Win7 Ultimate 64-bit w/SP1 I noticed that right under the title bar you added a Downloads option; one of which points to DriverPacks for Win7 x64 and x86. (Also, this change is not shown at http://www.wincert.n...kit-v102-final/ - please update.) My question is: if DriverPacks are downloaded how are they integrated using the W7Toolkit? When I go to Drivers > Add Drivers and navigate to the DriverPacks location and select the folder I have titled Win7-DriverPacks none are selected. I am guessing this is because they are all .7Z files and therefore not recognized by W7Toolkit. I am also pretty sure the folks at DriverPacks created a script th…

    • 16 replies
  3. Hi evry body I have a query about adding languages ​​for Windows 7 during installation In image (boot.wim) ?? Like This !! Waiting to inform you

    • 25 replies
  4. Started by George King,

    Windows 7 Touch Pack RTM for OEM

  5. Started by BuckMaster,

    Why don't add to Tools Manager a function to merge 2 swm file,not only for split Thx!

    • 9 replies
  6. Started by Legolash2o,

    I have been asked to remove driver packs. If you wish to discuss it then here is this topic is the place. More info here

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by blackhawk77,

    Hi, how can i intigrate the downloaded driver packs? Do i have to extract the 7ziped downloads?

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by Legolash2o,

    If there is not an update in the list then please tell me the name of the update in this topic (only updates via Windows Update). Also if you are trying to download a file using W7T and it pops up that it can't find the file then please also let me know in this topic. W7T will send this info in the error logs but i may miss some. Thanks.

  9. Started by Legolash2o,

    Don't thank me, thank George King and Raoul for providing the links and created a new topic so they are all in the first post! All of these are downloadable easily via Windows 7 Toolkit, v0.5.0 also includes language pack converter to convert them into .cab files x64 Packs submitted by George King http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/updt/2009/08/windows6.1-kb972813-x64-fi-fi_4378f72d1233b00e2bdfc680a13f62ae11ab0fcb.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/updt/2009/08/windows6.1-kb972813-x64-th-th_080c8631d44a53c34ffdab8fd73820572dd87be4.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/updt/2009/08/windows…

  10. Started by SoLoR,

    OK im trying to make some parsing magic. I have strings like this: hfList = [{fixid:'410273',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Win7, Windows Server 2008 R2 \x28CBS\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x86',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv879341',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.5020',size:'4382033',credate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a41\x3a36 PM',moddate:'3\x2f31\x2f2010 10\x3a41\x3a36 PM'},{fixid:'410225',product:'.NET Framework 3.0 - Windows Server 2003, Windows XP \x28MSI\x29',language:'All \x28Global\x29',langcode:'intl',platform:'x86',release:'sp2',filename:'DevDiv866275',version:'NDP 3.0',build:'30729.4519',size:'8630148',credate:'3\x2f29\x2f2010 10\…

    • 5 replies