Win Toolkit Requests
Please post your Win Toolkit requests here
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"This forum is not for addon requests, they go HERE."
161 topics in this forum
In v1.3.0.41A+ you can now select reg files on the AIO Tool (Tweak Tab), you don't have to convert the reg file, Win Toolkit will do this for you. This new feature lets you import your own custom tweaks via Win Toolkit. ------------------------------------------------------ My point is that you don't have to make a request for every tweak BUT if you think a tweak will be great for other users, feel free to share in this thread. Also make sure W7T does not already contain the tweak(s). --Zimmer--- a handy reference for tweaks is the Group Policy Settings Reference - this lists the registry keys here's the direct link to the Win 7/Server 2008 sheet... WindowsServer2008R2and…
- 40 replies
That would be nice... At the moment, i can just select one and then move, so i have select one by one, that lamed.. Greez
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Yay, title say it, - whats about a source for that? Anybody know an one, or have fun to make a repo? That's would really greatfull!
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Would be nice to have an option in right-click on update and choose "move to silent installers". That this marked updates will install by RunOnceInstaller after windows main installing is done. For example, for the "not-integretable"-updates. Greez
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Iv splitted my report-thread and create this one. I dunno about legality, may possible to add Office 2010 download links? Greez
- 6 replies
Great night! What u think about changing of WTK Main Icon? I see here another "newer one" for WTK-About button, thats nice. Just the original WTK Win7 Icon is associated with win7. Comparison: Or what u think about these? (different sources) A win8 inspired. (iv just add the star for quick example) It associate WTK's 8.1 support. My fav, vista-look. And another with star added. Greez
- 6 replies
Heyho :-) Examples: (Please remove if unallowed links) - - - Greez
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Whats about that? Would be useful for some users. Of cause as option, standard no-active for inexperienced users. Greez
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Liam, It would be great to see for which build the updates are. Example: Windows 7 -> Windows Post-SP1 Office 2013 - Are or Not Post-SP1? That is important to know. Greez
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Heyho, yay the title say it. It would be nice to see all integrated always if worked with WTK, not just at integrating is finished. Maybe a available option (standard=deactivated) for beginner, and available for experienced user. greez
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Hey Liam, Im missing to managing the order to install updates in update-installer. Would be nice to have this feature, and off course also in v2.x Can be realized with buttons and right-click stuff like in AIO-Intgr. Greez Update: The same way for "retry after failed" for update-installer.
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Hey Liam, It would be nice to have dims image-cleanup functions as options in AIO-Integrator. With some dism functions you can cleanup an offline image and make iso smaller: C:\Users\Zer0\Desktop\Waik_4_1\x86\Dism\Dism.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase It can integrate as Win8 Tweak, i think. It would be nice if WTK can also this things automatically if users want this.
- 8 replies
Hey Liam, How are you? Here, it would be very nice that WTK apply some updates also in boot.wim. It exist some updates they can be integratet in both boot.wim images. And ya off cause the allmost requestes dism-cleanup. (1. Cleanup before integrating, and 2. After [just able on boot.wim]) Greez
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Iv split my old report threat for post requests in requests subforum. Here, it would be nice, WTK support more hotkeys, like these: CTRL + A = Mark all in list DEL = delete marked (For grouping:) CTRL + X = cut marked CTRL + V = paste marked dragndrop
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Hi there again, I want ISO Maker from Wintoolkit to be expanded with some Oscdimg settings. I want to be able to set time and date for iso releasing (for all included files in it). Except this maybe someother useful command included in this particular batch based executable. ,thanks in advance
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sir you are requested to give feature in win toolkit for Remove "Favorites" from Explorer.
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in tweaks... remove the WMP icon in the taskbar display CALCULATOR with digital grouping checked (inside VIEW) on the taskbar have certain built-in windows 7 gadgets displayed on the desktop have the taskbar IE icon properties run MAXIMIZED
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Heyho Liam, In memory at WHD, i missing the feature to extract updates for a language, choosen by user. Means glb-updates extract just the x-none and the updates in language which is selected Example: You choose en-us for selection, all other updates for other languages will removed. MSP Extractor filtering all x-none and en-us-updates for you, all other wil removed. Off cause no filtering on proofing-updates. In my case, i would wish also selecting-option for 2 languages at the same time Greez
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This thread I post @BetaArchive with thought for some changes in Toolkit. Will be very usefull if the following it is possible, to be added in Toolkit: When you edit some WIM file WinToolkit using DISM for mount-unmount Modified date is not changed, and I've find out that if after mounting Wintoolkit capture the mounted folder and unmount with discarding changes from the first one, and put new captured install.wim to overwrite the old one, in Select Edition window date in "Modified date" will be changed. This will require additional time for whole prosedure, but it's good for keeping track, from what was the last time one edition was updated/edited. Select edition windo…
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Fill form by selecting (target) .exe Almost all fields <info> can be retrieved from the application/executable easily. It would speed up creation significantly. Creator could be automatically set to %USERNAME%
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Hej - I value WTK v1 very high - and have a wish for at litte "clean-up" in v2. If you would move all icons and functions from the "Active title bar" (pic 01) and move them to an exclusive menu to the right of "ISOs" (pic 02). This would clean up alot and make WTK even more professional. /Sweden8
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As a DISM GUI, DX WinNT6.x True Integrator is very handy, but it has some bugs. I would like to see that WinTookit can integrate a DISM GUI into the All-in-one integrator. That will be really great, since there are way too many packages for windows server, as listed here: In deployment of windows server, this can be extremely helpful. Thank you.
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As many updates/hotfixes/security patches are common accross platforms: Windows 7Server 2008 R2Server 2008 R2 [Core & Hyper-V]Server 2011 [Home & SBS Essentials]Is it possible to log all failed updates to file for the current session? I currently include all updates (using Windows 7 as a base), then manually remove the fails, but this means watching for fails as they occur and manually removing them from the next session. Manual removal I can live with. Have tried "Debug Updates", but it is rewriting itself for each update, and the "Unable to Integrate" dialog seems to miss some events. My current version is v1.4.45.5. Any assistance appreciated.
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Hi, is there any chance to create a full standalone WTK "Light" Version without Frameworks? (hmm, may be difficult to apply ...) ciao
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- This thread says that dism now supports esd format. Can win toolkit be updated to support ISOs with install.esd ?
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