Win Toolkit Requests
Please post your Win Toolkit requests here
"If you wish to request a new feature READ THIS FIRST!"
"This forum is not for addon requests, they go HERE."
161 topics in this forum
Using WinToolkit150-1_Test36 I stumbled leftover files/folders from WinToolkit in the slipstreamed os. Still left in the slipstreamed OS (x86): A) Files: 1) C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkit_RunOnceLog.txt Rather keep 2) C:\Windows\WinToolkitDrivers.txt Rather keep 3) C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe 4) C:\Windows\System32\UTH.exe B ) Folder: 1) C:\Windows\WinToolkit\Addons Let's WinToolkit know what addons are integrated i) Should WTK perform/schedule a cleanup or does it serve some purpose by leaving it there? ii) If it is there for log purpose, can they be moved to 1 common location/folder? Done iii) In all cases, even if it is there for a purpose (I assume i…
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- :punk:
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In my opinion, it would look much better and made more sense, if "informative text" would be below progress bar. Quick scetches, about what I exactly mean: Also, it would be lot easier to read and understand, if each sentence would start from its own line.
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I like to request a feature similar to Windows7-USB/DVD Tool for burning created ISO's to USB or DVD. At the moment the USB Boot Preparation tool just makes USB bootable, but you still have to manually copy/paste the files from the ISO, and this can take quite some time.
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Request to add a feature or tool within the Addon maker to install and test Win Toolkit AddOn. Currently their is a somewhat viable tool that was created by 'Dark Madness' which can be found in the Forum (cant seem to find it right now) but it comes in the form of UI or command line tool. Their does'nt seem to have been any developement on the tool in over a year. I've tried it on a few Addons with mixed results. Anyhow, not all that important, but it does come in handy for me when I want to test an Addon on a live systems. Best Regards.
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The "Remove/Restore 'ei.cfg'" button is only present when the said file is found. When working with Windows 8, there should be an "Add/Remove 'ei.cfg'" button instead. (Dunno if the last two lines are needed in ei.cfg, but I always put it there anyway.) [Channel]Retail[VL]0
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As you all know Windows 7 needs a bit help of booting EFI via USB: In the root of your USB drive, there is the \efi\microsoft\boot directory. Copy this directory one level up so the files also reside under \efi\boot. Extract bootmgfw.efi file from install.wim (Located in Windows\Boot\EFI\) Copy the bootmgfw.efi file to \efi\boot folder, and rename it to bootx64.efi. Maybe this process could be somehow automated via WinToolkit to avoid doing it all manually, when creating USB Boot media for Windows 7? Windows 8 doesnt need that, it boots fine directly from usb regardless of Legacy BIOS or EFI enviroment...
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Ram is cheap these days and like many others i have more than i really need. So my thought is what about an option that we can tick that then causes win toolkit to use ram drive for mounting instead of the normal location. ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver "" is a free open Source program that supports creating ram drives on any windows including 7 & 8 32bit or 64bit. If this was then built into win toolkit you could set up comand line options to auto create ram drive of a preset size and assign drive letter, then win toolkit would proceed with the normal operations to the ram drive ie mount image integrate etc. Also users need a way to …
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dear lego i can not add theme pack i created in windows 8 maybe wintoolkit do not support theme pack format deskthemepack
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Hi, If we could have something like Wim Manager for moungting ESD file would be great. regards, Macky
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Hi Liam, i am missing a Feature in the WIM Manager to maintain WinPE Discs, like add, delete and show me the Drivers as Table or List. Have a look here for Reference. regards jo
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Windows Toolkit does not copy the apps folder over to the target drive like WPI. With Win Toolkit the Apps / Installers folder is executed from the install media. WPI can be made to copy the installer files over to the target drive prior to executing the installers. It would be nice if Windows Toolkit could do the same. This would allow for users to span their install.wim over multiple DVD's / CD's without breaking the integration of silent installs. Windows Toolkit as of has a component to split a WIM to span over multiple DVD's but with limitations. See what I mean?
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I would like to know the possibility count on a new tool. The ISO of Windows 8, bring in your source folder sxs, the "sources" to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename: NetFX3 /All /source:X:\source\sxs /LimitAccess When using All-In-One Integrator, mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx.Could you create a merge of .Net x86 and x64 in the same folder sxs and not repeat the same files compared bit a bit?I programme…
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HI There, I wanted to request the following, since it'll be a good idea for the general integrators: Req: Add the Following functionality to the Unattended Creator: A.- Ability to Autologon. B.- Ability to enable only the administrator and its password. C.- Ability to select the workgroup. D.- Ability to auto-join a domain. E.- Ability to NOT activate the serial, even if it has been inputed. F.- Ability to Auto-Partition the Hard Drive. G.- Ability to Auto-Select Language, Locale, Keyobard Locale, and Time Zone. H.- Ability to create additional users, and select if they're local administrators. Req: Add the following functionality to W7T: A.- Ability to default to all use…
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Since doing WIM manipulation tasks takes a while, what about adding a function to save the current progress so you can shut down the program and then resume later? Would be a welcome addition for those that want to do lots of stuff but cannot keep their PC on for multiple days.
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Can you add "Get drivers from current Sistem", or "Backup current drivers from Sistem" to integrated with Win Toolkit...? Regards... ;-)
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I n addition to these we should be able to set default gadgets and autostart of Gadgets in first login
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You can have as many requests are you want in the 1st post but once i have replied you need to make a new thread with any new/different requests. 1. Once i have completed a request i will close the thread so i know that it has been done. If you want to add to your request and i have not replied yet then use the EDIT button. 2. If i have already replied then just make a new thread. 3. NEW RULE (16/12/2011): If you see your request moving close to the bottom of the forum page, feel free to "bump" it as i like to keep all the unfinished requests at the top of the forum. 4. NEW RULE (31/10/2012): If I have locked your thread and you have not made a request for it to be unlock…
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Integrating some Tweaks is really great, but what I have in mind are two sets of Tweaks. One set for lusers (see wikipedia): Don't show hidden files,... One set for gurus: you know what I mean. And MAYBE even extend that to the components. So this was the request, now one other thing. -------------------------------------- Can I contribute to translation? In Options one can select a language, but no other than english is available. Can I help there? Atlan
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Hey lego (whenever you get back) you should see about having Win Toolkit play nice with KUC (komms update checker), all you would need to do is generate a packages.txt for KUC of the offline image, run KUC and point it to the packages.txt to see what updates are needed (it creates a file packages_OUT.txt that you could see about being able to load it into Win Toolkit for a list of updates that are needed/can be removed)
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Would it be Possible to Customize the boot screen images and animations to something of your choice on windows 7 & 8? id really love this feature and im sure many users would use it maby you could build a boot screen integrator that can import users custom boot screens and people can share them as a file with a format recognized by win toolkit like .WA but WB. or something similar.
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I think being able to change both the default user and guest picture would make a nice addition. (Just forwarding the request here as stated I would).
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Would like to see peimage.exe added to the already almost perfect WinToolKit. This way when I or whom ever wants to slipstream drives to either boot or install wim, your tool will call on peimage.exe. peimage.exe requires each path for the driver to be absolute and as you all know, driverpacks has tons of subfolders and peimage doesn't scan sub folders (which is a pain to type all the paths in a cmd) like DISM plus DISM doesn't work on a SP2 Vista image. When you point to a driver folder in WinToolKit, the paths including subfolders is listed in a txt or cmd file somewhere I assume? Once the paths to the drivers including subfolders are written where ever, then WTK can ca…
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When I try to integrate windows updates into a fresh image, sometimes a whole bunch of them end up "red", i.e., they weren't integrated. It would be very helpful if the program somehow reported why they failed.... so I can intelligently a. remove them from the .ini , or b. fix whatever's broken and try again thanks! -g
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I recently had an image fail to install with no clear explanation. Only after a long time did I realize it's because there wasn't enough room on the hard drive to integrate it completely. Can you please halt the integration and show an error message when there's not enough HD space to finish integration?
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