DX WinNT6.x True Integrator
DX WinNT6.x True Integrator Topics
WinNT6.x True Integrator Addons
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10 topics in this forum
entries.ini commands supported by DX WinNT6.x True Integrator [sysPrepOC] Component_Name=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;or Component_Name=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;;;example [SysPrepOC]Unlocker=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,Unlocker.inf,UnlockerSilverlight=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,MSSlight.inf,Silverlight[General];;;example [General]BuildDate=2010-10-27T11:05:11ZDescription="Freeware tool which overcomes a Windows bug"Language=EnglishTitle=UnlockerVersion=1.9.0WebSite=http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/processorArchitecture=x86 ; --> Warning: this key is used to force addon integration only in a certain syst…
- 5 replies
DXTool x64 v1.2.1.1 Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Hash MD5 DD7B4EB2CBE0330F73D855C8FAEFAD98 Filesize: 2.13 MB (2228224 bytes) DXTool x86 v1.2.1.1 Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Update (22 March 2017) Hash MD5 C06B72F253342DEDDE16D373BA619EC1 Filesize: 2.09 MB (2192896 bytes) This handy tool for Send To menu includes CabTool, Reg2Inf & Inf2Reg converters, Tweaks True AddOn Creator, Grant Full Admin Control tool…
- 31 replies
You can use it to integrate hoftixes, updates, drivers, features and especially .cab addons (even in "true" mode") inside your Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 source (only .cab addons can be integrated with DXI at this moment: no 7z, rar, etc.) WinNT6.x True Integrator v1.0.1.2 Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Update (18 December 2014) Hash MD5 D2A6036C787226FEC545062DFB982F5F Filesize: 1.75 MB (1841664 byte) WinN…
- 71 replies
After some time spent writing cab addon for larger number of files, i started to look for programs that automate most if not all tasks. I found out there are : Inf-Addon Maker - haven't found valid DL links (both here and at win-lite) DX Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator (filename DXUPAC.exe DXTool_x64_005FE78D48FC1B11F7068FBBE6FC368A.exe) - DL links present but no options found to select Windows 7. Also at start program requires exe of hotfix/update (which i assumed this program creates as CAB output at end, not requires as input at start) Inf-Assistant - no valid DL links Are there any usable Win7 INF addon cab makers then ? EDIT: I downloaded DXUPAC.exe an…
- 0 replies
I would like to add nircmd via true addon CAB (a great little utility by Nir Sofer) to my Win7 x64 offline image (ie for making ISO out of it later). It has both x86 and x64 versions. SInce i intend to use it on x64 Windows, it means that calling application (usually cmd.exe) will call the corresponding version of nircmd (x86 cmd calls x86 nircmd and respectively x64 cmd.exe calls x64 version of nircmd). Now a problem : i can make a CAB file that holds both versions under different names in same folder inside CAB, but since in future i intend to add other dual-bitness applications, this will be a problem for me. I have my CAB referenced in Entries.ini like so [txt…
- 6 replies
these updates have install pending, is there anyway of having them displayed as Installed KB2822241 KB2829361 KB2835361 KB2836988 KB2840632 KB2861702 KB2843630 KB2862152 KB2868626 KB2869628 KB2871389 KB2871777 all th above are x64 Windows 8, i am currently using WinNT6.x True Integrator
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- 1 follower
How can I add an RyanVM Integrator AddOn like ImgBurn found here? http://www.wincert.n...ge__hl__imgburn Steps to recreate the problem Step 1 - I modified the entries_imgburn.ini and imgburn.inf like the example found in this video Step 2 - Created CAB using DX Tools Step 3 - Added to WinNT6.x True Integrator (Ignore-Ceck). The AddOn appears in the list at the bootom. Setp 4 - Click Apply -- DISM appears to sucessfuly compete the operation 2012-10-22 01:56:07 : Processing 2 of 2 - Adding package ImgBurn~~True AddOn~Multilanguage~ © 2005 - 2012 LIGHTNING UK!~OnePiece~http://www.imgburn.com/ - C:\Users\Bryan\Desktop\System Builder\Addon CABS\ImgBurn_v2…
- 3 replies
In the current version of NT6.x True Integrator, is it still necessary to append the entries.ini file? ie: entries_java7u7.ini The reason I ask is because I have noticed several true addon makers in the forum do not adopt this convention. Their addons simply contain entries.ini. It seems redundant considering the entire addon is contained in a cab file. Is this an old requirement from older versions of the tool?
- 13 replies
Hello, and thank you for this great website and this awesome tool. NT6.x True Integrator and Win Tool Kit are simply extraordinary tools that compliment my current arsenal. I am a total n00b when it comes to coding .ini and .inf files, so please excuse my ignorance. Just one question today,.. When coding .ini and .inf file for use with NT6.x True integrator, What is the proper encoding and line ending convention should I be using when using Netepad2. ie: Unicode, UTF-8, etc... ie: Windows (CR+F), UnIX (LF), etc... Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
- 2 replies
entries.ini commands supported by DXIntegrator [sysPrepOC] Component_Name=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;or Component_Name=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;;;example [SysPrepOC] Unlocker=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,Unlocker.inf,Unlocker Silverlight=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,MSSlight.inf,Silverlight [General] ;;;example [General] BuildDate=2010-10-27T11:05:11Z Description="Freeware tool which overcomes a Windows bug" Language=English Title=Unlocker Version=1.9.0 WebSite=http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ processorArchitecture=x86 ; --> Warning: this key is used to force addon integration only in a certain system …
- 2 replies