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Win Toolkit v2.x


  1. Your Win Toolkit v2.x feature requests and ideas.

    • 97 posts
  2. Any bugs, glitches, and errors in here.

    • 95 posts
  3. Learn how to use the tools.

    • 23 posts
  1. Started by Legolash2o,

    The source code for WinToolkit v2 can be found below: WinToolkit v2: https://github.com/Legolash2o/WinToolkit_v2 The topic for WTK v1 source code can be found here.

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Legolash2o,

    I've decided to experiment with having some sort of development cycle. This will give me an aim to do for the day and let you know what to expect at each nightly build. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. New FeaturesThe focus of these releases will be to add as many features as possible for you guys to test. Wednesday and Saturday EnhancementsThese releases will take feedback and put them into practice. This includes bug fixes and improving upon existing features, or just improving some code. Sunday TranslationThe en-US template will be updated so any new features will be translatable. Note: I'm tempted to move translations to the 'Enhancement' days. Automa…

  3. Started by Thiersee,

    Hi Lego, already uploaded? I don't find it. Thiersee

    • 17 replies
  4. Started by Oshimaida,

    Hello, FYI: right now both links on the page http://testing.wintoolkit.co.uk/v2.x/index.php lead to a 404 error message. Is there any alternative download site? Regards, Oshi

  5. Started by Legolash2o,

    I've decided to go through the free / pro editions. THE PRICES AND WHAT COMES WITH EACH EDITION CAN BE NEGOTIATED IN THIS TOPIC FREE All-In-One IntegratorUpdates, Drivers, Wallpapers. Failed updates will still go to Silent Installers list ISO MakerUSB Prep ToolHOME [£$€ 5] No advertisements on links.All-In-One IntegratorWallpapers, gadgets,Tweaks, Theme packs, Silent Installers ConvertersAIO Disk CreatorAddon MakerBasic Windows 8.1 exclusive ISOsPRO [£$€ 15] Everything elseFull All-In-One Integrator (all tabs available)ESD Support (well converter anyway)Live OS supportWIM Registry EditorUnattended CreatorAll exclusive ISOsI best get back to programming Can you th…

    • 59 replies
  6. Portuguese-Brazil Translation (pt-br) pt-br.xaml

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by Legolash2o,

    Hey, so I've spent the last couple of days finally updating the website. Can anyone please provide feedback? For those user who have donated, send me an email and I shall send you a test username and password to check out the exclusive stuff but mostly to make sure they work

  8. Started by RootWyrm,

    EDIT - whoops, I meant to post up one level as this is 1.5.4.. can someone please move? Thanks! F:\7Toolkit>chcp 65001F:\7Toolkit>Set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS=1F:\7Toolkit>"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\cdimage.exe" -L"Shrike_Gen6" -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -h -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\BIOS.com"#pEF,e,b"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\UEFI.bin" "F:\7Toolkit\_WorkingImage" "D:\shrike_gen6.iso"OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering UtilityCopyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.Scanning source treeScanning source tree complete (1995 files in 319 directories)Computing directory infor…

    • 0 replies
  9. Started by Legolash2o,

    Here is your new USB Boot Preparation tool. Do you guys have any feedback? Requests, etc...? If you would like me to upload it, then just let me know, even though it's not finished but should be done EASILY by tomorrow night. Or even dinner time!

    • 17 replies
  10. Started by Legolash2o,

    Today I've been experimenting with cleaning up WinSXS. As you may know every month I create new ISOs, however I've noticed the size for an x64 image goes to about 17.5GB with all 500+ updates installed. I've successfully managed to cleanup WinSXS to reduce the install back to 11GB! The best news is that it boots and installed successfully without a single error Does anyone have any ideas of what I can try yet to reduce an image size? Any software you can suggest I install to see if it works? Any other test? At the minute it's just an extra exe which I point to the a mount path and it just automatically does its things. EDIT: Windows update did prompt 3 tiny update…

    • 23 replies
  11. Started by Legolash2o,

    Do you guys think it would be useful if I made a small tool which would help you localize WinWoolkit? For example, it would download the latest template and ONLY show you what needs translating. Feel free to ask for some other requests for it too Another example is that it will then give you the chance to upload your template and in Win Toolkit itself, the user has a chance to download it from a list of user templates

    • 4 replies
  12. Started by Thiersee,

    Hi Liam, in the new release same errors like this thread (manager empty after mount) and this thread (WAIK 8.1 necessary, otherwise error!); WTK does not check if it's installed! Installed in a VM, x64 italian, it takes the OS language if more are installed in "lang", but under "About" is en-US as language displayed, even if menus and texts are in italian. New icons look good! Thiersee

    • 3 replies
  13. Started by Legolash2o,

    The latest version can be downloaded from here: http://testing.wintoolkit.co.uk The tool itself is not finished yet. Tools worked on so far and their completion: Main Menu: 100%EXE to MSP Converter: 100%Language Pack Converter: 100%MSU to CAB Converter: 100%USB Boot Preparation: 98%ISO Maker: 98%WIM Manager: 30%

    • 27 replies
  14. Started by Thiersee,

    Hi Lego, 1) after mounting an image the WIM-Manager get empty, no chance to unmount (nothing to select)! Only possibility: start WTK 1.5.3.X and unmount the image. 2) Can't start if no folder "Temp" or "Mount" present on the drive and no chanche to set under "Options" Thiersee

    • 2 replies
  15. Started by Legolash2o,

    With the error dialog done (apart from uploading). Today I'm taking the time to update the icons and GUI of existing screens, and most likely bug fixes too. Not all icons are final but any feedback which you can provide will be helpful.

    • 2 replies
  16. Started by Legolash2o,

    Today I have been working on what happens during an error. If anyone has any ideas or general feedback, let me know UPDATE 20/07/2015: Further improvements have been made to the error handling system, which are the following: ScreenshotsScreenshots of the each window are automatically taken and shown in the 'More Information' section. Save XMLYou can now save the xml generated by an exception. <Error Type="Highest" Date="20 June 2015 13:11" WTK="2.0.5649.23735" DLL="2.0.5648.34733" Lang="en-US" Name="WIN-V5HL24AUG8N"><!-- Unhandled Exception -->Test<!--System.Exception: Test at WinToolkitv2.FrmMain.BtnTestBrowser_OnClick(Object sender, Routed…

    • 5 replies
  17. Started by Legolash2o,

    For those who are interested in what my desk looks like. This is my 'work' desk where I do all my programming although SVN does allow easy programming on my laptop when in bed Although you can't properly see it. That's the AIO Integrator being worked on. Hardware You can only see half of it, there's another two computers None of them are designed for games as I don't really play them. Lenovo C260 AIO, Intel J2900 Quad Core, SSD, 8GB RAM, touch screen, secondary monitorLenovo C260 AIO, Intel J2900 Quad Core, 4GB RAM. They sent two C260 by accident.HP DV7-5000CTO, i7 Quad Core with HT, 8GB RAM, SSDToshiba i5 Dual Core with HT, 8GB RAM, SSD. Provided by the UniversityDNS…

    • 4 replies
  18. Started by Thiersee,

    Calling AIO-Integrator, WIM-Manager, WIM-Reg-Editor, Driver- & Update Installer ---> error Thiersee Error has gone, I forgot an old DLL in the folder where I start WTK v2.

    • 2 replies
  19. Started by Thiersee,

    Hi Lego, does not crash, but doesn't recognize foreign languages. Edit: Seems not to install anything... Tested on a VM Win7, x64, HP, same result for updates. Edit: BTW: It seems to need DismAPI.dll, I had to install WAIK 8.1! Without it gives an error and hangs.

    • 3 replies
  20. Started by Legolash2o,

    Which would you guys prefer? Release every Saturday with multiple new features/enhancements but more testing done by me.OR A new release after each individual new addition but with less testing from me. Possibly multiple a day or sometimes every other day depending on how big a particular feature is.

    • 12 replies
  21. Started by Legolash2o,

    Firstly, if you have any suggestions about the improvements below or questions, let me know WIM ManagerThis is currently in progress. It now reads WIM files and currently mounted directories. Error Handling and LogsToday I have been working exception handling, this will allow finally catching any errors you experience within WTK 2.x. At the minute, any error will just crash the entire application. Another change is that the log file will now be in XML format to allow easier reading. <Error Type="Normal" Date="22 May 2015 19:23" WTK="2.0.5620.34850" DLL="2.0.5620.34850" Lang="en-US" Name="WIN-4588D1S56VL"><!-- Test Error -->An error has occured on purpo…

    • 6 replies
  22. Started by ThuGie,

    Will this> http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/58967-The-Integrator-face-palm-heard-around-the-world?highlight= Help shrink the install.wim file after intergration ? if so, could it be added to win tookit ?

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by Legolash2o,

    As part of the v2.x, I planned on revamping the exclusive downloads section. I've now moved it to a website in which you register and enter your license key too. Once registered you will be taken to a list of exclusive downloads. It is NOWHERE near finished and some downloads are still being uploaded but does anyone want to test the area and give feedback? Any ideas, comments, etc... UPDATE: No more places for now, got lots of feedback. I will ask again at a later date NOTE: All downloads should be uploaded within 2 hours as of writing this. The user details will only work for a while, like a day or two, as i'm still building it

    • 6 replies
  24. Started by Thiersee,

    Hi Lego, this test version crashes immediately after start! Could it be, becoause you didn' put the .DLL in the archive? Thiersee

    • 6 replies
  25. Started by Legolash2o,

    Just thought I would let you guys knows that I'm still working on the WIM Manager, adding support for ESD files