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Windows ISO Downloader

Support forum for the Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

  1. Started by Luciana Figuerôa,

    gentePreciso o seu

  2. Started by Ric_,

    Hello, Thank you for this program. While using it I accepted the running of your extra software in my computer. Later I found a folder, some subfolders, executable and session id in my computer, Luminati stuff. How can I securely remove it? My computer seems to be struggling a lot more now... Not sure when does it stop working also, but I want to delete it totally. Thank you for your time Regards

  3. Started by Karthik24,

    Hi All, Is there any way to download Microsoft 365 ISO from office tab? Please advise. Thanks, Karthik

  4. Started by Karthik24,

    Hi All, Is there any way to download Microsoft 365 apps in office tab? Please advise Thanks, Karthik

    • 0 replies
  5. Microsoft has deleted all Expression links. Please delete from your program as well.

  6. Started by ragabmostafa,

    Hey, I need to download MS office 2019 Pro Plus ,, when i choose this data in HEIDOC.Net APP .. the download is begin without i choose x64 or x86 I need x64 What should i do ? Thanks.

    • 1 reply
  7. Started by Ganesh Tawde,

    It is still asking me to enter product key, what should i do now ??

  8. no have the windows 10 spring updte (1803)of data

  9. Started by *Daniel,

    Hi, I am after filename and hash for win 10 enterprise 2019 LTSC, do you happen to have those details? Thank you

  10. Started by Philip Yip,

    It could be useful to add these to the tool especially if they have older versions of Windows 10 stored on their server: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/

  11. bonjour, J'ai acheté une clé pour SEVEN Intégrale et le lien pour télécharger WIN7 Intégrale Je suis actuellement sous VISTA Intégrale et je veux migrer vers SEVEN. Lorsque je me connecte je demande SEVEN et l'on me demande la version et dans le menu déroulant je n'ai aucune version qui s'affiche. Merci de me dire pourquoi ? Cordialement

  12. Le fichier ISO de la version efface-t-il les données et les applications. Cordialement

    • 1 reply
  13. Started by CM Chan,

    Hi guys, Is there any way to have the url for Office 2013 Professional Plus? I'd appreciate it if you'd help me.

  14. I don't see a scrollbar to navigate the left side pane having the 'Verify your download' section.

  15. more than 90 windows iso files direct download en-ru_windows_7_sp1_with_update_7601.27170_aio_20in1_x64_v24.06.11_by_adguard.iso - 3.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_june_2024_x64_dvd_c27b7955.iso - 6.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_june_2024_x64_dvd_c27b7955.iso - 6.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_june_2024_x86_dvd_3dbf0f69.iso - 4.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_95924b6a.iso - 6.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2024_x86_dvd_eec82c6d.iso - 4.5 GB en-us_windows_10_business_editions_versi…

    • 0 replies
  16. Started by dave duran,

    can i get windows 7 iso with this downloader tool? never mind...the tool doesn't even work. guess too old.

  17. Started by Lorraine,

    Trying to install Windows 8 from ISO -Downloader. When clicking on either Win . 7 or 10 it allows to select what version I want. When I click Windows 8 it just clicks the whole time and nothing happens - no selection comes up. I did previously install windows 8 on my computer ( currently windows 7) but then it crashed and I have to re-install win 7 . Want to upgrade to 8 but am unable to any selection as 8 keeps flashing and clicking. Please can you assist.

  18. Started by lighthsecats,

    trying to download my win7 pro (64x) version of OS. when I click on confirm, it sits, does nothing, no error message, Zilch! I need this now, what am I doing wrong? thanks for reply ASAP!!

  19. Started by ura,

    Hello, I just installed the Office but when I go to the link [...] to get the activation is not working, there's another link? Thanks!

    • 0 replies
  20. Started by German PL,

    seguro nadie usa esto, solo senmelo y ya xd

    • 0 replies
  21. need a link to download windows 7 pro sp1 french pls it won't work for me

  22. I need it in spanish pls, thanks! (I can't download it with the windows iso downloader, i check the option and the page is blank, it seems to load)

  23. Well i need it in spanish, pls. thanks in advance

  24. Started by perry75,

    I need a Win 7 image with no updates or service packs. Where do I find one? Trying to learn and perform a pentest.

  25. Started by EslamElbana,

    Waht Is The Best Version Of Windows 10 .... And Waht Is The Best Version Of Windows 8.1