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General Discussion

General discussion about anything - As long as it doesn't fit anywhere else.


  1. Post everything you think is funny in here!

    • 905 posts
  1. This error with the Windows PE comes and goes, and I have no clue what is causing it. ALL versions of PE fail, even though they worked before, and there ARE NO DRIVERS MISSING, there is no way around the error. And none of the drives show. It fails on both the vm, and the physical machine, even though I used wintoolkit to integrate the drivers for my machine, and it worked before. This is driving me nuts! Does anyone know what is going on here?

    • 1 reply
  2. Started by NIM,

    Maybe Wolf would be interested in this :naughty: Link

    • 1 reply
  3. Started by Xtremee,

    Hi all, What i post this topic about is: I have one receiver and have 2 TV's i wondered if there is any device that i can use to perform 2 different channel in each TV (i.e. the first TV show channel and my 2nd TV show different own) If there is any device plz let me know its name. Thanks in advance Regards, Xtremee

    • 2 replies
  4. There were lots of rumors about a New operating system from Google and now Google team has officially confirmed it. The Official Google Blog has announced about "Google Chrome OS":

  5. "Windows Live Planet" is a new social networking website launched by Microsoft. Its similar to other networking website like Orkut, etc. It allows you to create profiles so that you can create friends, search for friends. You can also chat with friends because of the integration of Windows Live Messenger.

    • 1 reply
  6. Started by cygnus,

    iPod (and other MP3 players) Bass Distortion Issues, Possibly Solved? -Originally posted on DAPReview Well, I have always said this about my iPod Nano and last night I finally found a solution to it. First off, if you have noticed that when you enable the Rock or Bass Boost EQ setting you may have noticed that the bass distorts. Or possibly you noticed the bass response is just pathetic anyway. First off, most music made now has been recorded improperly. The volume is set far too high, and as an iPod's limitation is roughly 100db - 105db, this type of music makes your listening experience poor. They do this because they honestly think that the loudert the music, the bette…

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by SnowBall,


    • 0 replies
  8. Hey I have been having speed issues with my torrents the last few days and I was wondering if anybody had any good recommendations or invites for good exclusive torrent sites. I want to test my speed with one of them see if its my ISP or not TIA ricktendo64[at]gmail.com

    • 5 replies
  9. Started by ricktendo,

    Hello: OK guys here goes, I just wanted to start this topic (again!) just to let you know that if you have any old PC parts you don't use anymore and are probably headed to the trash or PC Recycler that you would consider donating them my way PC parts are expensive in my country I can always use them for instance: I am trying to fix my moms PC that died a few days ago (needs a mobo for a athlonxp) so anything you may have (literally anything) I am sure I could put it to good use Ricardo Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) I have many to thank on this forum already for donating parts to me before that helped me build a PC and upgrade my old one (the one that no longer works…

  10. Oh, sad to say. I'm still a student and we've been assigned to give 100 keyboard shortcuts using ctrl(control) special key. Can you offer me this? Thanks.... :crying_anim02:

    • 8 replies
  11. Started by ricktendo,

    I have a UpdatePack for Spanish XP Sp3 and was wondering if anybody out there would be so kind as to help me with a website...something simple (nothing fancy) like this for the WMP11 Slipstreamer or Vista Codec Pack Important: I live in Central America, I cannot pay you so if anybody would be so generous as to offer your services free ty for reading Rick

  12. Started by ricktendo,

    Edit: Got a new motherboard and cpu, need help finding some compatible DDR2 Ram for it https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A68D8FCA27AE23DF!2700&authkey=!APajV-vaAYNoJq8&v=3&ithint=photo%2C.jpg

  13. Started by ricktendo,

    Sorry guys, PC fan finally died today (WD40 and mineral oil no longer do the trick to unstick the thing,) so if a addon or repack is a bit larger and needs to be compressed (like my updatepack, .net4*, etc.) I will not be able to update these until the replacement fan I ordered arrives from China (because the living room PC is not cut out for the job) https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7j154bccgmeh2o/VID_20131206_121835.mp4 Don't forget folks, if you have any old hardware lying around gathering dust..."think of Akeem." (FYI my stepdad is currently working in the US, shipping it to him instead of Central America should be allot cheaper. Thank you for your understanding

  14. Started by ricktendo,

    Not doing so well these days computer wise, my VAIO VGN-AR870 died a few months back, since then I have been using my former test rig Qosmio G35-AV600 with an external monitor and keyboard (because the ones on the Qosmio are not working)So I beg you to keep me in the back of your minds next time you have any old desktop parts laying around, I can probably (no definitely) use it. UPDATE!!! :omg: So really a good friend of mine in the U.S. is upgrading his PC and is willing to donate his (not so) old VGC-LV190Y AIO (here is a review of the beauty) I was wondering if anybody would be so kind and could help out with postage fees? :help: I only have a few bucks I made with A…

  15. How to send picture in an email composer area without attachment? I want to send email with image like gif, jpeg,... etc. but i am not able to paste any image in text box. I have seen some emails with images that is with image. How will i do it please suggest. I don't want to attach a image file. i tried Place the picture someplace on the web. Go to the picture and right click on it and copy. Do not copy the link, copy the picture. Now go to the email body or signature and paste it. The picture must remain on the web since a link is used and not the actual picture --> Don't work. I write the topic this the iamges that i need in the Office then copy all and paste in…

    • 5 replies
  16. Started by Don,

    Nice small Linux option. Homepage - Download

    • 6 replies
  17. Started by *Reaper*,

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to try and touch base with you. I haven't intentionally not been around. It would be easier if you just read this. It will explain what the last year has been like for me. http://www.gofundme.com/22bc4sk I WILL BE BACK... I'm just trying to get through this at the moment.

    • 1 reply
  18. Started by NIM,

    Dear members and guests, we have reached our 10 000 member mark. Welcome to our 10 000th member Meap! Hopefully we will continue to grow even faster from now on

    • 16 replies
  19. Started by cro-man,

    Want to make your PC more productive, secure, informative, and entertaining? These downloads and services will do the trick--and they don't cost a dime. Fantastic Freebies, Alphabetical Order * Active Web Reader * Ajax 13 * AllPeers * AOL People Connection * Audacity * Avast * AVG Anti-Virus Free * Backpack * Belarc Advisor * Blinkx * Bloglines * Clean My Registry * Copernic Desktop Search * Crimson Editor * DVD Shrink * Easy BCD * Easy To-Do * EditPad Lite * Eudora * Everyday Auto Backup * FastStone MaxView * Foobar2000 * FreeCRM.com * Free iPod Video Converter * Fresh UI …

    • 0 replies
  20. Guest beemarin
    Started by Guest beemarin,

    Has anyone heard of 300, the movie? It's based off of a graphic novel series, and it's being made into a (cool-looking!) movie... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG6FZZY9ciA Check out the trailer, it's awesome!

    • 4 replies
  21. Started by cro-man,

    Samsung 4GB DDR2 RAM: You call that a stick? Samsung has released the lab hounds, as it says it can now create DRAM memory sticks of behemoth-esque proportions, all thanks to a fancy new tech. It calls them 'stacked memory packages,' and Samsung says it can now create single DIMM sticks of DDR2 system memory, each measuring four gigabytes, with one of these new stacks of memory modules. These "wafer-level-processed stacked packages" are each made up of four 512Mb (megabits) -- or 64MB (megabytes) -- chips worth of high density DDR2 DRAM memory. Stacked on top of each other, it says these form a single module with a total of just over 2Gb, or 256MB. The individual 512Mb mo…

  22. Started by NIM,

    This is a small step for mankind but big step for WinCert.net We've reached 50 000 posts thanks to our faithful members and contributors.

  23. Started by NIM,

    1. DirectX 10 Without a doubt, Vista's support for DirectX 10 is the primary reason why gaming in the Windows environment will transcend gamers' wildest dreams and far exceed the visual quality of even the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. "When DX10 games come out, the end result will be a significant increase in visual fidelity," said Microsoft's Donahue. This means a marked increase in the number of objects and/or characters on the screen at a time, as well as dramatic impact on the level of background detail - trees, water, stars - in outdoor and indoor environments. It also means, for example, that characters' clothing and fur will flap in the wind. Based on the early gam…

    • 0 replies
  24. Q1. Tell me about yourself. TRAPS: Beware, about 80% of all interviews begin with this

    • 2 replies
  25. Started by pri2sh,

    Found a site called Windows7sins.org and it was explaining bad sides of windows 7the author of that website had included following sins or windows 7 ( explanation is in website) . Education DRM Security Standards Monopoly Lock-in Privacy microsoft do have domination is OS like Google have in internet