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383 topics in this forum
hello my name is 大†Shinegumi†大 You are not allowed to use that display name on this site. and im a member of wincert forum My old nickname won't let me recover my email, so from now on I'll be T3rM1nat0Rr3 大†Shinegumi†大 You are not allowed to use that display name on this site.
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hello my name is fatal-destiny and im a new member of wincert forum famous for several different things including being one of the top members on the fansite planet minecraft im also a 3 year legacy windows veteran and friends with mina7601 and several others on msfn anyways it good to be here and i hope to make some good friends here-fatal
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Hello, Just a child from the 80s here. Now a mom who loves reading tech forms.
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hello! my name is bliss-hunter (formerly legacyfan20 on here years ago) and I'm 22 years old and I'm a beginner game developer and open-source enthusiast I'm also into windows 7 and plan to someday make a gaming PC with it anyways it good to be back and I hope to learn a lot from here thanks -bliss-hunter
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Hello i'm Exilor and i'm a Windows Modder, i make modified versions of windows, in particular WindowsXP and Windows 7, i'm also making a modified version of Windows 7 called Windows 9 wich i know a guy already made it in 2014 but i want to make my version of Windows 9 better so if anyone wants to give me a suggestion you are free to tell me.
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Win10-Hater from MSFN here! I discovered this forum today so thought why not join!! I run Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 as main OS. I hope this forum will be a nice place for me to ask questions and also help others. Cheers, Win10-Hater
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Hello WinCert community, I am an IT enthusiast, been a repair tech and troubleshooter since 2010. I am at the mature age of 37 years. Looking to learn and start modifying my own windows builds. I am actually running on windows 11 but the forum did not have the option to choose so. so I chose win 10.
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can i uninstall APPS Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal Microsoft.MSPaint Microsoft.Office.OneNote Microsoft.People Microsoft.ScreenSketch Microsoft.SkypeApp Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub Microsoft.WindowsMaps Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder Microsoft.ZuneMusic Microsoft.ZuneVideo Microsoft.BingNews Microsoft.GetHelp Microsoft.Getstarted with Registry Tweak Tool v1.4.7.0 ???
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Sorry if I'm overstepping posting this in a Intro post Hello Guys, I'll get right into it, I know this is a welcome post but I thought I'd give it a shot. I found this place from raymonds dot cc forum so thank you to him. I needed to find a win 7 iso that works because I'm going through a terrible month long struggle of not being able to do any work on my machine. I've posted so many places and this is my last shot because I know if you can't help me than the problem must be me. So a quick briefly about the pain I've endured it started on a new acer laptop running win 10 from the shop, I tried everything to get my VM software to run half decent. Tried …
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hello all, stumbled on this forum do a search for something. Glad to be here.
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Bonjour , bonjour , ici une girls de 25ans la pour la bonne humeur l'entraide , et la pation d'apprendre . bizxx
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Hello everyone, I am Aeowulf. Been around forums for years, not sure how I haven't come across this one before. For those that may remember, I frequented Jan's old many years ago under a different name. Searching for ideas as to what happened to it is how I found this place, thanks to Bold Fortune's slimming down XP guide being spoken about here. If you were ever there, hit me up.
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hi to everbody ; first sorry for my bad english ; then my name is ferigno1(morrocan) i am 22 years old and i am very glad to be with you hope i can learn more more and thanks . Giàn phơi quần áo inox đôi Nói về giàn phơi quần áo inox, có rất nhiều cách phân loại. Chẳng hạn, chúng ta có thể phân loại theo. giàn phơi quần áo kép bằng inox Số lượng thanh phơi thì: Giàn phơi quần áo có loại 1 thanh phơi và loại 2 thanh phơi. Loại một thanh phơi hiểu là giàn phơi quần áo đơn, còn lại nhì thanh phơi thì người ta tuyệt hiểu là đôi (hay kép). Có loại 3 thanh phơi xuất xắc không? Xin thưa là có, có 4 thanh nữa. mà loại đó không thông dụng. Bạn có hưởng thụ thì bê…
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Hey everyone, i look forward to seeing this site grow, so to help it, im going to spread the word around to my friends. iv posted a link from my website to here as well. Hopefully it will help with growth. Its nice to see a forum full of people who are eagar to help one another, so to help with that too, i will help wherever possible. regards, cygnus
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hi, am Nirav Narang, I am 31 years old and am new to this fourm. I don't know what else to say but please support me. cheers. Have a NICE day😀
- 3 replies
Hi Guys’ I am brand new to this site and I have Just downloaded Word 16. I am an old f**t at 79 but getting well into manipulative videography editing (I just muck about with videos) I have been married for 56 years. I am a retired company Director retired for 22years. Nobody can take those away but the Big Guy upstairs. Arthur
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Hello, well I'm the youngest here so I need to introduce myself of course I'm completely in love with computers since when IBM started with IBM-XT8086 remember because it's at this time I worked in a junkyard and thus collecting rubbish in a company here in São Paulo (Brazil) I asked my boss: could you gift one of those weird TV's that we filled the truck and he said in turn can get boy this is not worth anything even what you think we could watch in these "weird boxes" so this was the fuse for me to start in this segment and never stopped until now ... hehe I think it is a path with no return; this way the little that I know I would like to share here and also learn as m…
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