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Tell us a little something about yourself.

  1. Started by angeloblu,

    Hallo forum I'm new and hope to find good :cap:

    • 3 replies
  2. Started by ricktendo,

    Was up putos just joined today, I see manny familiar faces from msfn.org :welcome: Hola

    • 13 replies
  3. Started by beats,

    Hello all, I guess most of you already know me from RyanVm.net or MSFN.org. I already knew WinCert but never bothered to register, till now. Cheers! beats

    • 16 replies
  4. Started by gamehead200,

    Hey guys, I'm sure some of you know me from MSFN.org. I joined WinCert.Net a few years ago but had N1K remove my account due to my inactivity on the site. I decided to rejoin after finding an old PM from N1K over at MSFN.org. Hopefully I can make a few contributions to the site! Cheers, gamehead200

    • 13 replies
  5. Started by khan,

    Hello Friends... I am New here...

    • 11 replies
  6. Started by MaisOui,

    Hey All! I was out looking for Bold_Fortune and found your forum. Great site. :thumb_yello: Can't believe I haven't been here before! Looking forward to spending some quality time with y'all. Cheers, ~MaisOui~

    • 13 replies
  7. Started by Aphoticom,

    I'm interested in XP, Linux, PSP/DS, N64, and other things. Forum seems awesome so far. Found the site from MSFN. If you need a file mirror contact me. Aphoticom

    • 11 replies
  8. Started by gamehead200,

    Hey there, Most of you know me from MSFN, I guess... Super mod there! Glad to be here!

  9. Started by Sreejith,

    Hi my name is Sreejith. I am from India. I am 14 years old.

    • 11 replies
  10. Started by IiTz ShAnE,

    Hey, I'm Shane and I am a Vista Modder I do my builds for NewAge-OS I'm here to learn more and hopefully place what I find here in future builds

    • 11 replies
  11. Started by cygnus,

    Hey everyone, i look forward to seeing this site grow, so to help it, im going to spread the word around to my friends. iv posted a link from my website to here as well. Hopefully it will help with growth. Its nice to see a forum full of people who are eagar to help one another, so to help with that too, i will help wherever possible. regards, cygnus

    • 5 replies
  12. Started by kirk,

    Like what I see hope to learn and contribute :thumbsup_anim:

    • 7 replies
  13. Started by anger2headshot,

    Hi. Ehh OK I'll say some more.... I use Windows XP (a MCE is my main yes I'm serious), I use Vista Transformation Pack, I make apps. One app I made is Vista Games Explorer for XP (I just don't know where I can release it) Oh, and I'm 13 y.o... At least I dun talk lik dis!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!111111111

    • 10 replies
  14. Started by x-shadow-x,

    Hello to everyone. I am x-shadow-x, but you can call me Shadow. I came from msfn and wanted to see what it is like here. Maybe help a few people (if I can).

    • 10 replies
  15. Started by Zachary,

    My name is zach quack quack

    • 8 replies
  16. Started by Ron,

    Hi You all, I am a new member from sunny Alberta, Canada. I just did a complete rebuild of my computer, with the help of WinCert, after it crashed from following instructions given to me by Microsoft and HP relating to "How to activate the Recovery Console. I'm tired after all. You can learn more about me if you like by clicking on the link to my web page: http://ron-old-folks-place.spaces.live.com/ Stay happy and healthy you all, Ron I wanted to set myself an avatar image but could not figure out how to do it, so I uploaded the image as a an attachment.

    • 8 replies
  17. Started by XvXBladeXvX,

    Hi All, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hey. I'm looking forward to contributing some training material for different certifications as well as looking forward to getting my MCP. Life is good, we have the internet. Blade

    • 9 replies
  18. Started by PorPorMe,

    I'm saying hi to all in Windows land. Been playing (and that is the true meaning of the word!) with computers since I got my first one, an 8086!, many moons ago. Am ret. on disability so saving up for upgrading takes some real skulduggery to keep it hidden from the wife! But in the words of Larry the Cable Guy "Get 'er Done!" Michael alias PorPorMe :thumbsup_anim:

    • 10 replies
  19. Started by Voltaxoo,

    Hi everybody on wincert forum ! Firstly i would introduce me as an regular visitor. I like all your projects. Then my Username as you can see is Voltaxoo. I'm from France near the Atlantic sea (Bordeaux City) I'm a man of 21. Well, i like all customizations softs and I'll try to find other things i like.

    • 8 replies
  20. Started by Nerwin,

    Hey everyone, You probobly know me from MSFN I use to be computerMan on there but had my name changed to Nerwin. my friend N1K who owns this site said I should sign up So I did

  21. Started by fulbomba,

    I am new here and I extend greetings to you all :thumbsup_anim:

    • 8 replies
  22. Started by UCFknight10,

    hey all. im UCFknight10, and ill be working on the Vista gadget for this forum. my home page is thehobbylounge.com. ive done lots of work on gadgets. you can see all my gadgets on THL as well. look forward to working with you guys.

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by tipu2185,

    Hello, My name is tipu. I am from pakistan. I have joined this forum to create my own customized windows cd with addons and shell pack etc. Thanks in advance for your support and help that you guys are providing. :thumbsup_anim:

    • 8 replies
  24. Started by domyrat,

    Hi guys, I'm Domagoj, 25, from Croatia :thumbsup_anim: I found this forum, and i find it interesting. Cya!

  25. Started by cisqo87,

    hello..i'm newbie here...i love to learn about windows and batch programming. hope i can improve myself here...learn..learn..learn...until???? :thumbsup_anim:

    • 6 replies