Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks related to Microsoft Software
154 topics in this forum
how to make multiboot dvd for : 1. Window xp pro sp3 and window 7 ultimate sp1 2. Window xp pro sp3 and window xp MCE sp3
- 18 replies
Is it possible to add a shotcut of control panel for desktop icons(such my computer, my documents, internet explorer etc. ) so that after the installation of window control panel icon is also shown with other desktop icons.
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I have searched & found a lot of "How to make a Boot Screen" in the web including MSFN Forum. But This link is way too old . I always use RyanVm Update Pack and the new ntoskrnl.exe i think is a bit different as shown in the tutorial. There is no 1 to 10 in the tree after i open ntoskrnl.exe . My tree shows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,14,15. I really want to learn how to make a Boot Screen of my own. I also want to know how to include the "Boot Screen" & the Logn Screen" on the Unattended XP CD. About the logon Screen , i tried to make some of mine using LogonStudio 1. But i want to make Logon Sceen like this one. My Last request is i want to know how to Modify And add t…
- 30 replies
sir i am new to this site. I download your MCE english version whose size is 165 MB. Sir i integrate it with nlite and also try with ryan integrator to xp pro but after installation of window there is no mce and all the other mce components like dance, themes etc. are not found. Only system properties show that it is mce. The integration sequence is given below - 1. Slipstream wmp 11 with slipstreamer 2. Make window gui attended and integration of my desktop driver with nlite. (all the next steps are integrated with ryan integrator) 3. Dot net frame work v1.1, v2,3,3.5 and then v4 4. Sndvol32.exe addon, screen saver addon, ie 8 addon and few themes addons. Sir please solv…
- 27 replies
Hi everyone! I am curious about this dll. It's included in the latest Chrome. It looks similar to .dlls installed by DirectX, but the highest of them is _43 AFAIK. And (also AFAIK) the latest DX is june 2010. So, my questions would be: - Does GOOG have access to something we don't? - Can we put it into system32 (or syswow64) safely? I already did and nothing bad happened. I'm hoping (more like praying) that other programs will pick it up when needed (again, on the wild assumption that they will be compiled with mysterious new compiler probably). - Maybe it's DX 8.2? - I want a x64 version of it! Yeah, not much of a questions, more like speculation, but what the hel…
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Here is just a Basic Guide on how to a perform System File Scan within Windows 7/Vista; (For Windows XP Users you will need to insert the Installation CD to use this function) Go to Start > All Program > Accessories > Right Click Command Prompt and Run As Administrator; Type In sfc /scannow and hit enter then let it complete the scan. (Remember to put a space after sfc ) Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Once the scan is complete type Exit and then Reboot your Computer The System File Checker will look for any system files/.dll file's that are corrupt and will attempt to fix these normally following a re start of your computer. This can also be run in…
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I was looking for a way to silently install the INF associated with an add-on. I found this website, which explained how to do so. To sum it up, the command line should read: rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection myinf.inf,DefaultInstall,1where myinf.inf is the INF that you want to launch and DefaultInstall is the section to use for installation. The 1 is an instruction to RunDll32 to run the command quietly, while a 2 would instruct it to use"no GrpConv", whatever that means. The numbers can be added together to get 3, which would instruct it to run quietly and with "no GrpConv". Please move that you will have to manually move the CAB file into a i386 folder for …
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RegTweaks_V2.5.7zRegTweaks_V2.5.7z March 14, 2013 There doesn't seem to have been a recent Windows 7 (or Windows 8) tweaks file posted in some time. So I've uploaded more than 165 tweaks in HTML format to make it easier to see helper files and folder and file paths that need editing; just unzip the files and click on tweaks.htm file. All the helper scripts are perfectly safe text files that you must change to a suitable file extention to work. You can open the reg_preview.gif file to preview what the html file looks like. There are also some suggestions for free apps to accomplish some of these tweaks without editing the registry file. CRC32 D065463CMD5 7719961CEBDC…
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How-To: Recycle Bin on the Start Menu By Cygnus, Tom, VA(s)T, ricktendo64, and oxcoxp NOTE: Also adds "Show Recycle Bin icon on desktop" to Folder Options, Show/Hide "Recycle Bin" to Start Menu Properties Instructions: Download INF file, right click on it and click "Install" then reboot. Disclaimer This tweak is freely distributable, but, if you are going to modify this registry tweak and post it on the internet, please give credit where its due. I do not condone plagiarism. So please give credit where it's due. Tom, VA(s)T, ricktendo64, oxcoxp, Arnab and myself worked hard on getting this registry tweak working. Thank you. Thanks go out to all who helped work on this pr…
- 83 replies
How To Integrate SP3 Into MS Office 2007 Here is a quick guide on how to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD. Right now 'Create A New Folder' to anywhere of your choice, I named mine 'Office 2007'; Now I created my new folder on my G:\ Drive Ok to be able to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD first thing you will need to do is Download the "office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe" file. Click on the link here to Download MS Office 2007 SP3 - (Now Download this to the same location as your as your new folder you just created.) As in the im…
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If you would like to setup up synchronization between two folders (local or network), but you're not sure on how to do this, this is the right tutorial for you. For this purpose I will setup a folder synchronization of my local folder with my network folder on Popcorn Hour device. I am using Windows 7 x64 and for the synchronization I will use Microsoft's SyncToy 2.1 Synctoy is a free application and can be downloaded from Microsoft Web site on THIS link. If you find provided link invalid, please Google for Synctoy and download the appropriate installation package (x86 or x64 version) Once you install the Synctoy you'll find it very easy to set up the synch. Run the SycTo…
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I am using Aero Peek very often to navigate through open applications/explorer items in the taskbar. If you use it too, you have probably already noticed that thumbs open rather slow when you hover over the taskbar application. Luckily there's a way to speed this up so the thumbnail opens instantly as soon as you hover over any open application in the taskbar. Here's how to do it: Hit Win ORB | Type REGEDIT | Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced In the right pane right click on on the white area and create a New DWORD (32-bit) Value (if you're using Windows 64-bit, if not mind the (32-bit). Type ExtendedUIHoverTime a…
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If you have the corporate policy to use only given screesaver, here's how to do it on Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate edition. Hit Win ORB and type gpedit.msc to start up Group Policy editor In the left pane of Group Policy editor navigate to: User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Control Panel | Personalization Now, in the right pane double click on the 'Prevent changing screensaver setting' and select 'Enabled' Close Group Policy editor You're done, it was fairly simple right Comments are welcome!
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You may experience the following error message when trying to run a Scheduled Task. SCHED_E_TASK_ATTEMPTED 0x80041324 The Task Scheduler service attempted to run the task, but the task did not run due to one of the constraints in the task definition. The cause of this issue is in the Conditions tab of the Scheduled Task Properties. For instance, you're using your laptop on the battery power to run the task, but the Conditions tab has 'Start the task only if the computer is on AC power' enabled. This way you won't be able to start the task. Either plug-in the laptop or clear the checkbox on that option.
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If you find taskbar thumbnails annoying, there's an easy way on how to get rid of this feature. Have in mind that there are a lot of suggestions on the net on how to achieve this, but none of that work, at least not on mine Windows 7 x64 Ultimate system. This suggestions include editing local security policy, editing registry and using keys like 'TaskbarNoThumbnail' (that is created if local security policy is edited), DisablePreviewWindow and so on. None of this works. Below solution won't disable the taskbar thumbnails, but rather will extend the delay of it. To disable the taskbar thumbnails in Windows 7 please do the following: Hit Win ORB | Type REGEDIT | Navigate …
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Here is a simple guide on how to perform CHKDSK in Windows 7/Vista _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chkdsk analyzes the physical structure of a disk to make sure that it is healthy and It can repair problems related to bad sectors, lost clusters, and directory errors. These types of problems can be caused in many different ways ie. System crashes or freezes, power glitches, incorrectly turning off a computer can also cause corruption in the system files etc.. Physically bumping or knocking a computer can cause the head that reads disks to hit the surface and damage sectors. Once some sort of error occurs it can…
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(You must only use this feature if you are 100% sure you will not need the old system restore points, because once they have been deleted... they are gone for good!) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ System Restore automatically creates restore points by making shadow copies of Windows, these copies can take up memory and build up quickly as you use your computer. By cleaning up System Restore points by Deleting all but the last restore point will free up memory and maybe slightly improve windows performance. ___________________________________________________________________________________…
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This Is Just A Quick Guide On How to change Advanced Appearance Settings Below I Have Shown A Couple Of Examples; I tried to make this guide as simple as i could Right click on a empty space on the desktop and click on Personalize; Click on Window Colour; Click on Advanced Appearance settings; Select the Item that you want to Modify; (Not all of these items will have the option to change the font/size/colour) Example 1 How To Change the Font > Size > Bold > Italic > for Icon's; 1. Click on the drop down menu under Item then select Icon 2. Now use the drop down munu under Size and select your required size. 3. Now select B for Bold to make the text more p…
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Rebuiding Icon Cache For Windows Vista & 7 Ok, if you are having problems with an icon that is blank or looking kinda odd for program you have installed on you pc, try uninstalling the offending program and then re install it, this will fix the issue normally. However, sometimes it isn't that easy when a lot or all icons are blank. This is due to the icon cache being corrupted which can be caused by a number of things. This will help guide you on how to correct your issue regarding blank icons by Deleting & rebuilding the icon cache; Ok, to be able to rebuild the icon cache you will need to locate and delete the file which will be hidden by default. (step 1) First…
- 4 replies
If you have to reinstall Windows XP you normally will have to reactivate too.Not anymore. Just copy wpa.dbl after you activated the first time. It is located in the WINDOWS\system32 folder. Now if you reinstall Windows XP just copy the file back and you're up and running again.
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Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista have both a TCP/IP connection limit that limits the half-open connections of the system. If that limit is reached a new entry in the Event Viewer is created stating “EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.”. ( I had a bunch of those logs in the event viewer ) Microsoft probably set this limitation to prevent worms and other malicious scripts from spreading to fast or to limit file sharing. Users will most likely notice that something is wrong when running P2P clients, slow downloads and timeouts are indicators that the limit is set. Slow browsing, no matt…
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How do add dll fines windows 7 installation disk what program does that
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Some of you might Google before you find out that Microsoft made a tutorial on how to customize a Windows 7 theme. For that purpose I will post that tutorial for your information. You can change individual parts of a theme (the pictures, colors, and sounds), and then save the revised theme for your own use or to share with other people. To change parts of a theme Open Personalization by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type personalization, and then click Personalization. Click the theme that you want to change to apply it to your desktop. Do one or more of the following: To change the background, click Desktop Background, se…
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Everybody's familiar with "virtual memory", right? You've got a page file on some disk somewhere, and you've got RAM in your case. You know how to open up Task Manager, look at the Mem Usage column to see how much RAM stuff is using. You know how to look at the PF Usage graph in Task Manager to see how much memory you're using. You think you know it all. :doh: You're wrong. I'm going to give a brief overview of the concepts of Windows memory management, and perhaps enlighten you a little in the process. Next time you want to burst into a thread and say that Foosoft Transmogrifier sucks because it's using 40,000K in the Mem Usage column, maybe you'll think back to this a…
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MDT 2010 and deployment from a USB key Ever wanted to put every version of Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, Server 2008 R2, and perhaps a version of XP or two on a single USB key? No? Then you
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