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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2012 in all areas

  1. The option to select your Windows ISO when using AIO Integrator or anything else that can select WIM or Extracted DVD, how about another option to browse For ISO then the program can ask for a location to extract the ISO then does it on its own without the use of other ISO software so then you need nothing but Win Toolkit to edit your Windows disks!
    1 point
  2. Legolash2o

    Bugs + Requests

    I'm very close to having all the bugs fixed, so here is what i need you to do. BUGS If you have reported a bug but it still hasn't been fixed and give that topic a 'bump' and any extra details will be helpful. If you haven't reported a bug and it still appears, then make a new topic and report it. I can't fix a bug i don't know about. REQUESTS Check the 'Requests' forum and the topics within that and 'bump' the requests you would like to see implemented first. However don't bump your own topics (cheating ) and DO NOT bump the 'Tweaks' or 'Removing Components' request thread as they will be done towards the end. Feel free to put your input / ideas into those threads i.e. how you would like that specific feature added.
    1 point
  3. I accomplish this same goal by adding the call to my SAD2 script to the sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd @ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion SET "LOGFILE=%systemdrive%\install.log" for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i: ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM :: Snip... :: :Drivers Start "" /max /separate %comspec% /c %CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd /s ::all processing finished, delete used files, and EXIT:: :CLEANUP IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts RD /S /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts >nul endlocal DEL /F /Q %0% >nul :EOF This process takes place after the main install is complete but prior to the first login.
    1 point
  4. SP2 isn't due to half way through 2013 There's already near a 1,000 updates (included outdated/replaced ones) for Windows 7 SP1 as it is. By Q2 2013, there will be loads more.
    1 point
  5. Between 2nd October 2009 and 29th May 2012 (2 years and 7 months) the download count for Win Toolkit just hit the 100,000 mark. link. Between 29th May 2012 to today, 11th August 2012, it is now at 160,000. That's 60,000 extra downloads in just 2 months. It must mean people are hearing about Win Toolkit Hope you guys are liking it, on most sites it's getting 5 out of 5 P.S. Feel free to chat about anything in this thread (off-topic)
    1 point
  6. Legolash2o

    Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^FIX: Services tab in AIO was very slow when sorting columns This was due to some code which updates the tab names and column widths each time an item was moved.^FIX: Services tab in AIO was very slow when using BlackViper presets This was due to some code which updates the tab names and column widths each time an item was ticked.^FIX: Removed 'RPC Endpoint Mapper' service, caused start services hang During Windows installation it would say setup is starting services forever...
    1 point
  7. Legolash2o

    Win Toolkit v1.4.0.x^NEW: Unmount screen will prompt if other wim editing tools are open on 'Save' This will notify the user if there are other tools such as RT7Lite open before the user saves the image.^NEW: New 'Add' option in All-In-One Integrator Rather than adding each folder seperately, you can now select the root and all the subfiles will get added.^FIX: FolderBrowserDialog went into root directy of previously saved If your last directory was 'C:\ExampleRoot\ExampleSub, Win Toolkit loaded 'C:\ExampleRoot' instead.^FIX: Fixed a few status messages in All-In-One Integrator Nothing major, it was just stuff like integrating 0 of 10 when it should have been integrating 1 of 10, etc...^FIX: Changing setup background could not find file ResHacker could not be found when changing the setup background.^FIX: Win Toolkit will save logs with UTC time This is just easier for me when reading the logs. Everyone has a different timezone so the dates didn't appear correctly.
    1 point
  8. I've just spent the last 2-3 hours investigating this and it now works.
    1 point
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