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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2012 in all areas

  1. Legolash2o

    Language Pack Converter

    The Language Pack Converter tool converts your langauge packs from the .EXE form to the .CAB form so you can use them to integrate into your Windows image, using either the All-In-One Tool or another program from a different developer. Step 1: Add the Langauge Pack(s) Click the Add button, browse for your language packs.exe Step 2: Starting the process Press the Start button and select the folder you want the .cab to go Step 3: Wait Items that go Green mean they have converted successfully, that's pretty much it.
    1 point
  2. For those that want to add the .NET installer and updates to their Win7 .iso, here's what I do. 1) Make the following folder structure on your .iso. You can use whatever folders you want, but you'll need to adjust the below code accordingly. %source_iso%\updates\NET45 %source_iso%\updates\NET45\32 %source_iso%\updates\NET45\64 (Where %source_iso% is the path to where your source files are kept.) 2) Put the dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe file in the \NET45\ folder. Put any .NET 4.5 .exe updates (when released) into the appropriate \NET45\32 or \NET45\64 folders. 3) Add this code to your %source_iso%\sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd @ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion SET "LOGFILE=%systemdrive%\install.log" for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i: ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% :PROCESSOR :: Detect OS bit-ness on running system. Assumes 64-bit unless 64-bit components do not exist. SET "ARCH=64" IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" ( IF NOT DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 SET "ARCH=32" ) ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 System architecture is %ARCH% bit. :NET-Framework-45 ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" ...................... ECHO Installing .NET 4.5 Framework & ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Installing .NET 4.5 Framework %CDROM%\updates\NET45\dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe /passive /norestart >>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 ECHO Installing .NET 4.5 updates & ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Installing .NET 4.5 updates FOR %%X IN ("%CDROM%\updates\NET45\%ARCH%\*.exe") DO ( "%%X" /passive /norestart >>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 ECHO>>"%LOGFILE%" 2>>&1 Executed %%X ) ::LAST entry! All processing finished, delete used files, and EXIT:: :CLEANUP IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts RD /S /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts >nul endlocal DEL /F /Q %0% >nul In this way you can drag & drop .NET updates into your .iso whenever they're released and keep it up to date with minimal effort. This isn't as compact as Rick's repack, but you can keep it updated yourself as needed.
    1 point
  3. Addon con Windows Live Mail modificado con apariencia WinStyle 7. Para quien usa este cliente de correo y el Winstyle, con esto se sigue la linea con la misma apariencia. Esta version es la misma del addon de Ricktendo, 2009 (Build 14.0.8117.416), de su addon Windows Live Essentials Gracias a Rick por su permiso por usar su constructor. Nombre: sscom_WLMail_14.0.8117.416_WS7.7z Tamano: 17.4 MB. CRC-32: f3510307 MD4: 0f645366f047f89264bc1c4d7e4e0e67 MD5: 3595a14cdfbaf24718563a62e76b8e9b SHA-1: 893012d31215126ca1ffd153fd4fa48eb94d6cb8 http://www.mediafire...cztilcghcob56st
    1 point
  4. Is it just me, or this site is really loading faster now?
    1 point
  5. Here ya go a switchless installer for this one.... Uninstaller entries included.
    1 point
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