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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2012 in all areas

  1. Resource Hacker 4.6.32 en Español
    1 point
  2. I knew what you meant. Let me tell you where I come from though. I have been the developer and caretaker of a app that is freeware and has been around for nearly 9 years. Over all of that time I have had hundreds tell me "If you add (Insert feature) I would gladly donate." 2 people ever followed through. My app has been downloaded millions of times and is used (Without any approval by me) in most popular warez windows distros. Over 9 years I have received (With the exception of two people that were very generous) @ 1500 usd total. After server and web costs that would leave me with @ 60 usd a year in donations. There are some weeks (I know the same applies to Legolash) I spend 40+ hours in development. It is a pretty big slap in the face to tell someone that you use their app and like it allot only to then say the above.
    1 point
  3. Working on Lite editions of v8 does anybody still use this? I will need testers (my PC not compatible) to see if I removed too much, Ive gotten it down to 35MB 7z compressed (somebody with better CPU could probably compress it further)
    1 point
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