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  1. Still attempting to get all updates integrated - KUC bad packages I'm still working with the exported Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit image off of the original ISO. KUC still shows 4 updates as being bad. When I check the Packages_out log I see these: -2660075 install pending Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu BAD A problem occurred ... remove and/or reinstall 2660075 -2660075 Not present Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu BAD/IGNORE A problem occurred .. you can't remove ... try reinstallation of 2660075 -2660075 Not present Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu BAD/IGNORE A problem occurred .. you can't remove ... try reinstallation of 2660075 -2660075 Not present Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu BAD/IGNORE A problem occurred .. you can't remove ... try reinstallation of 2660075 2615701 install pending Windows6.1-KB2615701-v2-x64.msu OK/REMOVE LDR version available. You can REMOVE this GDR version! 2615701 Windows6.1-KB2615701-v2-x64.msu ADD Do not uninstall 2619234 after installation of 2615701; else you will NOT be able to logon in windows again! 2660075 Windows6.1-KB2660075-x64.msu ADD 2736782 Windows6.1-KB2736782-v3-x64.msu ADD So after looking in the KUC download folder I can find everything except for the last one: 2736782 but luckily it's in the McRip folder I have. I have now created a third folder and merged copies from both KUC and McRip. Since KUC's commandlettes don't seem to be able to take care of these after numerous attempts I think it's time to try manually doing this through DISM. The plan will be to /commit to the mounted file since I haven't unmounted it while using KUC. Then I will remount it, get the packages.txt, check it for these files to see what is there or not, use the remove-package to get rid of 2660075 and 2615701, use the add-packages to add 2736782 and 2660075 then figure out how to install 2615701 in LDR mode. Once that is done I will unmount with the /commit, remount and pull the packages.txt again and check. Hopefully all will look right and I'll run it through KUC again to see if it passes.
    1 point
  2. The Beginning (The last 2 paragraphs explain about where I am currently and what's still giving me problems - windows install error 0x80070570 and 404 error for hotfix.cesidian.info breaking the Update Catalog) I'm going to do my best to try to start where I started but I've already started to lose some perspective on that just in a few days! I've always wanted to do something like this but thought it would take a lot of time and programming skills so I didn't bother but considering when my computer screws up bad it usually ends up needing to be reformatted, I figured I should look into attempting this. Originally I set out to integrate Windows Updates still thinking that adding anything beyond that was way beyond me. I eventually ran across a program called RT 7 Lite which I wasted some time attempting to use. Most of my time was wasted by the program telling me to select a valid windows installation even though I had that same file work before. Anyway I won't get into that program much more because it wasn't working for me. While messing with that program I read about other programs such as vLite and others which were similar to RT 7 Lite. I also saw mention of the various Microsoft development tools but I didn't pay attention because I thought they were way beyond me, so I kept looking until I found Win Toolkit. Up to that point the furthest I had gotten was trying to find individual's somewhat updated lists of Windows Updates that used Window's Updater or something like that. The more up to date list that could be loaded into that program was on a site that I would have had to register for so I just used the less current list from the programs website. As far as RT 7 Lite went, I eventually made it into the program a few times and thought I had integrated the updates I had download and even tried to slim down the installation but nothing stuck or worked. This just means that when I got to Win Toolkit I was already familiar with the concept of theoretically having a current list that could be loaded into a program to download all of the updates which would then need to be integrated, probably using another program. I registered here and posted to find out if this program could do what I wanted and with my answer I got started. Initially I downloaded Win Toolkit and checked out some of the tutorials. At the time it looked like there was a built in Windows Updater called Update Catalog. I was also referred in my first thread to compstuff's Integration thread which had an alternative to the Update Catalog. While checking that out I let the Update Catalog grab all of the Normal updates but not the Additional ones. Once it was done I used the All In One Integrator in Win Toolkit and then the ISO Maker. I should also mention that somewhere along the way I downloaded and installed VMware Player. I've never used it or anything like it but I had heard a bit about what it was. I installed the ISO with integrated updates from the Update Catalog without any installation errors, my only issue was that running Windows Update showed I needed roughly 100 more updates for around 220mb more. At this point I had read into compstuff's thread, browsed the link he provided to McRip's and Komm's Repositories. Mistakenly I downloaded McRip's McRipSF thinking it was the Windows Updates but figured that out when I looked at the file list. I then checked out Komm's site and realized that was for the Window's Updates so I downloaded KUC W7 Update Checker. This was a bit confusing for a while because there were all sorts of little things that kept screwing me up. I opened Komm's page on Getting Started and How to integrate updates into a DVD image. When I loaded KUC for the first time I understood that I needed to create the packages.txt file myself and assumed it would be done through the command prompt. Since there were two options, one /online and one /offline I had to figure out what that meant and figured out I needed the /offline instruction to work on a copy of the install file and not the one currently running on my computer. I struggled with getting the different syntax correct but got it figured out using the /? in the command prompt and google. Eventually I got the packages.txt created after constantly screwing up the /image path being to the directory where the copy of the install.wim was or actually pointing to the file itself. I also didn't pick up right away that putting >packages.txt was placing that file in the directory I was in under the command prompt. Once that was all sorted out I was able to run KUC. At first I selected everything as far as downloads went but didn't select the options check boxes like Komm had on his Getting started page. The updates downloaded and the commandlettes were created which I navigated to through the command prompt and ran there instead of clicking on them in Windows Explorer. I forgot to mention that part of my problem with getting the packages.txt file to work was figuring out how to mount the install.wim file and figuring out that it needed to be mounted in the first place. Anyway, it would appear that the updates integrated but when I made an ISO it wouldn't install correctly. I spent some time trying various combinations and attempting to re-install with no luck. Then I figured I would create a new packages.txt and check it to see if the updates had really integrated but they hadn't. I still don't know exactly what would happen because if I screwed up making the packages.txt file, it would create very fast and have some error in the file. If it worked correctly then the command prompt would take a few seconds to finish and drop back into the directory I was working out of. What didn't make sense to me was on the Integrate updates into a DVD page where it says run KUC /dvd-image-dir:c:\offline /up-dir:c:\wu /repo-dir:c:\wu\repo. I tried that in the command prompt which spit out something about an unrecognized command. laddnator's post #19 is what got things working as far as actually getting the updates to integrate. It didn't work at first because the program is NOT KUC updatechecker.exe, at least not the one I have; it's KUC W7 updatechecker.exe. If you can't tell, I'm not all that familiar with translating a common sense instruction into what technically needs to be done! laddnator's post helped because I realized that I needed to put the full file name with extension and had to use quotes to get around the spaces in the name. For some reason when doing it this way and clicking the commandlettes that were created, the updates actually did integrate. ======================================================================================================= I still have yet to get a good install though. I've had bad updates, removed them, had one that wouldn't update so I even added it through DISM manually but KUC wouldn't recognize it. I think it was KB2750841-x64. I read somewhere that if the install file or ISO is over 4gb it will fail with 0x80070570 which is the error I keep getting. After reading that I figured out how to use imagex to export just the Ultimate volume from my source ISO/extracted ISO files, compress it and cut it back into a copy of my source files which I then ran through KUC which gives me 1 bad update but no remove_old.cmd these past few times. I'm probably going to try and figure out which one it is and go from there. The other thing I should mention which I did mention in one of my posts in the other thread or in compstuff's thread was that I get a 404 error when trying to use the Update Catalog through Win Toolkit since yesterday. I've checked the other computer on the router and it can't access hotfix.cesidian.info either. I read online that it may be due to multiple connections coming from the same IP which might have been the case with the virtual machine running and the solution was to change the MAC address on the router to give a new IP and get off of the IP Band List as it was put but that didn't work. I'm not sure if this started when I started using the virtual machine or if it had to do with resetting the router and modem last night because of some strong winds effecting our internet service knocking the connection out frequently. I've also checked with some of the sites that tell you if a website is down or just having issues for you and they all came back saying it's just me. I can ping the site and I get the site's custom icon on the browser tab but that's it. Ok that's enough for now. I know it's a wall of text and I hope to come back later and clean things up and add some useful things in besides just bolding things.
    1 point
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    1 point
  4. Hola amigos aqui dejo una aplicacion muy util para convertir sus reg a inf ahora con una interfaz que le cree mas amigable. avances ... agrego acceso directo a enviar a y cierre automatico autorenombra si archivo existe agregando (2), (3).... etc... se desliga totalmente del sistema msdos conserva nombre original de archivo... Acepta multiples archivos Setup reg2inf 0.4.6 by n7epsilon con interfaz grafica md5:2B204E29F8E8BB8005754DE04A2E9B53 http://www.mediafire.com/?a5b353f6s7n192x y aqui dejo el Source de la aplicacion o codigo de Fuente app interfaz grafica por jonydread MD5: A31BB5699FEABB9C67D86E30D8E60875 http://www.mediafire...80g36k34rez28fb
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