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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2013 in all areas

  1. I can't connect to McRip's update servers with WinToolkit, but I believe I know why and I wanted to share a work-around for anyone else affected. I believe McRip won't accept connections from my IP address. I use Shaw Communications in British Columbia, Canada as my ISP. I suspect he did that to deal with whoever was attacking his site some months ago. You will know if you have the same problem if your Internet works with all other sites, but when you point your browser to http://hotfix2.cesidian.info/ you get no response at all (page doesn't load). If you get the 'NO ACCESS!' page, you do not have this problem. My work-around is to connect to a VPN service prior to running WinToolkit for updates. I used http://bestcanadavpn.com/ but I'm sure other services will work also. Clark.
    1 point
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