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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2013 in all areas

  1. This is the yumeyao LZX:21 mod of InstEd (you can credit him and ONLY him for this) For me, InstEd is unique because it can edit an msi file without touching SummaryInfo... Modificatioins: VC10 Runtimes removed from the pack. gdiplus.dll removed from the pack. Changed defaut option - Last Saved by - Don't change on save ----- this is what I mentioned above, not touching SummaryInfo. Allow hacking the executable to grant generating LZX-compressed cab files. (commandline switch: HACKLZX=1) Download the updated/repacked installer http://adf.ly/1713566/instedmsiMD5: 9d3afa16be6c4e70bd985af58b666428 Size: 2.04 MB Or download the MST so you can apply it to current (or future) version of InstEd yourself http://adf.ly/1713566/instedmst
    1 point
  2. I am going to attempt to document the process that I use to make my images using WinToolKit and a few other tools. This will be a bit of an ongoing documentary and I hope this will be helpful to others and I am also very open to the forum for suggestions and improvements .. after all I have learned everything I know about integration's from the numerous forums I am a member of. I do not profess to be any kind of expert or authority, in fact quite the contrary... I am a professional in the IT field but I am learning everyday and humbled all the time I would be remiss if I didn't start with some thanks to the many individuals and groups that have helped me for the years I have been doing this and if I missed anyone please forgive me as it is only an oversight and not a lack or appreciation. In no particular order My Thanks: RyanVM http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/index.php and far too many individuals on the forum to list here... for me this is where it began and I spent years doing amazing XP integration's thanks to the forum and the members DriverPacks http://forum.driverpacks.net again what can I say... they are unrivaled in their excellence at what they do and they literally did what no one else could at a time when the industry that was truly in turmoil. They then continued to provide something that no one else came close to. They helped me for years and I rely on them still WinCert & My Digital Life http://forums.mydigitallife.info/forum.php have taken my skills with Win 7 to an entirely new level... can't thank them enough for the tools they have brought to me Ricktendo http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10480-slim-net-framework-45-full-x86x64-1-08-2013/ has been my reliable single source of .Net development pretty much from day one McRip http://hotfix.cesidian.info , Komm http://windows-update-checker.com , Burfadel http://burf.cesidian.info/ , what can I say!!! Without your work I would give up and I am in awe... I could never do an image without your work and what your scripts do is magic Liam, this is simply the most amazing tool and the best supported/developed overall integration tool PERIOD! I will definitely mention other individuals as I continue this log Liam and/or Kel If this in inappropriate in any way or not what you want please just let me know and I will cease Lastly everyone be patient I am not a technical writer and for that matter I grew up in New York and some say I barely speak English :-)
    1 point
  3. Updated evalcom2.dll+mergemod.dll v5.0.9600.16384 and \Validation\*.cub from the new Orca in WDK8.1 final
    1 point
  4. THIS TUTORIAL ISN'T FINISHED YET SO STAY TUNED I WILL EXPLAIN MORE DETAILED BUT AT THIS POINT YOU CAN START WITH THE INFORMATION I PRESENT HERE Why: No need of any boot media except network connection Easy Update of Installer changes No space boarder (no DL-DVD or big USB Stick needed) Requirements: DHCP Server with Option 66 and 67 enabled and configured TFTP Server Syslinux Microsoft Windows AIK Windows 7 Installation files Steps to procede: Setup DHCP Server Prepare the Base Directory for TFTP Server Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup Tell Windows Setup howto find Wintoolkit_Apps folder: Setup DHCP Server: For my case (Corporate) i have a running Microsoft DHCP Server (Windows Server 2003) Just enable the DHCP Options 66 and 67 Option 66 is the Hostname or IP of the machine where TFTP Server is running on Option 67 is the Boot filename from TFTP Base Directory If you don't have a running DHCP Server you can use the buildin DHCP Server from TFTPD Prepare the Base Directory for TFTP Server: Create a Base directory called Boot or something wherever you want. (C:\Boot) Create a subdirectory called images (C:\Boot\images) Create a subdirectory called pxelinux.cfg (C:\Boot\pxelinux.cfg <-- is a directory!) Create a file without extension called default in the pxelinux.cfg folder (C:\Boot\pxelinux.cfg\default <-- is a filename) Extract the syslinux archive, find and copy the following files to your base directory: chain.c32ldlinux.c32libcom32.c32libutil.c32linux.c32memdiskmenu.c32pxelinux.0reboot.c32vesamenu.c32 Open the default file and paste: Attention, this is a fully paste from my default file, for a start you can delete the most to learn how it works. DEFAULT vesamenu.c32ONTIMEOUT bootlocalPROMPT 0TIMEOUT 50TOTALTIMEOUT 3000KBDMAP german.kbdDISPLAY boot.msgALLOWOPTIONS 1# Layout-Definitionen fuer das MenueMENU AUTOBOOT Automatischer Start von der Festplatte in # Sekunde{n}...MENU BACKGROUND /logo_2.16MENU TITLE Retsch GmbH - Informationstechnik © josMENU color title 1;36;44 #ffffffff #00000000 stdMENU color sel 7;37;40 #ffffffff #ffdaa520 allMENU color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #ffdaa520 allMENU WIDTH 82MENU MARGIN 10MENU PASSWORDMARGIN 34MENU ROWS 14MENU TABMSGROW 18MENU CMDLINEROW 18MENU ENDROW 30MENU PASSWORDROW 11MENU TIMEOUTROW 18MENU HELPMSGROW 22MENU HELPMSGENDROW -1MENU HIDDENROW -2MENU HSHIFT 0MENU VSHIFT 2MENU PASSPROMPT KennwortMENU IMMEDIATEMENU MASTER PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU AUTOBOOT Automatischer Boot in # SekundenMENU TABMSG Druecke [TAB] um die Optionen zu bearbeitenMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATEMENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU TITLE Retsch GmbH - Informationstechnik © josMENU LABEL ^1. PXE Menu (Administrator Kennwort wird benoetigt)LABEL bootlocalTEXT HELPErste lokale Festplatte und Partition booten.ENDTEXT MENU DEFAULT MENU LABEL ^1. ^lokale Festplatte booten KERNEL chain.c32 APPEND hd0 0 MENU SEPARATOR MENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /acronis.16MENU TITLE Acronis True ImageMENU LABEL ^2. ^Acronis True ImageLABEL Acronis True Image 2012 ISO MENU LABEL ^1. Acronis True Image 2012 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/acronis_ti_2012.iso rawLABEL Acronis True Image 2013 ISO MENU LABEL ^2. Acronis True Image 2013 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/acronis_ti_2013.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU END MENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /clonezilla.16MENU TITLE Clonezilla 2.0.1-15MENU LABEL ^3. ^ClonezillaLABEL clonezilla_i486_iso MENU LABEL ^1. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 i486 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-i486.iso raw LABEL clonezilla_i686_iso MENU LABEL ^2. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 i686 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-i686-pae.iso raw LABEL clonezilla_x64_iso MENU LABEL ^3. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 x64 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-amd64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU END MENU SEPARATORLABEL easeus_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^4. ^EaseUS Partition Master Workstation / Server KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/EaseUS_Partition_Master_Server.iso rawMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /gparted.16MENU TITLE GParted 0.14-1-6MENU LABEL ^5. ^GPartedLABEL gparted_i486_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 i486 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-i486.iso raw LABEL gparted_i686_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 i686 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-i686-pae.iso raw LABEL gparted_x64_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 x64 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-amd64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU ENDMENU SEPARATORLABEL dart_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^6. ^Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/DaRT70.iso raw LABEL erd2005_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^7. ^ERD Commander 2005 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/ERD2005.iso rawMENU SEPARATORMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU TITLE Windows Preinstallation Environment TI 3.0MENU LABEL ^8. ^Windows Preinstallation Environment True ImageLABEL winpe_x86_iso MENU LABEL Windows Preinstallation Environment 3.0 True Image x86 ISO KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/winpe/AcronisMediumx86.iso raw LABEL winpe_x64_iso MENU LABEL Windows Preinstallation Environment 3.0 True Image x64 ISO KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/winpe/AcronisMediumx64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU ENDMENU EXITMENU SEPARATORLABEL dart_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^9. ^Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Installation KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/win7_pro_x64.iso rawMENU END Place your images in the images folder Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup: Install Windows AIK Create a WinPE Folder (You need to change the paths to your needs): "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" amd64 e:\WinPE_x64Mount WinPE Folder: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:e:\WinPE_x64\winpe.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:e:\WinPE_x64\mountOptionally integrate drivers into pe: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:e:\WinPE_x64\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:e:\WinPE_x64\Drivers /Recurse /forceunsignedI integrated a LAN Driver pakage so it doesnt get problems when trying to mount a network share, that is needed because i install it over net share. Now we customize the winpe: Open the mount folder and goto Windows\System32 and open the startnet.cmd add the following line: setup.cmdCreate setup.cmd in Windows\System32 and paste the following (You need to change IP, User, Pass, Paths): @echo offnet use i: \\\System /USER:domain\user password"i:\Windows 7 Professional x64\setup.exe" /unattend:"i:\Windows 7 Professional x64\Autounattend.xml"This will mount the install sources and runs the setup. Unmount the WinPE: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:e:\WinPE_x64\mount /CommitCreate the ISO: copy e:\WinPE_x642\winpe.wim e:\WinPE_x64\ISO\sources\boot.wim"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -n -be:\WinPE_x64\etfsboot.com e:\WinPE_x64\ISO e:\WinPE_x64\WinPE_x64.isoCopy the iso to your Base\Images directory. Tell Windows Setup howto find Wintoolkit_Apps folder: Please use the (sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd) and add the following (You need to change things to suite to your needs): @echo offnet use i: \\\Wintoolkit /USER:domain\user pass THIS TUTORIAL ISN'T FINISHED YET SO STAY TUNED I WILL EXPLAIN MORE DETAILED BUT AT THIS POINT YOU CAN START WITH THE INFORMATION I PRESENT HERE I have big problems to explain things more detailed because of missing english vocabular and so on Greetz X23
    1 point
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