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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm not the best person to answer this but I can get you started in the right direction. Technically I will never fully comprehend how the guys are such experts at differentiating the superseded updates etc but the general forum about all of this is found here: http://forums.mydigi...tfix-repository McRip http://hotfix.cesidian.info/ and Komm http://windows-update-checker.com/ both maintain the "motherload" of updates along with amazing tools for their use. Komm's KUC is one of my main tools for developing and maintaining my integration's. Burfadel http://burf.cesidian.info/ also has toools and items that I use as well. If you follow the forum and use their updates and tools you should "learn" what you need but I won't kid you... personally I find this a daunting task and much of that is due to MS not releasing a service pack for so long which means using about 400 updates to maintain an image. EDIT: For got to mention that WinToolKit has the function to download the updates from McRip's repo and that gives you about 90% of what you need in one shot
    1 point
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