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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2013 in all areas

  1. I wrote this because I was unable to find any working tools on the Internet to correctly change the default browser association in Windows (such as if you want to use a portable edition of a browser). The problem with all of the other tools on the Internet is that they do not correctly handle .URL files. Since .URL files are text files - they have to be passed to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut" where the URL gets parsed by shdocvw.dll and then passed to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http. With other tools - the .URL files would open as text files in the browser instead of opening the actual URL itself. This script does it correctly. Download here: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/89803-set-default-browser-in-registry-correctly-handles-url-files/ Silent mode: If no command line arguments will show GUI. Will run in silent mode if argument passed to it on command line. Silent mode if successful does not write anything to command line / stdout (Autohotkey does not natively support writing to stdio)- if you are running in silent mode and the utility runs without any popups or warning dialogs - then the change was successful.Silent mode example: DefaultBrowserInRegistry.exe "D:\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe"
    1 point
  2. Argentina separo su zona horaria de (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones) "SA Eastern Standard Time" a su propio llamado "Argentina Standard Time", necesitas un addon (que ya hize y puse en la pagina principal) igual al a Venezuela que ejecute este comando para cambiarlo durante instalación (puedes ejecutarlo y probarlo tu mismo ahorita, abre una ventana cmd y ejecute) tzchange.exe /C "Argentina Standard Time" /V "SA Eastern Standard Time" /GSolo te lo cambia si tienes fijado "SA Eastern Standard Time"
    1 point
  3. Try running the installer (on a computer that has the hardware it supports) and look in [CommonAppDataFolder]Downloaded Installations\ BTW Updated
    1 point
  4. seraphism

    Bad News

    Hey legolash2o, Iv been absent for a while, im sorry to hear about troubles. im from the uk myself. i cant afford to buy you a new laptop, although if i could id get you one and send it to you without asking (well id need an address lol). Is there any way i could send you some money instead? You have made my life so much easier thanks to your wintoolkit. if there is a way, please send me some info in a pm and il try to get you some money asap. COME ON GUYS!!! THIS GUY HAS BEEN GIVING YOU HIS TIME AND ENERGY FOR MORE THAN 2 YEARS!! LETS MAKE HIS LIFE EASIER WITH SOME DOUGH!! WHOS WITH ME?!?!?! AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! :please: :ranting: :g: (please try to donate) Thanks.
    1 point
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