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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Hello Everybody, I've lurked around here for a while reading many of the interesting threads, of which there are many. I've come to the conclusion that there are a bunch of computer geeks around here! I say that with much respect, being a computer geek is a thing to be proud of! I've always been a hold out, it took me at least two years to go from Win 3.11 and 3.52 (NT) to Win 95 and I regretted doing that. Now I've recently made the jump from Windows XP to Windows 8 and was lost without a start menu, (Thanks go out big time to the author of ClassicStartMenu!) so I think that my computer geek badge is probably a bit aged and needs some serious updating, this looks like a good place to learn and hopefully do that! The one thing that I can offer is a promise to follow up to anything posted my way and that I will subscribe to the threads that I am active in or started because there's nothing worse than posting to someone that never responds to threads that s/he started or became active in. Well other than that, hopefully things work out well and I will eventually become an accepted member of your community here. All the best wishes, Johnny D
    1 point
  2. crashfly

    Quick Test

    Don't feel bad about that. I learned what the "original" definition of Gigabyte was before the storage companies decided to change it. That is why I still answer 1 GB = 1024 MB. Say what you will about the storage companies that changed the definition, I will stick with what I learned.
    1 point
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