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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2014 in all areas

  1. About: This is the business version of Skype MSI so by default it has no junk! Tweaked: Shortcut moved out of sub folder into All Programs, Run on Windows startup removed, Run after standard GUI install removed Differences between Skype installers: VBS Editor Script Option Explicit Dim ws, installer, fs, db, view, record, x Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set installer = WScript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 0 Then For each x in WScript.Arguments ProcessMSI x Next Else If fs.FileExists("SkypeSetup.msi") Then ProcessMSI "SkypeSetup.msi" End If '********************************************************************** '** Function; Query MSI database ** '********************************************************************** Function QueryDatabase(arrOpts) On Error Resume Next Dim query, file, binary : binary = false If LCase(TypeName(arrOpts)) = "string" Then query = arrOpts Else If fs.FileExists(arrOpts(0)) Then file = arrOpts(0) query = arrOpts(1) Else query = arrOpts(0) file = arrOpts(1) End If binary = true End If WScript.Echo query If binary Then Set record = installer.CreateRecord(1) record.SetStream 1, file End If Set view = db.OpenView (query) : CheckError If binary Then view.Execute record : CheckError Else view.Execute : CheckError End If view.close Set view = nothing If binary Then Set record = nothing binary = false db.commit : CheckError End Function '********************************************************************** '** Subroutine; Check errors in most recently executed MSI command ** '********************************************************************** Sub CheckError Dim message, errRec If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description If Not installer Is Nothing Then Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText End If Wscript.Echo "" : Wscript.Echo message : Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Quit 2 End Sub '********************************************************************** '** Function; Push changes to MSI ** '********************************************************************** Function ProcessMSI(file) Set db = installer.OpenDatabase(file, 1) On Error Resume Next QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdminExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdminUISequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `AdvtExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Component` WHERE `Directory_` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Component` WHERE `Directory_` = 'UpdaterFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart1'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart2'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterCleanup'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterConfig'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'SystemFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Directory` WHERE `Directory` = 'UpdaterFolder'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Feature` WHERE `Feature` = 'Updater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `FeatureComponents` WHERE `Feature_` = 'Updater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = 'SkypeUpdater'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'DeleteServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'InstallServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterCleanup'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeUpdaterConfig'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'StartServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'StopServices'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallUISequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SystemFolder_x86_VC.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart1'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action` = 'SkypeStart2'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleComponents` WHERE `Component` = 'C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ModuleSignature` WHERE `ModuleID` = 'Microsoft_VC120_CRT_x86.194841A2_D0F2_3B96_9F71_05BA91BEA0FA'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `MsiShortcutProperty` WHERE `Shortcut_` = 'SkypeDesktopShortcut'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Value` = 'DirectoryTable'") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Registry` WHERE `Component_` = 'SkypeUpdater'") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Registry` WHERE `Key` = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ServiceControl`") ' QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `ServiceInstall`") QueryDatabase("DELETE FROM `Shortcut` WHERE `Shortcut` = 'SkypeDesktopShortcut'") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Component` (`Component`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`Attributes`,`Condition`,`KeyPath`) VALUES ('SkypeRegistryRun','{7D53301D-E4F0-403A-9A1C-876F1544939E}','PhoneFolder','4','RUN = 1','reg08D3E7E5CD85CB55680CCDE42A2E2625')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Control` (`Dialog_`,`Control`,`Type`,`X`,`Y`,`Width`,`Height`,`Attributes`,`Property`,`Text`,`Control_Next`) VALUES ('InstallDirDlg','Run','CheckBox','20','140','370','18','19','RUN','&Start Skype when I start Windows','Next')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `FeatureComponents` (`Feature_`,`Component_`) VALUES ('Phone','SkypeRegistryRun')") QueryDatabase("INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`,`Value`) VALUES ('LicenseAccepted','1')") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Shortcut` SET Directory_ = 'ProgramMenuFolder' WHERE `Directory_` = 'ProgramMenuDir'") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Registry` SET Component_ = 'SkypeRegistryRun' WHERE `Registry` = 'reg08D3E7E5CD85CB55680CCDE42A2E2625'") QueryDatabase("UPDATE `Control` SET Control_Next = 'Run' WHERE `Control` = 'ChangeFolder'") Set db = nothing End Function
    1 point
  2. Legolash2o

    New Design v1.4.30

    In the latest test there is a new interface for the main form. The current one in v1.4.29 feels a bit outdated and has a lot of empty space so I thought I would redesign it. The new interface now looks more sleek and much more modern. Downloads and Tools have their own menu which allowed me to add a few more things. New icons, new layout, and just a new feel in general. Welcome I've removed the welcome tab and have made it a popup which will appear on the first load of WinToolkit. I've also made some changes to allow users access to guides and so on on that screen. Main You will see less tab pages but you will still see the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Updates sections. They have been made a bit bigger to fill in the white space but all I have to do is have more descriptions. Tools and Downloads The tabs which have all the tools and Downloads have been moved to their own menus. This allowed me to add more links now and also in the future. Each item has a tooltip so you can get an idea of what each one does. Menu Check for updates, links to blogs and the change log have been moved to the Info menu. This helps reduce clutter. Any Questions?
    1 point
  3. Skype is available...!!
    1 point
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