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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. i had many issues with final image - OS installation failed everytime, because some of the updates caused errors - i lost more than 2 weeks on trying to locate "bad" updates. So I totaly support RicaNiaga and bphlpt last message. No problems during integration does not garantee successfull installation at all.
    1 point
  3. @ Rica: this is the image I was testing on and it should work as it is original Microsoft image and as you can see the other languages integrated fine, the problem was the English pack. In romanian answer: Salut. Nu cred ca e vreun avantaj intr-un sens sau altul. Pur si simplu am la dispozitie o imagine si adaug orice pachet de limba de care cred ca o sa am nevoie. Nu ar trebui sa fie nici o eroare pentru ca poti efectiv sa inlocuiesti limba din imagine adaugand una care o vrei si stergand prima limba cu care a venit imaginea. Asa a gandit Microsoft. Probabil ca la origine e imaginea en-us pe care Microsoft a convertit-o in toate limbile individual insa a lansat si limbile separat. pentru instalare ulterioara. Avand in vedere ca pot fi integrate in imagine ca si actualizare e un bonus. Bineinteles ca asta mai ocupa si spatiu dupa instalare pentru ca le ai la dispozitie si le poti schimba din control panel (doar la Ultimate) ca la un telefon, dar baniuesc ca stii deja asta. Eu am nevoie de cateva limbi pentru ca am mai multe cerinte: un frate in Germania, o sora in Austria, mama unguroaica, un prieten in Italia care toti la rândul lor mai au prieteni daca ma intelegi... @ Lego: I didn't tested the install, just what I saw in the integrated list but as I said it just quicly goes to save the image. Don't know if it has the time to actual integrate the language comparing the time that it spends on the English pack to the other languages that it integrates. Yes, as it shows the other languages it should show the English too on the integrated. I'll wait for a test build with this fixed and i'll test it again with the install in VM too.
    1 point
  4. Just being Devil's advocate ... It seems to me that if integrating certain updates cause some users problems, but other user's are able to integrate them with no problems at all, such as Thiersee, wela, and mooms - all users with experience so I completely believe their results, then, no disrespect intended at all RicaNeaga, I have to agree that the problems with those updates are related to other integrated KBs, or at least an interaction between them. While I understand your logic that if they are causing anyone any problems that we can just move them to runonce where they won't cause anyone any difficulties, and it does seem a more fail safe solution, it would be ideal if that move only occurred if whatever causes the interactions was also included, if we can figure out what that is. Cheers and Regards
    1 point
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