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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2014 in all areas

  1. Universal Extractor Features: Includes updates and program improvements by gora, SendTo shortcut is on by default, Quick Launch only offered to Vista or bellow Download: Size: 7.55 MB Website: http://legroom.net/software/uniextract Gora: http://gora.7zsfx.info/addons ComponentList = 'docs - Documentation and licensing information | lang - Language files for internationalization support | kgb - Support for KGB files | pea - Support for Pea files | sit - Support for StuffIt files';TaskList = 'associate - Enable Explorer context menu integration | associate\files - Add UniExtract Files... to context menu | associate\here - Add UniExtract Here to context menu | associate\subdir - Add UniExtract to Subdir to context menu | associate\force - Force association with all supported archive formats | modifypath - Add Universal Extractor to your system path | sendtoicon - Create a SendTo icon | desktopicon - Create a Desktop icon | quicklaunchicon - Create a Quick Launch icon';ParameterList = '/APPENDEXT - Enables using TrID to identify and append file extensions to unknown files | /NOHISTORY - Disables archive and directory history functionality | /NOREMOVEDUPE - Duplicate files extracted by InstallExplorer will not be removed | /NOREMOVETEMP - Temporary files extracted by WUN will not be removed | /NOWARNEXECUTE - Do not display warning prompt before executing files for extraction | /NOUPDATE - Disables automatic update functionality';
    1 point
  2. Legolash2o

    RunOnce Issue

    The latest RunOnce issue is finally fixed in the latest test build.
    1 point
  3. Good news! I got my new motherboard and cpu today (she is a beaut) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A68D8FCA27AE23DF!2700&authkey=!APajV-vaAYNoJq8&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.jpg Unfortunately the memory did not. I dont know if it did not get there in time or they forgot it at home... I am sure it will turn up, there is no rush really
    1 point
  4. Everybody knows how to use ProfileItems to add/del shortcuts for your programs. And everybody knows the basic flags (so I will skip this part) Here is some exotic stuff you NEED and do NOT NEED to know about ProfileItems, including some new tips on how to add special types of shortcuts that do NOT go in the standard places like the All Programs group in your Start Menu. QuickLaunch Shortcut Example ProfileItems = Sidebar.QuickLaunch.AddShortcut [Sidebar.QuickLaunch.AddShortcut] Name = %SIDEBAR%,8,26 CmdLine = 16422,%SIDEBAR%,sidebar.exe SubDir = %QUICK% WorkingDir = 16422,%SIDEBAR% InfoTip = "@%%ProgramFiles%%\%SIDEBAR%\sidebar.exe,-1012" DisplayResource = "%%ProgramFiles%%\%SIDEBAR%\sidebar.exe",1000 [Strings] SIDEBAR = "Windows Sidebar" QUICK = "Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" SendTo Shortcut Example This is a double wammy, in addition of showing you how to add a shortcut to SendTo folder it shows how its possible to use ProfileItmes to make shortcuts to CMD and other files that were not possible before. ProfileItems = Reg2Inf.SendTo.AddShortcut [Reg2Inf.SendTo.AddShortcut] Name = Reg2Inf,8,9 CmdLine = 11,,Reg2InfHandler.cmd WorkingDir = 11 IconPath = 11,,shell32.dll IconIndex = 71;<- Include this for DLL/EXE files with multipple icons The secret of making links to files that cant normally be done using ProfileItems is IconPath and IconIndex, I point the CMD shortcut to the shell32.dll icon for CMD files but you can use any custom path to any icon. I prefer to point n7Epilson's Reg2Inf shortcut to regedit.exe like so IconPath = 10,,regedit.exe;<-You dont need a IconIndex for this, IconPath uses the first executable/library icon by default. How to add custom bookmark links for IE You can also Delete Bookmarks... More info bellow ProfileItems = RyanVM.AddBookmark [RyanVM.AddBookmark] Name = RyanVM's MSFN Files Page,8,6 URL = "http://www.ryanvm.net/msfn/" IconPath = 16422,%IE%,IEXPLORE.EXE IconIndex = 1 [Strings] IE = "Internet Explorer" Desktop & Folder Shortcut Example Another double wammy, the following shows how to create a link to a Folder (%WinDir% or WINDOWS) in addition to creating it in %AllUsersProfile%\Desktop ProfileItems = Desktop.WinDir.AddShortcut [Desktop.WinDir.AddShortcut] Name = WINDOWS,8,25 CmdLine = 10,,;<- Will NOT work without subdir commas WorkingDir = 0;<- Very Important you use Zero IconPath = 11,,shell32.dll IconIndex = 3;<- Folder icon number in shell32.dll Here are some of the special flags (more to come) you can use for all sorts of cool things (I have more flags but I wont post them because they lead to the Fonts and other useless directories) Not all of them work during Windows Setup In order to DELETE any of the same links as above using ProfileItems in your INF Uninstall, use the 0x0000000A,XX flag followed by the special number. Use the same one you used to add the link in the first place (just edit "XX"). Example: The following deletes "Windows Update.LNK" from %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu ProfileItems = MU.DelShortcut [MU.DelShortcut] Name=Windows Update,0x0000000A,22
    1 point
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