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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Information: doPDF is a free PDF creator that does what the name suggests, creates PDF files. Once installed it will allow you to convert any type of printable documents to PDF files. doPDF installs itself as a virtual PDF printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list and also in the list of All Programs. features: Reduced the size of the installer. Preserved the structure of the original msi, in order to avoid errors. changelog: [Current build] Changes in doPDF 8.2.929 (2-March-2015) Fix: First print from Internet Explorer had errors in certain situationsFix: Various other minor fixes Changes in doPDF 8.2.927 (10-February-2015) Various fixes for errors occurring during installation1bit images are now correctly convertedDistributing and using forms on client computers was not working correctly Changes in doPDF 8.1.923 (27-January-2015) Several fixes for installation errors were included in the past two builds Changes in doPDF 8.1.921 (16-December-2014) When installation fails users can send log files to supportCorrections for client computers when converting via the addin for Microsoft Office"The language not corresponds to the loaded files" error corrected installation options: doPDF.exe - Automatic installation doPDF + NovaPDF Driver + Office AddIn doPDF.exe -ai - Automatic installation doPDF + NovaPDF Driver doPDF.exe -ai1 - Automatic installation of Office AddIn if needed Supported OS: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008/2003/2000 Server (32/64-bit) Slim doPDF 8.0.921 Eng installer x86/x64 Download: https://yadi.sk/d/H5ntn72-ezLwC Size: 10.6 MB (savings of 30 MB on your HDD) MD5: 739096485D99A728B21C124DB99866DF Slim doPDF 8.0.921 Rus installer x86/x64 Download: https://yadi.sk/d/7SCVEv4_ezLvf Size: 10.6 MB (savings of 30 MB on your HDD) MD5: 82081C3E3583B20D1990CAD48A0CCFE9
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Hello, Voici les UL mises à jour au mois d'août Changelog identique entre x86 et x64 : Updates : KB2937610 (FW 3.5.1) remplace KB2898857, KB2844286, KB2863240 KB2943357 (FW 3.5.1) remplace KB2756921 KB2918614 KB2976897 remplace KB2876284 KB2978668 remplace KB2849470 KB2978742 KB2982791 KB2952664 passe en V4 KB2970228 KB2980245 KB2981580 Suppression de KB2699779, KB2729452, KB2789645, KB2798162, KB2876331, KB2904266, KB2926765 obsolètes d'après le log du nettoyage de disque. IE 11 KB2976627 remplace KB2962872 Réarrangement interne des fichiers de la liste. EDIT : Pour les versions x86 uniquement, WU redemande de temps en temps une partie de KB976932 pack SP1 de Windows 7 (3.9 MB au lieu des 541). Cela survient aléatoirement (deux fois sur trois tests en MV, et tout le temps sur une mise à jour classique en réél), et je n'ai ni d'explication ni de solution pour le moment ! EDIT 18-08-2014 : Retrait de KB2982791 (recommandation de MS du 16-08-2014). EDIT 21-08-2014 : Retrait de KB2970228, remise de KB2876331 suite au retrait de l'Update patch du mois d'août par MS. Désolé pour toutes ces modifications, mais là, ce n'est pas ma faute !
    1 point
  4. Hi rhahgleuhargh, if this can help you with the new list, here the links for the august updates 12-08-2014 Windows: http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/4/A/D4A2618F-4980-4EB1-8C56-72F80DEB9F07/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2976627-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/B/2/1B26EB6B-F9A8-47EF-8514-894C46E903C9/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2976627-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/B/5/AB57A8A0-DB67-42F4-ADBA-C1E3228AD514/Windows6.1-KB2937610-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/B/5/AB57A8A0-DB67-42F4-ADBA-C1E3228AD514/Windows6.1-KB2937610-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/3/E/43E3815A-0C85-43A6-8C3D-AAFD77D5A287/Windows6.1-KB2943357-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/3/E/43E3815A-0C85-43A6-8C3D-AAFD77D5A287/Windows6.1-KB2943357-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/9/94917BD5-F8E1-4CD9-AFC3-E9BD5CE041EB/Windows6.1-KB2918614-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/9/399F205D-C7F6-42CB-913B-A5D0687BA9C9/Windows6.1-KB2918614-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/E/E/FEE248F9-EE9A-40C1-9683-7A23D65AF426/Windows6.1-KB2976897-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/4/594B9DD1-17F5-4D66-A708-B47E9BEB5D17/Windows6.1-KB2976897-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/8/A/58AB6A71-2A23-4564-8BBE-771491073EE4/Windows6.1-KB2978668-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/B/6/4B6646A3-80D2-4BDA-866E-3A26D37C2C1F/Windows6.1-KB2978668-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/3/B/73BECB5F-F5C9-4802-B7DF-AEEC7508AF9E/Windows6.1-KB2978742-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/F/8/CF82AF63-21D4-4F6D-A5D5-A41720FF1B53/Windows6.1-KB2978742-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/C/2EC10A24-386D-4BEF-A028-967D146FC1A0/Windows6.1-KB2982791-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/9/6/B96EC102-8D83-4F6C-A51F-B634336BEA73/Windows6.1-KB2982791-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/5/A/65ACA483-5BAD-4544-8413-C46E4A30001D/Windows6.1-KB2970228-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/B/0/8B068E69-26E6-49CA-AC2E-7FBCD9AC983D/Windows6.1-KB2970228-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/9/2/C92E789E-F841-4CCE-A434-7EB447258D68/Windows6.1-KB2980245-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/4/594724AF-C15D-4E1E-BE3E-7ABC72BCC4BE/Windows6.1-KB2980245-x86.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/3/1/E316ABD2-719C-4A19-A763-B4CE86C90DEA/Windows6.1-KB2981580-x64.msu http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/1/F/F1FC2BBD-3125-41D6-8936-01462888139E/Windows6.1-KB2981580-x86.msu New updates (only windows): KB2976627 IE11, replaced KB2962872 KB2937610 .NET-FW 3.5.1, replaced KB2898857, KB2844286, KB2863240 KB2943357 .NET-FW 3.5.1, replaced 2756921 KB2918614, no replacement KB2976897, replaced KB2876284 KB2978668, replaced KB2849470 KB2978742, no replacement KB2982791, no replacement KB2970228, no replacement KB2980245, no replacement KB2981580, no replacement "No replacement" means no replacement at all or no replaced KBs in your list. Edit: there is another update on MS update-catalog: KB2952664-v4, not (yet) coming on WU: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Search.aspx?q=2952664 Regards, Thiersee Edit 2: Since last patch-day I get an update KB976932 (windows 7 SP1!) 5,9 MB big and ONLY FOR x86! (published 12.08.2014)
    1 point
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