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  1. bphlpt

    UpdateLists info

    @chytrusek, The issue is not whether SP1 is installed or not. The reason there is a big difference in the number of updates available from Windows Update vs Alphawaves Downloader is that Alphawaves includes all the updates from Windows Update, the ones dareckibmw refers to as "official updates", PLUS updates that are normally "request only hotfixes", usually meant to solve specific problems and not usually offered to the general public. In the old days, back when MS continued to offer Service packs for their OS, those request only updates would eventually be incorporated into a SP or roll-up along with the standard updates from Windows Update after MS had performed additional testing to ensure compatibility with existing systems generally available. Since MS no longer does that, it is up to you to decide whether you "want" those extra updates to get the latest versions of all the software components involved vs "risk" using updates that your particular system might not "need" based on your actual system use and hardware and other software you have installed. I, and many others, prefer the "be prepared" approach figuring that if MS has determined that an update solves a particular problem, then I want that update too so that just in case I am ever in that same situation then that potential problem will already be addressed. I have never had a problem created by taking this approach. dareckibmw, and many others, take the more "minimalist" approach figuring that MS has not determined that everyone needs those extra updates, so why increase the size of their installed OS and add more code complexity that is meant to address situations that they will probably never be in. Of course you could also take a modified approach of downloading the complete list, but not using the updates that definitely don't apply to your needs such as extra languages or whatever, but since many system components interact in not so obvious ways, that takes more knowledge and research on your part to do that successfully. That is also why I choose to not remove any system components, as some other folks do, but rather just disable the services and components that I don't need. You just have to choose which approach fits your needs best. As I said above, in all cases I am aware of, the update lists are meant for systems that already have SP1 installed or included in your install source. Cheers and Regards
    2 points
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