yeah, currently using it, I liked it. But, its buggy. Dont do any important work over this OS. You can also install it on another partition (dual-boot, as I do).
Auto IT is scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. I made a Auto IT script for KMPlayer. First download it and put in the same place with KMPlayer. Rename your KMplayer to KMPlayer (If another name). Now run kmplayer_Auto (Run as administrator for Windows 7 or later). It'll install your KMPlayer silently. Thanks a lot I didn't know about Auto IT.
Actualizado a version Nota: Se cambio el idioma de Español Internacional a Español Latinoamericano, esto me ahorra muchisimo trabajo ya que en cada nueva version tenia que comparar y revisar cerca de 8000 lineas de texto del archivo del idioma porque siempre esta mal traducida y el idioma Latino esta integrado a el instalador, a final de cuentas el idioma es muy similar. Gracias.