And, IDM (original) installer doesn't have a silent switch. You can use my repack (see the installer repacks section of the forum) & specify it's silent switch (/VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP-)(all other option switches are given in the thread main post), or you can use the silent installer for IDM (see the silent switchles installers section of forum)(no silent install switch required, it is already silent). Silent Installers means they are already silent. No switches are needed. In many installers, running the setup with the /? or /h or /help or -? or -h or -help switch shows a dialog box which contains the switches of the installer. If any installer has the .msi file extension, its silent install switch would be: /qn /norestart. Another trick: Open an installer, & press the cancel button. If the cancel windows looks like this: then the installer is built using inno. And the silent install switch for installers made using inno is this: /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- (for eg. uniextract & 7zip(32bit) installer) And, if the cancel dialog looks like this: then the installer is built using nsis, & all installers built using nsis have the switch: /S (for eg. notepad++ & wintoolkit installer) BTW you can post a new question (topic) regarding your uefi related (and any other) problems in the wintoolkit section of forum. Best Regards