Thanks a lot alfreire! I don't want to start it from the autoexec,xml, so I would need only the last part, but you set here USB, I need DVD, how can I modify it?
Hi Thiersee, I didn't test this method but I find people using this. Set a distinguishable file in the ISO (ex: myfile.txt) than ad this to the code @echo offfor %%a in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%a:\myfile.txt" set "drv=%%a:"
Donation sent....I don't expect anything in return,I just wanna say THX for your great tool,the time you invest to make it better,and you commitment to keep us updated!
If someone have downloaded them, it could post a mirror. You can download this version in the meantime.