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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Silent install: /qn (and/or other standard MSI switches, custom settings/options switches listed bellow) New: Supported command line switches to add serial number, change installation directory, enable/disable shortcuts, automatic updates, etc. during silent or gui install ;;; To add your serial number SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 ;;; To change installation directory INSTALLDIR=<directory> ;;; Add =1 to enable or =0 to disable the following (their <default> state is listed) DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=<disabled> QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=<disabled> STARTMENU_SHORTCUT=<enabled> AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=<disabled> COMPONENTDOWNLOAD=<enabled> DATACOLLECTION=<disabled> Example: If you want to automatically install with serial number and re-enable desktop shortcut & automatic updates <vmware-lite>.msi SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=1 /qn Optional: Version 11 no longer supports x86 so for 32 bit OS's you need to use version 10: http://adf.ly/1713566/vmwareliteold Or you may prefer VirtualBox Lite MD5: 4680873df8556af936fae393e471fbe2 Size: 70.3 MB
    1 point
  2. Revised script to hide updates... ' v1.0 - June 24, 2016 ' '## PARAMETERS ############################################################# Const numOfChecks = 1 'Number of times to check for updates Const actionHide = TRUE 'TRUE sets the isHidden flag, FALSE for testing Const runSilent = FALSE 'TRUE for silent run and quit, FALSE for report Const onlineCheck = TRUE 'TRUE to search online, FALSE to use locally cached information Const searchFilter = "IsInstalled=0 AND IsHidden=0" Dim hideUpdates(99) 'Number must be higher than the maximum entry below 'Comment out any updates that you want to KEEP hideUpdates(0) = "KB971033" hideUpdates(1) = "KB976932" hideupdates(2) = "KB2446710" hideupdates(3) = "KB2478662" 'Windows 10 related hideupdates(50) = "KB2952664" hideupdates(51) = "KB3021917" hideupdates(52) = "KB3035583" hideupdates(53) = "KB3068708" hideupdates(54) = "KB3075249" hideupdates(55) = "KB3080149" hideupdates(56) = "KB3123862" 'Optional features hideupdates(60) = "KB982670" '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile hideupdates(61) = "KB2901983" '.NET Framework 4.5.2 hideupdates(62) = "KB3102433" '.NET Framework 4.6.1 'Microsoft Software, available when Microsoft Update is enabled hideupdates(70) = "KB2526954" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60310.0 hideupdates(71) = "KB2512827" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60531.0 hideupdates(72) = "KB2617986" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60831.0 hideupdates(73) = "KB2668562" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.1.10111 hideupdates(74) = "KB2636927" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.10411 hideupdates(75) = "KB2977218" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.30514.0 hideupdates(76) = "KB3056819" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40416.0 hideupdates(77) = "KB3080333" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40728.0 hideupdates(78) = "KB3106614" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41105.0 hideupdates(79) = "KB3126036" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41212.0 hideupdates(80) = "KB3162593" 'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.50428.0 hideupdates(81) = "Silverlight" 'Match unlisted version hideupdates(90) = "KB3140479" 'Microsoft Security Essentials - hideupdates(91) = "KB2902907" 'Microsoft Security Essentials hideupdates(92) = "KB2876229" 'Skype for Windows desktop 7.3 '## MAIN ################################################################### Dim startTime, elapsedTime Dim updateSearcher, searchResult, update, numUpdates Dim reportHeader, reportBody, reportFooter Set updateSearcher = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Searcher") updateSearcher.Online = onlineCheck startTime = Timer 'Start the Timer numUpdates = 0 For n = 1 To numOfChecks On Error Resume Next Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search(searchFilter) If Err Then WScript.Echo "Network error" WScript.Quit 1 End If For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1 Set update = searchResult.Updates(i) For j = 0 To UBound(hideUpdates) If hideupdates(j) = "" Then 'Skip an empty (unused) entry ElseIf instr(1, update.Title, hideUpdates(j), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then If actionHide Then update.IsHidden = TRUE numUpdates = numUpdates+1 'Choose to report KBid OR update.Title 'reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & hideUpdates(j) reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & update.Title Exit For 'Found the update, therefore exit this inner For loop End If Next Next updateSearcher.Online = FALSE 'Force use cached copy after first online check Next elapsedTime = Round(Timer - startTime) 'Stop the Timer reportHeader = "Updates Hidden: " & numUpdates & vbCrLf If reportBody = "" Then reportBody = vbCrLf & "None" reportFooter = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total Time: " & elapsedTime & " seconds" If NOT runSilent Then WScript.Echo reportHeader & reportBody & reportFooter WScript.Quit '## END MAIN ############################################################### hideUpdates-Revised.vbs unhideAllHiddenUpdates.vbs
    1 point
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