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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Updated SxS 2008/2005 addons
    2 points
  2. Description: The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install runtime components that are required to run applications that are developed by using Visual Studio. These packages install run-time components of these libraries: C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, ATL, MFC, C++ AMP, OpenMP and MSDIA. read more. OS: Windows All Versions: VC++ 2022: 14.42.34226.3 VC++ 2013: 12.0.40664.0 VC++ 2012: 11.0.61135.400 VC++ 2010: 10.0.40219.473 VC++ 2008: 9.0.30729.7523 VC++ 2005: 8.0.61187 VC++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0 Vc++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0 + Legacy Visual Basic Runtimes Files Contents: vcredist_x64_Win7 / vcredist_x86_Win7: All runtimes for Windows 7 SP1 vcredist_x64_2022_WinAll / vcredist_x86_2022_WinAll: Visual C++ 2022 vcredist_x64_2013d_WinAll / vcredist_x86_2013d_WinAll: Visual C++ 2013, 2012, 2010, 2003, 2002 Visual Basic 6.0 Runtimes vcredist_x64_SxS_Win7 / vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7: Visual C++ 2008, 2005 for Windows 7 SP1 vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810 / vcredist_x86_SxS_Win810: Visual C++ 2008, 2005 for Windows 8.1/10 Important Notes: # Integrating SxS 2008/2005 addons require launching Wintoolkit with TrustedInstaller privileges, to gain write access to WinSxS directory for that, you need to use NSudo (or other similar tools): - download and extract latest release Binary.zip - launch Win32\NSudo.exe or x64\NSudo.exe, or run NSudo.bat as administrator - make sure User is set to TrustedInstaller - check "Enable All Privileges" - paste Wintoolkit.exe path in the lower box (or Browse to the file) - click run if you are using Windows 7 Simplix Update Pack, you don't need that, it already handle the required privileges # vcredist_x64_Win7 / vcredist_x86_Win7 is AIO addon, mainly to be used with Simplix Update Pack, or else you need Wintoolkit with NSudo # VC++ 2022 runtimes are binary compatible and upgrade to VC++ 2015-2017-2019 and cover all VS 2015-2017-2019-2022 programs # To complete VC++ 2022 functions for Windows 7/8.1, you need to integrate Universal CRT components, which is available with latest Monthly Rollup, or updates KB3118401/KB2999226 Download: vcredist_x64_Win7_20240813.WA vcredist_x86_Win7_20240813.WA vcredist_x64_2022_WinAll_14.42.34226.WA vcredist_x86_2022_WinAll_14.42.34226.WA vcredist_x64_2013d_WinAll.WA vcredist_x86_2013d_WinAll.WA vcredist_x64_SxS_Win7.WA vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7.WA vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810.WA vcredist_x86_SxS_Win810.WA you can find latest releases -> here SHA1 checksums: 05e938f354c059d89d846d2e9a7591d05154aa70 *vcredist_x64_2013d_WinAll.WA 534f1e53080819aeb58e3b060d7c6a0a76b4d4d4 *vcredist_x86_2013d_WinAll.WA 8cc9f65fc444a878d8cabd0ad317597edb552f07 *vcredist_x64_SxS_Win7.WA 886faa949e7d51a40dc8d467f65c373f887c2ec3 *vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7.WA 94e267e5e6ff89854bd64b6260333664a266c754 *vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810.WA 206fda69fa2d3fd838dd9e3ee33f35c4cd7a2cae *vcredist_x86_SxS_Win810.WA Credits to ricktendo for original repack AIO
    1 point
  3. Dear Community, If you've not yet looked into the details of the upcoming copyright reform in the EU, the following will shock you. No matter whether you're located in the EU or not, this will impact you, as all online portals that have a presence in the EU will need to comply. The proposed directive has just passed through the EU Committee of Legal Affairs, and will be voted upon by the EU Parliament on 23 March. If the directive passes through parliament as well, it will become binding law throughout the entire EU by 23 March 2021. So what does it mean, not only for WinCert, but every other online forum located in the EU, and even big portals like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc. that also have EU presences? 1. It will force upload filters on all these portals (article 13). So what are upload filters? Think about YouTube. They developed an upload filter that automatically tests any uploaded video for copyright violations, and automatically rejects any video that is flagged. Development of that thing cost them more than 100 million dollars, and it doesn't work properly. Everything that is user contributed (text, images, videos etc.) would have to be filtered through that software. As of now, it's a technology that exists exactly once on this planet, developed by Google/Youtube… They will set the pricing. They will decide who they're gonna allow access to it. Failure to comply with this requirement would be more or less equal to shutting down the forum. 2. It will prohibit the use of content snippets with links, unless the platform acquires a license from the publisher. So what's a content snippet? It's basically a shared link with an attached snippet. Paste a link into Facebook, Twitter, WinCert etc. and it will fetch and display a preview within the portal: So in order to do what I've just done here, after 23 March 2021, WinCert would require a license from ZDNet to use this snippet of content. Of course this rule would cover sharing of snippets by all WinCert users, and licenses from all news publishers. If any of you guys would share any snippet for which we're not licensed, the publisher could sue WinCert/HeiDoc/me for compensation, and we would probably also get fined. So am I exaggerating here? I wish I were... It really is going to be the disaster of the magnitude described. So what can you do, especially if you're a EU citizen? 1. Don't ignore the mess until it's too late. Be aware of the development, and share your knowledge about it, as it concerns everyone. 2. Sign the petition. 3. Use the hashtag #SaveYourInternet 4. Write to your MP/MEP, especially if they are pro copyright reform. An overview of all MEP and their view (pro/con/unknown) in the links below. 5. If you have a vote in the EU parliamentary elections in May, make sure not to vote for any copyright reform proponent. You can find both proponents and opponents across the entire political spectrum. 6. Join the protest (online and offline). Further information: https://saveyourinternet.eu/ (overview of all MEP and their view) https://savetheinternet.info/ (petition and list of offline protest events) https://juliareda.eu/eu-copyright-reform/ (Julia Reda MEP, Pirate Party; not endorsing the party here, but pointing to a prime source of information)
    1 point
  4. 1) The two speces are the default state from original installer 2) i use slim msi installers for all vcredist, msi entries do not have display icon by default https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist using original installers (specially 2017/2013/2012) will add many bloat files and registy: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1472819/ i could add custom display icon for each msi file (similar to .NET addon), but i'm trying to keep things minimal and default as much as possible 3) actually, upon further tsting, there are more diffirent registry values in COMPONENTS keys i will update Win810 addons 4) thanks for notifying, SxS entries are hard to keep an eye on i will fix that ASAP
    1 point
  5. Thank you! I'm starting to test, so far I checked x86. 1) In the Uninstall section "2010 x86" has 2 spaces. "DisplayName"="Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219" 2) No icons in many entries. Pic1 what is it seen, Pic2 how can it be. 3) I think the changes between SxS_Win7 and SxS_Win810 are too small to make different addons. 4) A few errors in the entries: vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7\VC_x86_2005.reg in Components\x86_microsoft.vc80.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_cbee8c4a4710d003 has "\" in "f!mfc80u.dll" and "f!mfcm80.dll". vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7\VC_x86_2008.reg in Components\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.7523_none_4bf3b680bf9ea69d has "\" in "f!mfc90u.dll" and "f!mfcm90.dll". 1-3 items are not critical. P. S. Checked x64 - all the same.
    1 point
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