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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2019 in all areas

  1. If you want to make other reg files into nLite addons to pre-integrate use OnePiece Reg2Inf - https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9409-tool-dx-tool-x86x64/?tab=comments#comment-121332 Open up the INF file created with Reg2Inf and insert the INF entrys below [registry_addreg] into the template like the above file. https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/7560-please-help-how-to-make-a-addon-that-will-apply-registry-tweaks-before-windows-starts/ https://www.nliteos.com/addons/index.html#registry_addreg
    1 point
  2. You can make a nLite addon for this to insert the registry entry into install media registry. 1. Make a file called Entries_POSReady.ini and put in the following contents ;======================================= ; Entries_POSReady nLite Addon Registry Keys ;======================================= [general] builddate=2019/11/10 description=Entries_POSReady language=English title=Entries_POSReady version=1.0 website= [registry_addreg] HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WindowsEmbedded\ProductVersion", "FeaturePackVersion", 0x0, "SP3" HKLM, "SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady", "Installed", 0x10001, 0x1 2. Zip the file into POSReady_Regtweaks.zip 3. Add the zip file as addon into nLite
    1 point
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