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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi guys...just checking in. Nothing to say, so I'll shut up.
    2 points
  2. Philip Yip

    DELL service tag.

    As I said the systems shipped with a Dell Windows Vista "Edition" Reinstallation DVD, Dell did not provide a ISO file to Download. In any case the Operating System Reached End of Life 2 years ago and is no longer supported by Microsoft. All systems Dell sold with Windows Vista are over a decade old and long past the system's warranty period so not supported by Dell either... These 2006-2009 models should run Windows 10 32 Bit without an issue. At this stage running Windows 10 32 Bit even unlicensed without a Product Key is more functional (even with all the personalisation options greyed out) and more secure than running Windows Vista 32 Bit.
    1 point
  3. Philip Yip

    DELL service tag.

    The ISOs I mentioned above are unmodified and listed using the Windows ISO Download Tool. They contain all the languages listed above (note they do not contain English UK). I would personally recommend using Microsoft's Windows 10 ISO over the Dell Windows 10 ISO.
    1 point
  4. SnowBall

    DELL service tag.

    I also have a few Windows XP Dell OEM images but not from service tags. I got them years ago and they are still sitting on my hard drive. The Windows 7 image was last updated in 2016... Unlikely Dell is going to update it... Not sure if it is possible to find a service tag that could unlock Windows XP Downloads. Regards, SnowBall
    1 point
  5. Jan Krohn

    DELL service tag.

    Are you sure there are updated iso files? My understanding was that whenever Dell makes a new iso file available, it could be downloaded with existing service tags, but maybe I'm mistaken about that. Anyway, if you provide a service tag that qualifies for a file that's not yet available through the tool, just let me know the tag, and I'll make an update available.
    1 point
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