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  1. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes

    geodasoft and 2 others reacted to abbodi1406 for a post in a topic

    3 points
    Updated VC++ 2022: 14.40.33617
  2. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    SunLion and one other reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    2 points
    That's good to hear. Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not a dev, just an advanced user, and it's v3.4, not v3.4.7, the 7 is part of the file extension of the 7-Zip archive.
  3. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    大†Shinegumi†大 and one other reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    2 points
    Rar Unlocker is only needed if the archive is locked. You can launch it, it have a GUI. I don't know what is the problem with your Windows install, maybe you should try to install a version without any modifications. You can also try to run the maker in a virtual machine if you're familiar with.
  4. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    alnaloty and one other reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    2 points
    I've made a new version of the script, rewritten from scratch. No more 7zip SFX, instead the WinRAR installer is updated with WinRAR (WinRAR must be installed). No need to uncompress the themes, the script will do it for you. Dropped support for multi arch, as WinRAR will only be 64 bits starting with 7.10 anyways. Dropped support for nLite/RVMi addon cration, not needed anymore. This script should work with any version of WinRAR. I had to include RAR Unlocker as the WinRAR installers are often locked. And still: support for rarreg.key support for adding custom registry keys. Read the included readme.txt for more information. The script should not trigger any false positives from AV, but the created installer could be blocked by your AV, if it's the case, add it to the exclusions (or pause real-time protection before running it). For now it's considered beta, and I will keep v3.3 in the front page. Please test it and report if it works for you. WinRAR_SFX_Maker_4.0.zip
  5. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    geodasoft and one other reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    2 points
    Maybe your AV is blocking the file. I've created a Bulgarian version and it installs fine, here it is: https://www.sendspace.com/file/n9t2eh Can you share the sfx created ?
  6. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes

    raddy and one other reacted to abbodi1406 for a post in a topic

    2 points
    Updated VC ++ 2022: 14.40.33807
  7. 2 points
    Updated KB5036615 (4.8.4718.4)
  8. 2 points
    Updated KB5034615 (4.8.4700.4)
  9. 2 points
    Dear Forum Members, I'm happy to announce that the WinCert platform (forum and blog) has been purchased by HeiDoc. HeiDoc is a specialized blog and platform focused mainly on Microsoft products, and other areas of IT and technology, such as Amazon and SAP Netweaver. HeiDoc is also the home of the "Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool", and the "Amazon Global Product Price Check". WinCert will not be fused into HeiDoc, but continue as a separate community under its own brand and domain. We will keep the changes to the existing WinCert forum to a minimum. A new support forum for the ISO Downloader and a German language subforum will be added. And we'll revive the community, which apparently has slowed down a bit over the past few years. As I'm in the process of relocating from Cambodia to the Netherlands, it might take a bit of time to implement the changes, but once I'm settled, I'll be working full-time on HeiDoc and WinCert, so you can expect some considerable improvements over the upcoming months!
  10. We’ve upgraded the WinCert Forum!

    mooms reacted to NIM for a post in a topic

    1 point
    We’re excited to announce that our forum has been upgraded to the latest version! We're still fine-tuning the design and customizing various elements, so you may notice some temporary changes or minor issues. Please bear with us as we continue to make improvements. We truly appreciate your patience and support during this transition. If you encounter any bugs or have feedback, feel free to let us know. Thank you for being a part of our community!
  11. Cheat Engine is an open-source tool whose sole purpose is to help you use tricks and cheats on your favorite video games, therefore allowing you to manipulate and change all sorts of parameters on them. This tool is very useful to find where some value (usually a number) is stored in the memory of a program. Usually numbers are stored in 4bytes form, but you could also find them in double or float formats, or you may want to look for something different from a number. Changelog: • IPT log can now be displayed as a tree in the format as "break and trace" • updated the tcc library to a more recent version • {$luacode} doesn't need dll injection to function anymore • auto assembler DB command has been updated to allow relative changes. e.g: DB +1 +2 will increase the bytes 'db' is done at with 1 and 2 respectively • you can't destroy luafile stream objects anymore. You now have to destroy the luafile itself • added more language support for AA scripts • added a new debugger interface: gdbserver (please let me know what and how you use it and the issues you have) • error out scripts that try to access GUI controls from other threads. (remove threadsafegui.lua if you don't want it. But it's there for a reason...) • tablist can't be clicked while scanning is active • removed the close button from the comments dialog • comments can now save empty spaces • memoryregion view columns can be sorted now •C code: ANDROID define set on android targets • lua: disassembler view now has a SelectionSize property • lua: caretX and caretY are now exposed to synedit • lua: TSynAutoComplete can be created (for those that want to implement autocomplete in lua/aa) • lua: ModuleLoader can now load streams and tablefiles (handy for dll injection without extracting the dll) Homepage: https://cheatengine.org Cheat Engine 7.6.0 Repack & Portable (15.7 MB) • Type: Install | Unpacking. • Languages: ML-7. • Removed: Bloatware. • System: x64 | x86 • Additionally: Extras languages added • Portable: Paf @jooseng • Extra: dbghelp.dll was removed for being able to run on Windows 7 Note: based on private developer patreon release: https://www.patreon.com/cheatengine Note: based on private developer patreon release: https://www.patreon.com/cheatengine Download: /////////////
  12. Will you update this for 7.6? Cheers!
  13. These packs are created by LosVagos997 via from OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 v1.0.9 and I integrate Embedded updates using DXUPAC from updates according to this Embedded Updates list for English language only, it also compatible as part of XP2ESD project to simplify Windows XP setup in 2024+ OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.1.0 FINAL ENU (English) - v1.0 (includes IE8, WMP10, Silverlight 5.1.50918 and Flash Player Update (May 15, 2019) Update (May 15, 2019) SHA-1: BAA167C193ABA8F8B69C0B3811B25E92F6E9213E Filesize: 212872868 bytes (203 MiB) OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.1.0 FINAL ENU (English) - v2.0 (includes IE8, WMP11, Silverlight 5.1.50918 and Flash Player Update (May 15, 2019) Update (May 15, 2019) SHA-1: 51896A2CCECFA8A346784F8FA217579FA543B076 Filesize: 216430127 bytes (206 MiB) OnePiece Windows XP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2019.08.20 FINAL ENU (English) Update (August 20, 2019) Update (August 20, 2019) SHA-1: 73F5284AEFD17EF80068B937034DB53BB9C73BFF Filesize: 30029431 bytes (28 MiB) OnePiece Adobe Flash Player v32.0.0.465 True AddOn ENU (English) Update (December 9, 2020) Update (December 9, 2020) SHA-1: E437560AC5D54907C1285834B1B5589A Filesize: 10138051 bytes (9 MiB)
  14. 1 point
    Description: The .NET Framework is a popular development platform for building apps for Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Windows Azure. The .NET Framework platform includes the C# and Visual Basic programming languages, the common language runtime, and an extensive class library. read more. Info: The .NET package will be slipstreamed as pre-installed OS: Windows 7 SP1 Notes: - The addon will conflict with some Windows Updates (.NET 3.5 Family), so leave the addon's integration to the last. - Add main addon first before LangPack addon, to get ASP.NET service localization properly. - To function properly, .NET 4.7.x require D3DCompiler_47.dll component, which is found in either the current "Monthly Quality Rollup" or "update KB4019990". It is recommended to integrate it first, or you can install it later. Windows6.1-KB4019990-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB4019990-x86.msu .NET 4.8: .NET 4.7.2: Languages Codes Reference:
  15. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    大†Shinegumi†大 reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Version 3.4 Suppression de 7za, le script utilise 7-Zip, vous devez donc avoir 7-Zip installé. Plus besoin d'extraire les thèmes, le script s'en charge. Mise à jour du module SFX en version 1.70.3900.
  16. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    stashekmajcherc reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Version 3.4 Removed 7za, now the script will use installed 7zip instead (you must have 7Zip installed). No need to extract the themes anymore, the script will take care of it. Updated 7zsd.sfx to 1.70.3900.
  17. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    mooms reacted to stashekmajcherc for a post in a topic

    1 point
    I tried by stoping Defender, Mooms but the result was the same-real suprice-I never got any problem with sfxmakers-I got winrar and mozzila.Mozzial is ok,but winrar still show me the same message.By the way is any chance to see maker for waterfox for different languages???Or only with availible packs?Thanks Mooos-you are the best global mod dude!Keep going!
  18. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    stashekmajcherc reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    It's written in the first post in bold.
  19. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    geodasoft reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    I don't know why Mediafire AV is suddenly flagging the file, probably the sfx module. I've reuploaded it with a password to avoid this problem.
  20. 1 point
    These are various registry scripts for Windows 7 to tweak and speed up / optimize by removing unneeded features. Contains: Bagregkeys_MakeReadOnly.bat =Master Commands Batch.bat =power options reset.bat =Tasks Delete.bat AppCompat.reg Autoplay - Disable Autorun.reg Chrome - SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning.reg Command Prompt.reg ContextMenu and Properties Windows - Remove Previous Versions Option and Tab.reg ContextMenu Remove Include in library.reg ContextMenu Remove Run As Administrator.reg ContextMenu Remove SendTo.reg ContextMenu Remove Share With.reg ContextMenu Remove Troubleshoot Compatibility.reg Control Panel - User Accounts 2.reg Device Manager Show NonPresent Devices.reg DiskQuota.reg Explorer Dont Track Broken Shortcuts.reg Explorer Hide Shared Documents.reg Explorer Left Tree and Save As Dialog - Remove Network.reg Explorer Misc.reg Explorer Open With - Always use the selected program.reg Filesystem.reg HomeGroup.reg Internet Explorer.reg Internet Options - Automatically detect intranet network.reg IO System CountOperations.reg Keyboard.reg LNK - Disable Shortcut Text.reg Logging WinEvt.reg Logon - OptimalLayout BootOptimizeFunction.reg Memory Management - Disable kernel paging.reg Network and Sharing Center.reg Network IPv6 disable.reg Network Location Awareness - EnableNoGatewayLocationDetection.reg Performance Counters.reg Performance Monitor - Data Collector Sets.reg Personalization - Desktop Background Black.reg Personalization - Desktop Icons.reg Prefetch Superfetch.reg PropertySheet Remove Customize Tab.reg PsExec EULA Accept.reg Regional and Language - Change ShortDate Format to yyyy-mm-dd.reg Reliability TimeStampInterval.reg Remote Assistance.reg Server service - filesystem cache for filesharing minimize.reg Sound - Play Windows Startup Sound Disable.reg Startup Shutdown Verbose.reg System - Crash Dump Disabled.reg System - Visual Effects.reg SystemFileAssociations remove.reg Taskbar and Start Menu Cleanup.reg Telemetry.reg USB Polling Interval.reg VirtalBox Disable Logging Env Vars.reg WBEM EnableEvents.reg Window Metrics.reg Windows Media Player.reg WinMerge.reg WinRAR.reg Zone Checking For Files.reg Desktop and Shutdown.reg Disable automatic updates.reg Disable Recent Programs.reg Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links.reg Disable UAC notify.reg Disable User Account Control UAC.reg Disable Web Services.reg Disable window animations on minimize maximize.reg Dont mark new applications.reg Services Background Intelligent Transfer Service.reg Base Filtering Engine, IKEEXT, IPsec PolicyAgent.reg BITS.reg Certificate Propagation.reg Computer Browser.reg Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.reg Diagnostics.reg Distributed Link Tracking Client.reg Function Discovery Provider Host.reg Function Discovery Resource Publication.reg IP Helper (needed for IPv6).reg Multimedia Class Scheduler.reg Offline Files.reg Protected Storage.reg Remote Desktop.reg System Event Notification Service.reg Themes.reg Windows Defender.reg Windows Firewall.reg Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache Windows Search.reg Windows Update.reg
  21. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes

    raddy reacted to abbodi1406 for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Updated VC++ 2022: 14.42.34430
  22. WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4

    大†Shinegumi†大 reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Version 3.3 Updated 7za to v2408 Added 64 bit version of 7za Updated the script to use 64 bit 7za on 64 bit OS Removed UPX compression on 7zsd sfx module to avoid AV false positives
  23. 1 point
    Updated KB5044027 (4.8.4762.2)
  24. Thunderbird SFX Maker 5.5

    cyberyeye reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Voici un script batch qui va télécharger Thunderbird dans la langue et la version de votre choix, puis modifier l'installateur pour le rendre silencieux. Il peut aussi créer un AddOn RVMi/nLite. Mode d'emploi: Extraire le contenu de l'archive dans un dossier Lancer Thunderbird_SFX_Maker.cmd ou downloader.cmd Vous pouvez aussi ouvrir Thunderbird_SFX_Maker.cmd avec notepad et modifier certaines variables pour éviter une ou plusieurs questions (voir fichier readme). Les fichiers sfx sont créés dans le dossier output Les fichiers d'installation originaux sont téléchargés dans le dossier download Thunderbird_SFX_Maker_5.5.zip SHA1: D6D00BDE18357D992BFA8E8C0182D0A80093AC17 Taille: 2,93 Mo
  25. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes

    raddy reacted to abbodi1406 for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Updated VC ++ 2022: 14.42.34226
  26. 1 point
    Updated KB5041954 (4.8.4749.3)
  27. 1 point
    Updated KB5039891 (4.8.4739.4)
  28. Thanks, but I have some Windows 7 Media Center ported to XP MCE 2005 with some addons. You can visit my MCE2010 at: .
  29. 1 point
    Changes in Brave 1.67.119 (Chromium 126.0.6478.114): Fixed “Learn More” link within the Solana Associated SPL token account creation tooltip. Fixed crash when switching between grouped tabs in certain cases. Fixed crash on Linux when certain keyboard shortcuts have been removed via brave://settings/system/shortcuts while vertical tabs are enabled. Upgraded Chromium to 126.0.6478.114. (Changelog for 126.0.6478.114) Changes in Brave 1.67.116 (Chromium 126.0.6478.71): Upgraded Chromium to 126.0.6478.71. (Changelog for 126.0.6478.71) Changes in Brave 1.67.115 (Chromium 126.0.6478.56): Web3 Added support for “Retry transaction” for failed Solana transactions. [Security] Fixed Brave Wallet WebHID connection prompt for Solana. Updated onboarding for Brave Wallet. Updated Solana transactions to rebroadcast every five seconds. Updated ZCash endpoint URL. Updated the deposit icon on the “Accounts” page. Updated the deposit icon on the “Asset Details” account menu. Updated the “LiFiTransactionResponse” JSON to show string value for “chainID”. Updated the size of the “Review send” button on the panel. Updated “Deposit” screen to full window height. Updated “Buy” screen to full window height. Renamed “Binance Smart Chain” to “BNB Smart Chain”. Removed “Brave Fee” for all “Swap” transactions in Brave Wallet. Fixed incorrect deposit address being shown on the “Deposit” screen. Fixed missing “Connected sites” option when non-Solana network is selected. Fixed “Receipt” button in transaction status panel to show transaction receipt within the panel. Fixed missing network icon on “Asset Details”. Fixed inconsistent size of card header buttons on “Account Details” and “Asset Details” screens. Fixed the token list alignment on the panel. Fixed “Portfolio” filter visibility on dark theme. Fixed Brave Wallet not using device locale formatting on “Portfolio” time graph. Rewards Added “Brave Search Ads” toggle to “Manage Brave Ads” on brave://rewards page and updated default display behavior. General Added Brave Search support to Brave Leo. Added ability to use quick actions via “/” under Brave Leo panel. Added markdown rendering to certain Brave Leo responses. Added permission for location service to help improve geolocation accuracy on Windows and macOS. Added “Update lists” button under brave://adblock to force-update all adblock components. Enabled Media Router feature by default. Implemented dark mode scrollbars on Windows. Re-added “Safety check” section under brave://settings/privacy. Improved Google Docs compatibility with Brave Leo by supporting full page summarization. Improved PDF compatibility with Brave Leo by supporting image based PDFs. Updated pricing for Brave Leo. Updated Brave Leo model intro and added tooltip for more details. Updated Brave Leo CTA button text for non-premium users. Updated product header for Brave Leo. Updated labelling on certain language models listed in Brave Leo. Updated Brave wordmark on the New Tab Page for both Private and Tor windows. Updated “Share” menu icons. Updated header for side panel to be lowercase. Replaced “Llama 2” with “Llama 3”. Deprecated “Claude Instant” model. Removed background graphics from Brave Leo onboarding. Removed known Salesforce Marketing Cloud tracking parameter “et_rid” from URLs. Removed known Blackbaud tracking parameter “bbeml” from URLs. Fixed labelling and rate-limit messaging for Brave Leo as well as removed the “Switch to basic model” button from rate-limiting modal. Fixed the “Snowflake” option for Tor bridges not working on Linux. Fixed de-AMP to only apply to HTML pages. Fixed items which have been removed from the sidebar being re-enabled. Upgraded Chromium to 126.0.6478.56. (Changelog for 126.0.6478.56)
  30. This is an old topic, not maintained anymore. You can use Abbodi repack: https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/
  31. office 365 offline installer

    raddy reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
  32. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes

    raddy reacted to abbodi1406 for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Updated VC ++ 2022: 14.40.33810
  33. 1 point
    Updated KB5037916 (4.8.4729.3)
  34. Chrome 124 makes it easier to install any website on desktop You could install any website as a web app-style window for a long time on Chrome for desktop now, but the process wasn’t very intuitive. Rather than using a dedicated installation option, you had to use the Create Shortcut option in Save and Share in the overflow menu, and then tick the Open as window. You may not have to remember to tick the checkbox in future Chrome versions With Chrome 124, you can make the decision to turn a website into a windowed app right inside the Save and Share menu, saving you from the rather complicated route with the checkbox. To enable this, you currently need to turn on the chrome://flags/#web-app-universal-install and chrome://flags/#shortcuts-not-apps flags. Chrome 124 works on a bottom bar for the Google app Chrome experimented with a bottom bar interface a long time ago on Android, and its iOS version recently received an optional fully bottom-based interface. While there isn’t any evidence that Google is working on something like that for Chrome for Android, the company might do the second best thing and add a bottom bar to Chrome custom tabs opened via the Google app. That’s basically all we know about it at this point, with Chrome 124 only showing early evidence that this is coming. The bottom bar might house Google-specific options or ways to dive deeper into search, but that’s just speculation. Chrome 124 preps a Circle-to-Search-style feature for desktops Google is working on a serious Lens upgrade for Chrome on desktop, and we might just see a new Android feature make its way to the browser. It basically works by turning your current tab into a screenshot that you can use Lens on. Right now, that’s about everything we can glean so far, but given that Google recently introduced Circle to Search on select Samsung and Google phones, we can imagine that you’ll be able to select different portions of the visible website and use it to dive into a search session. Chrome 124 lays groundwork for a new keyboard shortcut Chrome 124 is adding preliminary work for a new keyboard shortcut. Rather than remembering your operating system’s sometimes convoluted way to exit a fullscreen window, you’ll simply be able to press and hold Esc to achieve the same. This isn’t currently live, though. Chrome 124 stores local passwords in Play services on Android You can use Chrome as your local password manager on Android when you don’t sync your passwords with your Google account. Thanks to the most recent changes to the way Google works with passwords, it will change where your credentials are stored on Android, though. With Chrome 124, local passwords are now stored in the Google Play Services, much like they already were with the cloud-based version of the password manager. This means that the interface looks slightly different, but the new version should be more reliable for autofilling in other apps. This policy was already in place with Chrome 123 for new users, but the migration is now happening for everyone with Chrome 124. Silent installation Silent installation Windows 7/8 تثبيت صامت Silent installation Google Chrome 109.0.5414.120 AIO windows 7 last version Install Silent
  35. All XP Theme Source Patcher packs and batch files can be found at the following link: https://xptsp.github.io/categories/xptsp-themes/ Apologies for the links to xptsp.com being down.... I was forced to shut down the website because I didn't have the money to keep it going. Losing one's job will cause one to reassess priorities.... I regret to say that the site will not be coming back up. To buy the domain name again would cost me $8,389.25 USD (as of this writing).... I don't have that kind of money and I wish I never let it go.... Amazing that domain name sellers can charge an exorbitant price for something like that....
  36. 1 point
    Check https://repacks.de/index.php?file/291-universal-extractors/ (maybe you need german ip/vpn)
  37. Changes: from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5: removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location) added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned) reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed make some error messages more descriptive added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd lua: added ceserver commands lua: show a stacktrace on execution error lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode) made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3: ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector) ceserver: added change memory protection capability ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI .netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server lua: added virtualstringtree lua: added invertColor lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring) autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2 ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft. ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64] disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name better arm disassembler and assembler better arm64 disassembler and assembler the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings) added an option to skip loading .PDB files a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads added ranges scans to groupscan freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries texttraces now don't save as .cetrace but as .txt now ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects lua: added getOpenedFileSize() lua: added onHelpEvent callback lua: added releaseDebugFiles() lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols() lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1: added .Visible property to treenode entries added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews added arm64 disassembling and assembling added lua function "runCommand" added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps. conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten) dotnetinfo: Performance improvement memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards tracer can now step over rep instructions lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified added architecture distinguishing to ceserver pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it added nested structure support added string based custom types ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses Fixes: from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5: vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued monodatacollector: fixed invoke method dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3: ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options fixed some documentation in celua at some points fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ] fixed enumExports lua function fixed issue where vehdebug would crash fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging fixed the disassembler backlist fixed termination issue on the memscan object from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2 Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ] VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example fixed speedhack on wine 7.0 fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1) fixed .net info instance lookup issue fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1) fixed runcommand fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1) mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1: fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected fixed the "all" type when not using double fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata fixed paring value starting with a - or + fixed assembling pmovmskb fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one) fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore
  38. Utilitaires [25.02.26]

    ivite reacted to mooms for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Version 24.04.02 Autoruns v14.11 CPU-Z 2.09 CrystalDiskInfo 9.2.3 CrystalDiskMark 8.0.5 HWMonitor 1.53 HWiNFO v8.00 RegScanner v2.75 ScreenToGif 2.41 USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.0 WifiHistoryView 1.65 WinScan2PDF 8.72 WizTree 4.19
  39. Remove corrupted mounted image

    mooms reacted to jvalzert for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Thank you so much mooms, the solution you kindly provided worked. Like a charm.
  40. 1 point
    skins are not installed
  41. https://archive.org/download/digital_river Read the file xxx17index_file.txt to know which iso is which.
  42. Addon Maker

    SunLion reacted to Legolash2o for a post in a topic

    1 point
    This tool lets you create addons for Windows 7 Toolkit, this tool has a lot of potential, more than people realize! Used correctly, this tool can have your progams pre-installed after Windows installation. This tool is the most complex, but you becomes very easy to use ones you get your head around it but this is not for the faint hearted. So good luck! Note: I will only be covering the basics! Info This is one of the easier screens and is pretty self explanatory and i'm pretty sure you can figure this out. Files This will copy file to the mounted wim image when someone adds this addon. So go ahead and click 'Add Files' at the bottom. 1. Click the folder button and browse to the file you wish to copy. 2. Select the destination, you can choose to a pre-defined area and then add '\\filenameyouwant.exe' You can also type it in manually like 'C:\Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' but you would not type the beginning 'C:\' so it would be 'Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' Folder Same as above, select the folder you wish to have installed and then select where you want the folder to go. Add any *.reg files you wish to have installed or required for your addons, some users use a program like InstallWatch which tells you what registry/file changes where made to your computer during an installation. You then export the registry changes and import them here. Delete Files Type in the location of the file you need deleting for example 'Windows\System32\Example.exe' Shortcuts This is where you can create shortcuts for the program you made. You can just copy and paste a pre-existing shortcut from an installation in the 'File' tab and tell it where it needs to go i.e. Desktop. You don't need to use 'Icon' if the exe you pointed too already has one. Also 'Arguments' is mostly left blank as you don't need anything like /s /q /quiet, etc.. Commands This is for commands which you want to run after Windows has been installed. It doesn't seem like it has alot of potential but trust me it does! Used correctly, you can do anything with this tool. As mentioned above you can use InstallWatch to record what an installation does, so that you can use that information to make an addon which then has that program pre-installed when you have Windows installed. Any questions about this tool (not bugs) just post in here and i will try to reply.
  43. WinToolkit version /

    SunLion reacted to Thiersee for a post in a topic

    1 point
    The code for WinToolkit has been reengineered and the false positive on some antivirus do not appear anymore 😃! A new public version will be released in the first week of january 2020. Please don't ask before for the new version! Thanks.
  44. WinToolkit version /

    SunLion reacted to Thiersee for a post in a topic

    1 point
    * Added Imagex x64 * NEW: Tools > Imaging > ESD Manager * NEW: All-In-One Integrator > Tweaks > Microsoft Edge * Added "Tweaks" > Microsoft Edge > Block Popups * Added "Tweaks" > Microsoft Edge > Change Theme * Added "Tweaks" > Microsoft Edge > Disable Flash Player * Added "Tweaks" > Microsoft Edge > Disable Windows Defender SmartScreen * Added "Tweaks" > Microsoft Edge > Hide Desktop Icon * Added "Tweaks" > Hide Search Bar or Icon on Taskbar [Win 10] * NEW: All-In-One Integrator > Silent Installs + SFX > .vbs Script Support * Updated WinToolkitRunOnce.exe to v1.5.4.5 for .vbs Scripts Have a nice weekend!
  45. WinToolkit version /

    SunLion reacted to Thiersee for a post in a topic

    1 point
    WinToolkit version released: https://www.win-unattended.de/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=73&sid=1fe1b8297a1911d63172ad99e6b7b206 Changelog: * Added "Tweaks" - Disable Lock Screen [Win10] * Added "Services" - Sensor Data Service * Added "Services" - Sensor Monitoring Service * Added "Services" - Sensor Service * Added "Services" - OpenSSH Authentication Agent Service * Updated Imagex to Windows 10 Version 10.0.18362.1 * Updated Check for new DISM to Version 10.0.18362.1 * Downloads > Updated Slim .NET Framework Installer to Version 4.8
  46. 1 point
    Microsoft has these suggestions for Protecting your computer from the various things that could happen to you/it: Protect your PC http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/ Outfitting a new computer for the Net http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/u...ewcomputer.mspx Getting started with a new PC http://www.microsoft.com/athome/moredone/yournewpc.mspx Although those tips are fantastic, there are many things you should know above and beyond that. Below I have detailed out many tips that can not only help you clean-up a problem PC but keep it clean, secure and running at its best. I know this text can seem intimidating - it is quite long and a lot to take in for a novice - however I can assure you that one trip through this list and you will understand your computer and the options available to you for protecting your data much better - and that the next time you go through these steps, the time it takes will be greatly reduced. Let's take the cleanup of your computer step-by-step. Yes, it will take up some of your time - but consider what you use your computer for and how much you would dislike it if all of your stuff on your computer went away because you did not "feel like" performing some simple maintenance tasks - think of it like taking out your garbage, collecting and sorting your postal mail, paying your bills on time, etc. I'll mainly work around Windows XP, as that is what the bulk of this document is about; however, here is some places for you poor souls still stuck in Windows 98/ME where you can get information on maintaining your system: Windows 98 and 'Maintaining Your Computer': http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/maintaining/ Windows ME Computer Health: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsME/using/c...ealth/articles/ Pay close attention to the sections: (in order) - Clean up your hard disk - Check for errors by running ScanDisk - Defragment your hard disk - Roll back the clock with System Restore Also - now is a good time to point you to one of the easiest ways to find information on problems you may be having and solutions others have found: Search using Google! http://www.google.com/ (How-to: http://www.google.com/intl/en/help/basics.html ) Now, let's go through some maintenance first that should only have to be done once (mostly): Tip (1): Locate all of the software you have installed on your computer. (the installation media - CDs, downloaded files, etc) Collect these CDs and files together in a central and safe place along with their CD keys and such. Make backups of these installation media sets using your favorite copying method (CD/DVD Burner and application, Disk copier, etc.) You'll be glad to know that if you have a CD/DVD burner, you may be able to use a free application to make a duplicate copy of your CDs. One such application is ISORecorder: ISORecorder page (with general instructions on use): http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm More full function applications (free) for CD/DVD burning would be: CDBurnerXP Pro http://www.cdburnerxp.se/ DeepBurner Free http://www.deepburner.com/ ImgBurn (burn ISO images) http://www.imgburn.com/ Final Burner http://www.protectedsoft.com/products.php Another Option would be to search the web with Pricewatch.com or Dealsites.net and find deals on Products like Ahead Nero and/or Roxio. Ahead Nero http://www.nero.com/ Roxio Easy Media Creator http://www.roxio.com/ Tip (2): Empty your Temporary Internet Files and shrink the size it stores to a size between 128MB and 512MB.. - Open ONE copy of Internet Explorer. - Select TOOLS -> Internet Options. - Under the General tab in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, do the following: - Click on "Delete Cookies" (click OK) - Click on "Settings" and change the "Amount of disk space to use:" to something between 128MB and 512MB. (Betting it is MUCH larger right now.) - Click OK. - Click on "Delete Files" and select to "Delete all offline contents" (the checkbox) and click OK. (If you had a LOT, this could take 2-10 minutes or more.) - Once it is done, click OK, close Internet Explorer, re-open Internet Explorer. Tip (3): If things are running a bit sluggish and/or you have an older system (1.5GHz or less and 256MB RAM or less) then you may want to look into tweaking the performance by turning off some of the 'resource hogging' Windows XP "prettifications". The fastest method is: Control Panel --> System --> Advanced tab --> Performance section, Settings button. Then choose "adjust for best performance" and you now have a Windows 2000/98 look which turned off most of the annoying "prettifications" in one swift action. You can play with the last three checkboxes to get more of an XP look without many of the other annoyances. You could also grab and install/use one (or more) of the Microsoft Powertoys - TweakUI in particular: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...ppowertoys.mspx Another viable (decently inexpensive) option is to increase the amount of memory (RAM) your computer has. You can get an idea of what you need by visiting: Crucial Memory Advisor
  47. Autounattend.xml for Windows 7 HomePremium amd64 DVD You can try: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>it-IT</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>0410:00000410</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>it-IT</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>it-IT</UILanguage> <UserLocale>it-IT</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DiskConfiguration> <WillShowUI>Always</WillShowUI> </DiskConfiguration> <ImageInstall> <OSImage> <InstallFrom> <MetaData wcm:action="add"> <Key>/IMAGE/NAME</Key> <Value>Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM</Value> </MetaData> </InstallFrom> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> <UserData> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <ProductKey> <!-- Default key is needed for silent install (or a valid key) --> <!-- Example using Default key for Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM --> <Key>RHPQ2-RMFJH-74XYM-BH4JX-XM76F</Key> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </ProductKey> </UserData> </component> </settings> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UILanguage>it-IT</UILanguage> <UserLocale>it-IT</UserLocale> <InputLocale>0410:00000410</InputLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> </OOBE> <RegisteredOrganization>Frutto-Di-Mare</RegisteredOrganization> <AutoLogon> <Password> <Value></Value> </Password> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <LogonCount>9999999</LogonCount> <!-- Enables built-in Administrator --> <Username>Administrator</Username> </AutoLogon> <UserAccounts> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Password> <Value></Value> <PlainText>true</PlainText> </Password> <DisplayName>Admin</DisplayName> <Name>Admin</Name> <Group>Administrators</Group> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> </component> </settings> </unattend>
  48. Guide: Creating addons

    SunLion reacted to Legolash2o for a post in a topic

    1 point
    There should be a box at the top with the default name ie Win7Addon.7z Just before you click ok just type in .WA instead, if that still does not work then you might have to show all extensions and rename it manually, or just use the Addon Maker tool within W7T.
  49. Guide: Creating addons

    SunLion reacted to ricktendo for a post in a topic

    1 point
    Yea, manually install my addon using the inf file: 1- Extract the addon to a sub dir 2- Create a folder called i386 (Optional) 3- Move the .cab file into the i386 folder (Optional) 4- Right click the .inf file and choose install 5- Show the .inf installer the location of the .cab file (if steps 2+3 were skipped) and click ok