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Everything posted by NIM

  1. I don't think they consider this as spam, rather advertising instead :confused02:
  2. Welcome to forums VFor :icon_cool:
  3. Now, where were you for the last few days..
  4. That ActiveX bar can really be annoying.. :grin:
  5. Well mate, whatever it is, it's important that laptop is working properly..Not sure what could cause this..
  6. Two very nice looking desktops so far :thumbsup_anim:
  7. can you take pictures of this and attach 'em here so we can see it..
  8. Unfortunately I can't help you, maybe someone else knows how to solve this.. :confused02:
  9. Apparently, one of the Windows updates is causing corruption of the Access Control List (ACL's) in the registry. Possibly entire sections of the registry nodes lost the ACL'S. While I was researching the problem, I came across a website where someone had a similar problem with getting windows OS programs/services to run and they discovered that there was some registry corruption and missing ACL's. There are two different options that I ended up doing to get the system back in operation. It seems that running one or the other alone will not fix the problem, but doing both should get you back in service. Make a backup of your registry (and a complete backup of the system wouldn't hurt either!) Go to Microsoft's website and download a program called subinacl.exe from this site; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Install the subinacl.exe (it downloads as an MSI file). Copy the code below into a text file and then name the text file reset.cmd. I copied the command file to my temp folder to run, but as you can see from the cmd file, it contains the path to the executable subinacl.exe. @echo off title Resetting ACLs... cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Resource Kits\Tools" echo. echo Resetting ACLs... echo (this may take several minutes to complete) echo. echo ========================================================================== echo. echo. subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f echo. echo. subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f echo. echo. subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f echo. echo. echo System Drive... subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f echo. echo. echo Windows Directory... subinacl /subdirectories %windir%\*.* /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f echo. echo. echo ========================================================================== echo. echo FINISHED. echo. echo Press any key to exit . . . pause >NUL 3. As this command file runs it will show you the status of the reset and create a log that you can go back into and inspect for problems. 4. When this command file completes, you then need to open a command window (using Run As Administrator) and run the following command; secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose >c:\temp\secedit_output.txt (the redirect of output echos the programs output to a text file, but secedit also creates a log file. The program will show you the location of the log file when it is done). These two actions combined will reset the permissions on the registry nodes back to their default settings. Reboot and check your Event Log service... at this point it should be running. After effects of this process which happened to me, were that the Network List Service would not run... I still had network and internet access, however the Network icon in the task notification area had a Red X, and mouse over displayed a tooltip that said "Server Execution Failed". This was a result of resetting the ACL's. The Network List Service (netprofm) would not run because it did not have permission to run. In order to correct this issue, you must open the Component Services snap-in and drill down under Computers/My Computer/DCOM Config/netprofm (this is for Vista!) and right click the node, and select Properties. Click on the Security tab and make certain the correct user names are listed and that they have the appropriate permissions. I have 4 users listed with the same permissions; (your mileage may vary ) Administrators - Perms; Local Launch, Local activation Interactive Local Service System Next, go to the Identity tab and ensure that The System account (services only) is the item that is checked. Make sure the changes you make get applied Restart your computer so the ACL's are refreshed. Once you come back up from the reboot, things should be pretty much back to normal. You may find a stray program here and there that may need to have it's permissions reset, but you should be operational. I directed the Microsoft engineers to this forum (and Goggle search it) so they can see this is getting to be an issue for a lot of people. They in fact have a brand new case (same problem) that was just escalated to them and they are going to take an Image of that persons system first thing so they can determine what is causing this, and if necessary put out a hotfix or service pack to correct it. In the meantime, if you run into anyone else going through this problem, at least there was one solution that worked for me... I cannot guarantee that this will work for everyone and the issue may effect each machine differently, so just be aware that this is not the blue pill! I think that because the Registry database is so critical to the operation of Windows, Microsoft engineers should have some sort of utility that can repair and/or reset the registry and file permissions easily should something happen... I personally believe that this should be part of the base operating system and we should not have to shell out extra bucks to third party vendors for these type of utilities, particularly if the registry is prone to corruption either by Microsoft's own hands or by a third party application. I am not knocking third party programmers as I am one myself, I am just saying that this is Microsoft's OS and they should provide these easily accessible tools to keep us running! Good Luck!
  10. Yes, you can upload it, even better, create a new topic for it with the screenshot etc.
  11. There's a big difference in performance now...
  12. Nice list mate, I see that you've been busy..
  13. I can't tell how glad I am that you've joined WinCert.net :icon_cool:
  14. Systems Administration for one bank in Croatia..
  15. I'm glad you'll stick with us, although I wouldn't mind you for whatever you decide since you proved to be a good person.
  16. I already thought about this and I've installed a mod that shows user local time in his posts. Check it, somewhere under your avatar in the post view. Users only need to select their time zone from their profile.. :icon_cool:
  17. Which torrent client do you use. I myself prefer Azureus and have to admit that this latest beta looks awesome.. I uploaded two videos yesterday on it. Just search for Paul Totts :icon_cool: Here's a screenshot from it.
  18. That would be me.. I told Wolf that they're kinda big, but nooo, wolf is a big man and likes everything big :icon_cool:
  19. Good idea Bold.. I'm sure we'll get new members as soon as your guide will be indexed on Google. Currently we have 25-40 new registrations daily which is very good statistic for a one year old forum. At start we didn't have much work here, there was a question here and there, but now Rick can barely handle all this questions or requests. After Kels, Gorki and others joined the team and started their contribution to the forum, it was easier to breathe. I see that guests are lurking at your topics, but those probably aren't users from your site since they would probably register. Anyway our community is rising and as I said before, I'm open for any question or idea regarding this forum to make it a better place for everyone. :pirate:
  20. You should be able to do all the upgrades by yourself just follow this guide: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/documen...216&lang=en (memory) You can also by another hard disk and connect it to second IDE channel without any problems. As for the fan, you can buy something more silent like Zalman or Scythe...
  21. Well, I've just place order for his CD on Amazon.com It's only 12$. :thumbsup_anim: I never listened to opera before but after you hear this guy everyhing changes.. Check this:
  22. Welcome beetsie. Glad that you've joined our family
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