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Everything posted by NIM

  1. No problem at all, we can continue to play with the new rules :thumbsup_anim: Here's the new question..
  2. NIM

    New UT3 Site

  3. NIM

    Hi All

    Welcome to the forums mate, enjoy! :welcome:
  4. Thx runningfool for your first release here. I've changed the download link so it includes our button. You can use it when posting by checking the left pane called "quick access" and choosing "Insert: Download" which will open the window where you can paste your link. Simple as that
  5. As I can see everything is working normally. New users are registering without any problems, so I guess the problem could be from your side. Just for a test, can you try to register from another computer? Thx
  6. Option Explicit Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, itemtype, Title Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") p = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound\" p = p & "Beep" itemtype = "REG_SZ" n= "No" WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype Title = "System Beeps are now Disabled." & vbCR Title = Title & "You may need to Log off/Log on" & vbCR MyBox = MsgBox(Title,4096,"Finished")
  7. Well I was wondering which mascot should we use here on wincert and you gave me excellent idea dirtwarrior. :smiley_superman2: Hopefully Wolf will be able to do a nice logo with squirrel. :sweatingbullets:
  8. Looks nice Jurg, can you share that wallpaper. Do you maybe have it in larger resolution 1680x1050 for instance :sweatingbullets:
  9. I'll give you another HINT. Please quote all of the words so far including the one you'll use in that post! See it's not that hard :icon_rolleyes:
  10. Although Microsoft PowerPoint offers no direct way to extract images or audio files from PPT files (IMO), you can still save these embedded objects in three simple steps: Step 1: Open the PPT or PPS file inside Microsoft Powerpoint and choose File -> Save As. Step 2: From the "Save As type" drop down, choose the Web Page format (*.htm, *.html). Type a file name and click save. Step 3. Open the file folder where you saved the Presentation as HTML and there you'll see another subfolder with the same name. That's the magical folder - open it and you'll see tons of JPEGs, HTML and WAV files there which were actually used in the original Powerpoint presentation. One of the WAV files here is probably what she is looking for. Happy Hunting. Bonus Tip: When you save your presentation as a Web page, PowerPoint creates a folder that contains an .htm file and all supporting files, such as images, background textures, sound files, cascading style sheets, scripts, and more. Save your presentation as a Web page when you want to edit it with an HTML editor, and then post it to an existing Web site.
  11. Image is OK, forum would automatically resize it if it was to big. O brother where art thou!
  12. From Microsoft Forums: The only reason you are seeing a PDF thumbnail is because you have installed adobe acrobat reader that adds a dll for the extraction and display of that thumbnail in explorer. In XP its located here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\PDFShell.dll The free djvu viewer does not add a dll to work with windows explorer and that is why you cannot see it. In vista people are now developing what is called "PREVIEW HANDLERS" for various file types... see some here http://www.codeproject.com/vista/PhotoshopPreviewHandler.asp http://blog.tatham.oddie.com.au/2006/12/20...-pack-released/ http://ryangregg.com/PermaLink,guid,a29ee2...db392f9a74.aspx Now there IS a file-thumnail viewer that can view djvu files if you install quicktime as well... its called XNVIEW free viewe www.xnview.com take a look at the format file types list here and the ledgend http://perso.orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enformats.html#legend From what I have seen from other programs (like the old photoshop and paintshop pro) what they do is usually add a dll and load it onto explorer.exe as an extension thus providing the generation of thumbnails. IF you find or develop a way to show djvu files in window explorer please tell me because I am interested too.. as well as viewing other file formats as thumbnails.
  13. OMG, dirt, I was almost crying from laughter!! My wife came to me twice asking me what's so funny. :prop: Thank for this mate!
  14. If you need to upload pictures, screenshots and other images on the web, so you can show them here, you can do it on KwikPiks.com Sign up for an account, and you've got 100MB of space and 5GB of monthly transfer. All the common image formats are supported, and automatic thumbnail generation is available as well. Testing uploaded image linking. By clicking on the thumbnail you get the full sized picture. I like it because I'm not attacked with ads like I am at imageshack.us Cheers! PS. It's much better than imageshack.us since it doesn't have thousadns of frustrating advertisements.
  15. Here's mine, nothing much changed from the last month
  16. Ok, we'll continue more careful now. Jurg, you have mistaken twice, and once after I told you that you're using already used words. We won't add one more letter like Mc Nally suggested, as we'll continue to use a four letter word. I've collected all the letters that were valid and have removed duplicate words. Here are some rules to follow from now on: 1. Use only FOUR lettered word. 2. You can only change ONE letter at a time. 3. ALWAYS BOLD the letter you have CHANGED. 4. In each post quote all of the words used so far with your added to the list. 5. Please don't use any vulgar words. 5. Most Important: Use CTRL+F to search the page if the word you're goin' to use has already been used. 6. You're free to use a word in some sentence of yours, so it's a bit more interesting. Bypassing the rules means you're out of the game and won't be able to post in this topic anymore. Jurg, in spite of your mistakes you can continue to play, but no more warnings for you or anyone else. One mistake and you're out. I've looked through your fingers since McNally didn't bold the changed word in spite of me telling him to do so. From now on let's continue a clean and fair. PS. If you find a word that has been used twice from the quote bellow please let me know. I don't MIND to continue this game, if everybody will follow the rules!
  17. I voted for Wacky since it wouldn't be fair to vote for myself :sweatingbullets:
  18. You can try this small tool: http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/ShowDesktopShortcut.zip or you can do it manually: Open Notepad and enter the following text: [shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe,3 [Taskbar] Command=ToggleDesktop Save the new file as Show Desktop.scf then drag and drop the icon on the Quick Launch bar or whatever location you want the shortcut to appear.
  19. When you select an image file and click "E-mail this file" in the Common Tasks pane, the image resize dialog may not appear. This happens if the image file is not a natively supported type by Windows XP. The supported file types are the following: BMP DIB EMF GIF JFIF JPG JPE JPEG PNG TIF TIFF WMF If the file type is a natively supported image file type, and still the dialog does not appear, follow these steps: Click Start, Run and type regsvr32 shimgvw.dll Restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
  20. TBH, I had troubles too with Vice Versa. If I choosed 2 source-target location it would freeze. I just mentioned it here since I coudln't remember its name while writing my first post in this topic :sleeping_03anim:
  21. Of course mate. I'm using it also and have run on some small problems, but you'll figured it out too. You can also try shareware of Vice Versa, an excellent program for similar use. :thumbsup_anim:
  22. Correct! BTW, if you find soundtrack somewhere, please let me know :icon_rolleyes:
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