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Everything posted by NIM

  1. If I remember correctly you didn't like the I-tab when I first installed it
  2. If you need to upload pictures, screenshots and other images somewhere so you can show them here, you can do it on KwikPiks.com Sign up for an account, and you've got 100MB of space and 5GB of monthly transfer. All the common image formats are supported, and automatic thumbnail generation is available as well. Testing uploaded image linking. By clicking on the thumbnail you get the full sized picture. I like it because I'm not attacked with ads like I am at imageshack.us Cheers!
  3. Heya chaps, I would like to know which is your favorite skin on WinCert, just out of curiosity. Maybe then we'll make that skin the default one. U, guests can't see other skins that we offer here along with the shoutbox so we are calling all of you to register. You can write here if you're experiencing bugs with our skins so we can work this out. Happy voting
  4. And again we have another skin on WinCert This skin has calming blues and light greys complimented by highlights of green and a new evocative header. The latest 2.2 version features some new graphical elements to the previous versions. Skin is also fast on loading... Enjoy!
  5. Welcome back MGAdallah
  6. I had that problem on Vista before, but now it's OK. I think that some specific gadgets are consuming a lot more memory than other ones. When you removed your gadgets did you restart sidebar (exit from the tray also)?
  7. If you have an application that is hanging or crashing, or a system that is misbehaving due to hangs, high CPU, severe slowness, etc, you may be asked to create a memory dump - perhaps of the application that is believed to be having issues, or of the entire system if the computer is misbehaving (or of both an application and the whole system!). This post is meant as an instruction manual on how to gather data if you are going to post for help on resolving one of these types of problems. The first three things to do, before doing ANYTHING else below: 1. Download and install the "Debugging Tools for Windows" for your Windows platform: - x86 version. - x64 or Itanium (64bit) 2. Create a directory called c:\websymbols 3. Create a SYSTEM environment variable as follows - you can do this from Control Panel > System > Advanced tab > Environment Variables button > System variables > New... button: Variable Name: _NT_SYMBOL_PATH Variable Value: SRV*c:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;c:\websymbols Once you've done the above, here are instructions on how to create the appropriate dump if you are so asked: Memory dump from an application/process that is HANGING (not crashing): 1. Create a directory called c:\adplus 2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where you installed the debugging tools. By default, this is "C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows" 3. Type the following command in the command prompt: cscript adplus.vbs -hang -pn appname -o c:\adplus (where "appname" is the .exe name of the application that is hanging) 4. Once the debugger has finished (this can take some time), the command prompt window(s) will close, and you will have data in your C:\adplus folder that can be analyzed. Memory dump from an application/process that is CRASHING (not hanging): 1. Create a directory called c:\adplus 2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where you installed the debugging tools. By default, this is "C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows" 3. Type the following command in the command prompt: cscript adplus.vbs -crash -pn appname -o c:\adplus (where "appname" is the .exe name of the application that is crashing) 4. Once the debugger has finished (this can take some time), the command prompt window(s) will close, and you will have data in your C:\adplus folder that can be analyzed. Memory dump of the entire system: 1. Create or set the following registry value: Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters Value: CrashOnCtrlScroll Type: REG_DWORD Data: 1 2. Right-Click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and select "Properties", then click the "Advanced tab. On the "Advanced" tab, click "Settings" under the "Performance" header. Click the "Advanced" tab, then click "Change" under "Virtual Memory". Set the pagefile to be located on the partition where the OS is installed, and set it to be equal to Physical RAM + 50 MB. 3. Also in the "System Properties" window on the "Advanced" tab, click the "Settings" buttun under the "Startup and Recovery" header. Make sure "Complete Memory Dump" is selected (see 3a if this is not in the list). You can change the location of the memory dump file to a different local partition if you do not have enough room on the partition where the OS is installed. 3a. If the "Complete Memory Dump" option in step 3 is not available, you will need to manually set this registry value: Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl Value: CrashDumpEnabled Type: REG_DWORD Value: 1 4. You will need to reboot for these changes to take effect. 5. The next time that the system is exhibiting the problem you were asked to dump the machine for, hold down the RIGHT CTRL key and press the SCROLL LOCK key twice to cause the machine to bugcheck and create a memory dump. After the box comes back up, you'll find the resulting memory dump file in %systemroot%\memory.dmp that can be analyzed.
  8. Nice tut Space Surfer, but listen what I got myself into.. I had Vista Ultimate installed on Disk0 and wanted to install XP on Disk1. Disk0 had two partitions, this will be important later on. I've run the setup and XP copied files to another disk and it restarted for the first time. After the restart my computer stopped at BIOS logo screen. I though, wtf?? I disconnected the Vista disk and XP setup continued until finished. OK, we have a working XP on the second hard disk (Disk1) and non bootable Vista on the first hard disk (Disk0). I connected the Vista disk again and removed the XP disk, still nothing happens. It stopped again on the BIOS logo screen. I tried with every single setup in the BIOS to see what's causing the problem and I have finally found it. I had to disable LBA support in BIOS for the Vista hard disk. After that I could normally boot into Vista. But LBA feature was bothering me and I reformated C: partition (Vista) on Disk0 'cause I was in thoght that XP setup messed up my disk. After the full format and putting LBA setting to ON in BIOS I had the same problem again. Then I was gone berserk and formated the whole disk and guess what, the problem was SOLVED! Obviously XP setup wrote something to my Vista disk which prevented Vista from booting, but what does LBA have to do with it??
  9. I love the new Office Ribbon. However, the first thing I wanted to do was modify it. The Home tab has a big chunk of the Styles group that I don't use. I wanted to get rid of it and put my own shortcuts in the Home tab. It took many hours for me to figure out how to modify the Ribbon. I put together a guide for everyone that shows you how to accomplish this. PDF attached: Modifying_Office_Word_Ribbon.pdf Courtesy SpaceSurfer Introduction Here is a tutorial on how to modify the ribbon interface in Office Word. This method doesn’t require Visual Basic programming. It requires modifying a simple XML file with a text editor. This guide only shows you how to shift the built-in controls around from tab to tab or group to group. It does not show you how to create your own controls. Step 1: Enabling a Custom Ribbon 1) Create a folder called ‘Ribbon’ anywhere on your hard disk. 2) Open Office Word. Do not modify the new blank document. Click on ‘Save As’ to save the document as customUI.docm file in The Ribbon folder. This is a macro-enabled file. Make sure you change the
  10. NIM


    I like this site, bookmarked it. Thx..
  11. Am I the only one that has problem with the RSS gadget for Vista sidebar. Whenever I click on it, sidebar stops responding as you can see in the picture and I have to wait until Sidebar starts breathing again. In fact this problem only happens with Microsoft Feed Headlines gadget that comes with Vista by default. Any solution to this issue or maybe some other RSS gadget that would work better?
  12. I've recently heard one of the songs of the Amethystium group. To be precise the song is called "Dreamdance". I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised, when I heard some other songs of them. Here is the link of the official website so you can check it out and even listen to some of the tracks. http://amethystium.com/ So, what do you all think, any comments?
  13. This is interesting: http://www.wincert.net/index.php?option=co...iew&id=1740
  14. Really nice selection. I downloaded almost all of them for dual screens :thumb_yello:
  15. Post 'em guys.. Here's mine dual screen relaxing desktop for this month..
  16. I would say Jembal is a winner for May. Anyone else agree?
  17. Another skin has landed in the WinCert.net house. This one is for all of the members who don't like current skins selection. The skin is named Luminous and currently is missing the team icons, but they should be finished soon. Enjoy your Lumination on WinCert
  18. I've updated the Adobe Logo, I hope you like it Makave
  19. New update 06/10/2007. Updated jipb plugin! Updated few board modules! Installed Member Time in Topics module! If you experience any issues regarding this updates, please report it here.. Thx
  20. More than 30 people have downloaded this icons cyg. Why did you stop, come on, more ideas please
  21. No worries bud, you're welcome to have a sig, but please make it static rather than animated. We try to avoid animated avatars and signatures 'cause they're distractive while you read the posts.
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