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Everything posted by NIM

  1. Animals Set 4 Wallpapers (Leopards, Lions, North American Wildlife, Owls, Penguins) Size: 25.3 MB | 75 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  2. Animals Set 3 Wallpapers (Families, Foxes, Frogs, Funny, Horses) Size: 25.6 MB | 85 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  3. Animals Set 2 Wallpapers (Birds - Wild & Songbirds, Butterflies, Cheetahs, Eagles, Elephants) Size: 28.7 MB | 102 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  4. Animals Set 1 Wallpapers (Baby Animals, Bears, Big Cats, Birds: Exotic, Birds: Water & Shore) Size: 50.5 MB | 161 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  5. Travel - Set 10 (United States, Utah, Washington, Washington DC, Windmills) Size: 26.7 MB | 68 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  6. Travel - Set 9 (Spain, Switzerland, Tennessee, Thailand, Tropical Paradise) Size: 41.7 MB | 100 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  7. Travel - Set 8 (Oregon, Portugal, Roads, Scotland, South America) Size: 40.1 MB | 90 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  8. Travel - Set 7 (Mills, Nevada, New England, New York, New Zealand) Size: 38.1 MB | 84 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  9. Travel - Set 6 (Islands, Italy, Japan, Lighthouses, Middle East) Size: 43.1 MB | 108 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  10. Travel - Set 5 (France, Germany, Greece, Hawaii, Ireland) Size: 54.4 MB | 124 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  11. Travel - Set 4 (Colorado, Egypt, England, Europe, Famous Landmarks) Size: 46.7 MB | 109 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  12. Travel - Set 3 (Caribbean, Castles, Central America, China, Cityscapes) Size: 41.3 MB | 105 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  13. Travel - Set 2 (Australia, Austria, Bridges, California, Canada) Size: 42.1 MB | 101 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  14. Travel - Set 1 (Africa, Alaska, Antarctica, Arizona, Asia) Size: 56.7 MB | 142 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  15. Animals - Set 6 (Tigers, Turtles, Water Animals, Wolves, Zebras) Size: 16.3 MB | 49 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  16. Nature - Set 1 (Beaches, Canyons, Clouds, Deserts, Fall Colors) Size: 28.3 MB | 66 images Resolution: 1600x1200 Download
  17. Office Enterprise 2007 Covers (CD, DVD & Disk covers) Size: 8.22 MB | 4 images Resolution: 3260x2161 Download --------------- Windows Vista DVD Covers (Author: SoFtEcH) Size: 18.9 MB | 3 images Resolution: 3260x2161 Download --------------- Vista Ultimate DVD Cover (Cover & 3 CD template) Size: 11.2 MB | 4 images Resolution: 3260x2159 Download
  18. Size: 139.1 MB | 25 images Resolution: 3508x2480 Download
  19. Beautiful ClipArt "21st Century"! 34 high-quality TIFF images. Size: 116.2 MB | 34 images Resolution: 2950x2094 Download
  20. Jean Luc Picard's one is far the best one :lol:
  21. Hi and welcome to WinCert. Ricktendo will probably know how to help you, so just be patient and wait for an answer. Could you also please change or remove your avatar since animated avatars are not allowed here..
  22. I know you'll make an addon from this :type:
  23. Progress Dialog Box Open with Reshacker Shell32.dll and add a new resource and location the BITMAP file and give a name 701 and language ID is 1033 OR as your Windows Language version. 701.bmp Navigate to : Dialog -> 1020 -> 1033 1020 DIALOGEX 20, 20, 250, 106 STYLE DS_FIXEDSYS | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_NOIDLEMSG | DS_CENTER | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU EXSTYLE WS_EX_APPWINDOW CAPTION "" LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US FONT 8, "MS SHELL DLG" { CONTROL 701, -1, STATIC, SS_BITMAP | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 81, 267, 25 CONTROL "", 106, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | ACS_TIMER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 0, 250, 25 CONTROL "", 103, STATIC, SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 33, 230, 10 CONTROL "", 105, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 46, 230, 10 CONTROL "", 104, "msctls_progress32", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 60, 230, 10 CONTROL "Cancel", 2, BUTTON, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 190, 86, 50, 14 CONTROL "", 106, STATIC, SS_GRAYFRAME | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 80, 250, 1 } Compile the script and save. ============================================================ If you want to change the Progress Bar animation, you should navigate your theme using ResHacker to: BITMAP -> ROYALE_PROGRESSCHUNKVERT_BMP and BITMAP -> ROYALE_PROGRESSCHUNK_BMP Replace the BMPs of these. ============================================================ Progress.rar
  24. About FxVisor: Windows Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover, aka FxVisor, allows you to either way to remove the shortcut overlay arrow or to even customize it in Windows Vista, so we have written the Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover utility to enable you to do just that. About Version 1.3: Most of you know we
  25. Here is a Vb.net app which changes following things in Windows Vista: 1. Register owner name. 2. Register organization name. 3. Computer name. ChangeOwner.rar
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