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Everything posted by NIM

  1. I'm voting for tamilcheetas since I can't vote for myself :boxing:
  2. Thx Tarun for the first topic in this forum.. :thumb_yello:
  3. It looks like something that Bill Gates will announce at Vista presentation at the end of this month.
  4. Cyg, have you find something yet, so we have an option to select which updates to install? :ermm:
  5. I went to Vista Team Blog and saw this box.. The same picture can be also found on IE Blog. This leads us to Vanishing point site.. As I got interested, I've browsed various forums and blogs to get some info about this.. I've found the blog of the Laughing Squid I've also found a topic at Neowin.net and on Unifiction Forums. Currently few puzzles have been solved. Initial image was solved as wh0isl0ki Also solved as iw4nttwinyou from a blog post on HeavenGames.com Also solved as 3scap3grav1ty from an edited post by the mystery lokivanishes poster Also solved as imm0rtaliz3m3 thanks to a key from Doug Stockwell Also solved as wh3r3t0g0 thanks to the guys at unfiction iw4nttwinyou - gives US phone number (when called asks for PIN) - solved with PIN 35813, prompting the user to THIS webpage 3scap3grav1ty - gives different grid-based puzzle - solved, leading the user to THIS webpage 3akix3ozidd1b - identical to the above - solved wh0isl0ki - gives grid-based puzzle - solved, leading the user to THIS webpage imm0rtaliz3m3 - gives an mp3 file, the waveform of which looks like THIS and is solved like this (thanks go to Ehsan from Unfiction), leading the user to THIS webpage wh3r3t0g0 - gives some html-escaped data. Putting this into a basic html page reveals a word, leading the user to THIS webpage There's also a Wiki article here. What do you think guys, should we get involved in this also :sweatingbullets:
  6. The way Vista tests a USB flash device for use with ReadyBoost can be a little 'deceptive'. Some USB flash devices will initially test as not compatable, however, they may really be compatable. Theres a little trick to it that the average user may not realize, and this may be the reason why some USB flash devices are not listed in the various lists on line as comptable with ReadyBoost when in actuality they may be compatable. When you first plug a USB flash drive in Vista comes up and asks you what you want to do with it, one of the options is to use it to speed up your system, click on this and Vista will check the flash device for compatability with ReadyBoost. The problem is that the very first test may not be accurate if it comes back and tells you that the device can't be used for ReadyBoost when it may be perfectly capable for use with ReadyBoost. So...here's the trick to determine if your device is or is not compatable with ReadyBoost; 1. Insert the USB flash device, and let Vista detect the device. When it comes up and asks you want you want to do close the GUI and do not make any selection. 2. Next, go to USB Flash device in explorer or disk management and format the device. Format the USB device you plan to use for ReadyBoost with NTFS and cluster sizes of 4096. Name the drive something you want like 'My_ReadyBoost' or something. 3. After the format is complete right click on the USB device and choose 'Properties' then the 'ReadyBoost' tab. 4. On the ReadyBoost tab unckeck the box to stop testing the device every time. 5. Next, click the Test again button. If the tab changes from the test tab to a tab that gives you two options of 'Do not use this device' and 'Use this device'. Check the 'Use this device' box and do not make any other changes on the tab especially to the 'Space to reserve for system speed' slider, leave the 'Space to reserve for system speed' setting at what ever Vista recommended. 6. Click 'Apply' then 'OK'. Your done. The fact that the tab changes is not a true indication of ReadyBoost capability. Some flash devices may in fact allow this tab to be shown and still not be ReadyBoost capable. To determine if your device will indeed be ReadyBoost capable look on the flash device after you complete the above steps, if a file named ReadyBoost.sfcache exists on the flash device and the flash device is actually being used when you access any hard drive in your computer to start up an application then congratulations as your device may actually be ReadyBoost capable even if it initially tested as not capable. May or may not work for all USB flash devices, If the tab with the two options in step 5 above will not come up, or the file named ReadyBoost.sfcache does not appear on the device, then the device is truly not compatable with ReadyBoost so you will not be able to use it for that purpose. The flash device must handle a capacity of between 2 to 3 times your installed RAM. While your using the device as a ReadyBoost drive you can't use it for normal storage purposes you can only use it for ReadyBoost. The ReadyBoost device must be USB 2.0 and the USB port your plugging it into must also be USB 2.0. I stumbled across this when an IT friend of mine gave me a call and told me that all 30 of the company purchased Verbatim 4GB Store and Go USB Flash devices were giving mixed results for ReadyBoost with several different machine models. Some would pick the Store and Go USB Flash drives right up and let you know the devices were ReadyBoost compatable and didn't need further testing by Vista. Some machines would not detect the device as compatable. We knew the flash devices were ReadyBoost capable because some machines were using them just fine and detected them as compatable, so we came to the conclusion that differences in chipsets may be the dividing factor because on the machines with certain chipsets the devices would be detected and used just fine with ReadyBoost but the exact same Verbatim 4GB Store and Go USB Flash device plugged into a machine with a different chipset would not initially sucessfully test as ReadyBoost capable. After doing this little trick, all the machines that tested the USB device as not ReadyBoost compatable intially were now using the devices in a ReadyBoost capacity without complaint. There was a noticible improvement in speed of the system, it varied between systems, but there was a difference. So...you be the judge, give it a try and see what happens, it can't hurt. Hope this helps someone out.
  7. I saw that you've fixed it :thumb_yello:
  8. I've just made the shoutbox visible on all forum pages by default.. :thumb_yello:
  9. I have recently saw somewhere that someone was looking for this. Can't remember where, so I can point him on this topic.. :crying_anim:
  10. Wincert shoutbox is upgraded to the latest version. If you have problems with accessing it, please check THIS topic.
  11. 12/30/2006 Updates: Shoutbox module has been upgraded from v1.0 to v1.1 New release of Shoutbox module has some new features and improvements. This version isn't visible by default, so you'll have to click the "Shoutbox" link in the navigation pane of the forum and go to "my prefs". From there you can adjust the behaviour of the Shoutbox just the way you want.. If you have any issues with this module, please reply in this topic.. Thx..
  12. From now on, I'll post here about Joomla/IPB updates so all of you can report bugs and other problems with recently upgraded software.. 12/30/2006 Updates: Joomla has been upgraded from v1.0.11 to v1.0.12 Although this release contains several security fixes, as they are of a low level nature, this release is still being characterized as a Stability Release. Integration Script (jipbPlugin) was upgraded from v1011.221.2 to v1012.221.1
  13. NIM

    Howdy =).

    Glad you like it here Aeden. Welcome to the forums. :thumb_yello:
  14. Their response on given charges was "People don't have to call if they don't want to, nobody is forcing them to call us" LOOOL, obviously this shit can happen in our country without any consequences.. :ranting:
  15. Well, I can say, good luck in the marriage. When do you plan to have that lucky day?
  16. One of our private TV's in Croatia has a TV show which is nothing but a pure deception. In the latest show, players had to guess how many triangles has an object shown in the picture..Also, here you can see how many triangles really is in that object and what is the correct answer. OK, correct answer should be 27 right, and if you think this too, you're right, but not here, not on NovaTV, a deceiving Croatian TV, cause they gave us this solution: Apparently there's 71 triangles in that object, so tell me guys, who's insane here??? Tip: Try with pausing the video so you can see how many invalid triangles were bolded in THEIR solution..
  17. ...or start with another Quizz, which is not related to movies..
  18. Well, I got mine when I started playing Unreal Tournament series. That's my name in short, but I've replaced the "i" letter with the status in Unreal Tournament :boxing: :bleh:
  19. Very nice T-Shirt, why can't I buy here one like this..Can you send it to me.. :crying_anim: :baaasmiley:
  20. Preety good buddy. I'm very satisfied, can't complain :thumb_yello:
  21. But he can't even access profile selection option (he's using Welcome Screen)..
  22. Can you try to use the safe mode and see if it hangs then, if not, you probably have a driver issue.. Also, prior to this problem, did you changed any system settings or installed any new device drivers? I had a similar problem but couldn't login at all, windows was hanged at the same time like yours. In this case it was a disk problem, profile was corrupted. You can also do a diskcheck just to be clear with that..
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