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Everything posted by NIM

  1. NIM


    Not just for gaming, this piece of software is actually LAN over WAN, which means sharing of documents is possible..
  2. Mozilla Firefox v2.0 is available for download although it will be officially announced tommorow. Check the news article here.
  3. This is very useful feature since I'm already sick and tired of managing and merging favorites on my PC at work, PC at home and on the laptop.. Similiar features has Portable Firefox, the difference is only that PF is storing data on the USB stick..
  4. OMG, he looks like a Predator
  5. Yes, have found that out and was preety much dissapointed. Any data about the date when we'll be able to receive funds here in Croatia?
  6. Today our graphic master celebrates his 14'th birthday.. Happy birthday matey... :fun: :cake: :beerchug: :sorcerer:
  7. How's goin' with this helt, sorry but I couldn't help you on this one..
  8. Thx Wolf, I like them and will use them for my news icons on the frontpage.. :thumbsup:
  9. With your freshly installed Internet Explorer 7, take time to explore our library of add-ons. The IE Add-Ons website has over 400 add-ons registered to date, and many more are on the way. The IE7 team took the last few weeks (in between last minute bug fixes) to collect our must-have list below. All of the add-ons in our list are free to download, integrate well with IE7, and provide extraordinary functionality. Stay Safe and Secure: Windows Defender is a must-have for anyone concerned about spyware and other forms of malware. Windows Defender identifies and removes spyware and other potentially unwanted software installed on your computers. Automatic download of signatures keeps you up to date on the latest threats. Anyone who's had to help their friends rebuild a PC after spyware infection will want this add-on everywhere. Enhance the functionality of IE7: The great wealth of add-ons for IE includes a number of which add generic features to the browser. Two of these add-ons made our must-have list. IESpell adds spell-checking and dictionary lookup to any text typed into web forms. For those who have difficulty spelling (who doesn't?) it will save you time and again. Inline Search highlights text while-you-type searching within the current page. When you press Ctrl-F, a search bar is displayed on the bottom of the screen. IE highlights matches as you type. The inline search add-on has quickly become an integrated part of all my IE7 installations. Share your favorite sites with friends and family: Social networking is the hallmark of "Web 2.0". Three of the most popular social networking sites have add-ons for IE7. Del.icio.us enables users to share links to their favorite sites, store hyperlinks in the cloud, and network with others interested in similar web sites. StumbleUpon helps users discover new web sites according to their interests. The StumbleUpon add-on always helps me find new sites. A third add-on, Trailfire, provides a truly unique new method of web navigation. By leaving "Trailmarks", which are essentially electronic notes, on individual web pages, users can lead their Trailfire contacts on an interpretive trail for the web. These three add-ons give IE7 users entirely new ways to experience the Internet. Develop high-performance web applications: For web developers, two tools are absolutely invaluable: Fiddler and the IE Developer Toolbar. Fiddler is a general purpose debugging proxy, giving developers complete control of all the HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. The IE Developer Toolbar enables DOM exploration and modification, viewing of DOM element details, and has built in HTML, CSS, WAI, and RSS validators. Enjoy Games and Entertainment: If you like to play casual online games, you will want to download the latest Shockwave. With dozens and dozens of Shockwave games on the Internet, you can enjoy both 3D and casual games, interactive training, and product demonstrations from within IE7. You should also download the latest Flash player to be up to date with stability and performance updates. The Flash player provides a compelling, expressive experience for your favorite interactive web sites. Get quick access to your information: Both 1-Click Answers and the Windows Live Toolbar provide quick and easy access to your information from within the browser frame. The 1-Click Answers add-on works with Answers.com to provide a quick access dictionary and encyclopedia. Clicking on any word in a web page and choosing "Answers..." takes you to the latest information about that word. Once you start using it, you won't go back. In addition, the Windows Live toolbar's extensive gallery of buttons provide one-click access to maps, weather, and news. With these two tools, the answer to almost any question is only one click away. Keep up to date on news and feeds: In the 24x7 news world, RSS helps you manage the surge of Internet news and information. The built-in support for RSS in IE7 enables web-based RSS-aggregators like Feed Demon by Newsgator and Bloglines to synchronize directly with the RSS store on your computer. When you install these add-ons, the RSS feeds you subscribe to within IE7 will automatically be made available to your web-based aggregation sites. Share your story: Windows Live Writer, is the one-stop shop for all your blogging needs. In fact, this post was composed using Windows Live Writer. Compose, edit, save drafts, and publish all from a WYSIWYG interface, customized to the styles of your particular blog site. It supports any blog site that exposes Really Simple Discoverability, Metaweblog API, or Moveable Type API. When you install, it adds a button to the Windows Live Toolbar to provide one-click access to your blog. Windows Live Writer makes everything difficult about blogging (adding pictures, blogging to multiple sites) extremely easy. The breadth of add-ons for IE7 is growing daily. Be sure to visit www.ieaddons.com, to install and share your reviews of your favorites. IE Blog
  10. I have a problem with auditing one folder on Win2003 server..For this auditing I've enabled auditing in the default domain policy and on the desired folder, but all of the servers files are now audited instead of just one folder... I'm aware that if I enable auditing for files and folders I'll track changes to all of the files and folders on the server. Is it possible to track changes for only one folder? Thx
  11. I need help with a new project and I REALLY need to get this done a.s.a.p with IE7. As you can see from the attached pic, I have managed to severly change the defaults of IE7, however I still need to get rid of the rest of the topbar and disable CTRL+H somehow. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated! Thx!
  12. Rick you've just reminded me about new Trillian Astra (version 4) that should be released very soon.. I've used trillian before and it's a great app if you have more than one chat accounts..
  13. Diskeeper Corporation has included automated defragmentation functionality into the next iteration of its flagship application, Diskeeper 2007. The technology, dubbed InvisiTasking, allows system maintenance to run invisibly in the background, and draws on unused system resources in order to perform defragmentation without affecting network performance. The launch of Diskeeper 2007 represents a new step forward for defragmentation, said Diskeeper product manager Michael Materie, because it allows users to "install it and forget it," rather than schedule regular defrag sessions. When Diskeeper first appeared about a decade ago, the product was unique because it allowed users to create a schedule for defragmentation rather than do the work manually, freeing them from waiting around the office after hours or going in on weekends just to defrag a system. But as the amount of data and applications on systems has grown, Diskeeper realized it needed to have a more advanced option than simple scheduling ability. More HERE.
  14. NIM


    Are you ready for a sound of Sc00t3r ---> Hypa, Hypa :guitar: Welcome matey :welcome:
  15. Welcome TamilChetas, I hope that you'll find a lot of useful information here and have fun with WinCert members.. :welcome:
  16. It's opening new tabs here mate, not new window like you said.. You don't truly love IE, you have another love so that's why IE isn't working right for ya
  17. Well that's not entirely true. Before Joomla, I had VirtuaNews CMS for the frontpage and VN was adapt to count one post for every news article that I publish on the frontpage. Since it was WinCert.net starting, I was the only one posting news and that's why I got so many posts.. Also in that time, I had more posts than the whole forum had, so if my profile was checked then, you'd see that I made xxx posts which is 170% of total forum posts But, I agree that most posts on this forum are mine, and that real number of my posts is about 300..
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