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Everything posted by NIM

  1. I have just tried this and now it works fine. CTRL+Z brings back the quote box.
  2. Board has been upgraded to the latest version. This update includes numerous bug fixes. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Regards, Nik Not sure if this issue has been fixed in our previous update, but now it surely is fixed
  3. Board has been upgraded to the latest version. This update includes numerous bug fixes and hopefully the ones posted here. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Regards, Nik
  4. When you get a driver prompt, click Cancel and you should be redirected to the welcome screen. Once there, remove your USB drive and change the USB port. Try to click Install now again. Also, try using back USB ports instead of the front ones.
  5. As far as I know the board can't be rolled back to an older version. I have seen a lot of posts in the IPS community forums where users complain about quoting, bbcode and editing posts. For now I haven't found an answer for this issue I am still trying to dig out what can I do until the next update which should definitely offer a fix.
  6. I perfectly understand you, but my hands are tied here as I can't solve this without IPS community help where I haven't received any answer. Thanks for your clarification and thorough explanation of this issues. I have just seen this post where IPS announced 4.0 plans that should be major overhaul of the board software. Applications will be practically rewritten from the ground up (for better I hope). Please check the official announcement..
  7. No replies at all. It appears that no one cares for this issues. Guys, can anyone try to login here and test on Invision live board. http://community.invisionpower.com/forum/15-test-posting-messages/ Please use the above forum as it is used for testing purposes. Try to do exact steps as here. Are you positive that these issues were not present prior to the latest version update? Thanks!
  8. I just can't believe that no one is replying me on Invision forums.
  9. I have reported these issues. We'll see what answer will we get.
  10. Hi bphlpt. I would be grateful if you can explain this issue in details, step by step with pictures so I can send a support request. Does this happen in different browsers? It could be some kind o bug that came with the latest version of the forum software. Thanks!
  11. Just found this video on youtube. It brings back good memories... The guitar and drums sound too good Today we have alternatives like Beiber, Gaga or that jumping man who dances gangham style.
  12. Hello Gemanboy4u, you probably have the same problem as our usere here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10907-banned-from-joining-ip-address/?p=94815 You will have to contact Stop Forum Spam staff. Regards, Nik
  13. Hello AceMagoo, we are sorry for you having this issues. Due to an increased SPAM activity, we have implemented SPAM check and protection by implementing Stop Forum Spam module for IPB that checks the SFS DB during the new member registration process. You have this problem on each forum that uses the same SFS DB queries. Please contact Stop Forum Spam staff and explain that you are not a spammer. Regards, Nik
  14. I'll probably go with #3. Will let you know my experience with it
  15. Well, we don't have just 'old' threads in trash, we also have warez posts, spam and similar things that mods also discuss there. Anyway, I have created a subforum in WinToolkit Requests forum and move all WinToolkit trashed topics there: http://www.wincert.net/forum/forum/208-old-threads/ Regards, Nik
  16. I was recently checking old/trashed threads and in my opinion there could be a lot of topics that provide valuable information to new members and thus it won't be asked twice. Trash is filled with topics moved from WinToolkit forum. I would like to suggest that we move those trash topics back to the forum so mods can make another revision. Although I do understand Lego by trying to keep the forum as clean as possible. Topics that contain dead links can be safely moved to trash, but topics that contain any useful information should not be moved in any case.
  17. I have to agree with this, but it's up to lego. Contributors can also be added to the VIP group.
  18. Lego, this is your hard work and you deserve the credit for it in the means of donations. I can create a VIP sub-forum for the WinToolkit where all members that would donate or have donated to you or to Wincert would have access. As for the group, we can have another Sponsor group called WinToolkit Supporters or something similar. Once you get donation, you can send me a PM with the member name and he/she will be instantly added to that group and thus get access to the VIP area. If this is alright with you, please let me know.
  19. @Kels Yes, that seems like the best choice to me too..especially that this is a special discounted price. @crashfly As I said, I am going to buy this from our local reseller. NewEgg is not available for me As for the Seagates, for some reason, each Seagate in this price range has only 12 months warranty and that's a huge minus for me. @bphlpt I can safely say that for the Seagate drives. For instance, the drive that I'm selling is Seagate SATA I, 320GB that came with 5 year warranty! It's been working for 6+ years now without issues, although it is very loud and slow especially after power spindown. It takes time for it to spinup. My PC is very quiet and that drive is the loudest thing in it. Once it spins down after it's been idle for a while, PC is so quiet that I sometimes think that it's OFF. BUT, that 5 year warranty ment something, probably more quality parts or something else, I can't tell. Because of that I am always going with the longer warranty period. I also have 2 Seagate drives. One is OK, but the other was changed twice. One 2.5" Seagate is also connected to my PCH and I had to replace it after a short while. With that said, I can't tell that I had good experience with Seagate drives. So basically, it looks like a lottery for me. Looks like the quality of Hard Drives changes on a daily basis What about that WD with 60 months warranty?
  20. Hey hardware gurus, I plan to replace my 320GB SATA I disk for something newer. Since I moved to SSD this old HDD is far the loudest thing in my machine. Which drive would you suggest. Since I don't plan to spend too much, I planned to replace it with new 500GB 3.5" 7200 drive. Most important thing is that the new disk is as quiet as possible. I have found couple of disks in similar price range and I need help to choose the right one, so here they are: Have in mind that I am buying this disk in the local store, but I have converted prices in US dollars. 1. HDD SATA II 500 GB HITACHI GST Deskstar, 3,5", 7200rpm, 16MB (Warranty: 24 months) - Cheapest price $70 2. HDD SATA III 500 GB SEAGATE Barracuda, 3.5", 7200 rpm, 16MB, ST500DM002 (Warranty: 12 months) $75 3. Disk WD Caviar Blue, 1000 GB, SATA3, 64 MB, 3,5", 7.200 rpm, 10EZEX (Warranty: 24 months) $89 4. TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 (3.5", 1TB, 32MB, SATA III-600) (Warranty: 24 months) $91 5 .HDD SATA II 1000 GB HITACHI GST Deskstar 7K1000.C, 3,5", 7200rpm, 32MB, HDS721010CLA332 (Warranty: 36 months) $94 and something to consider although a bit pricey... 6. Caviar Black , 500 GB, SATA3, 64 MB, 3,5", 7.200 rpm, WD5003AZEX $93 (Warranty: 60 months) In my opinion ghe best buy is the first one although it has a small cache and is SATA 2, not sure how quiet it is. Now, if I decide to go give around $20 more I am in doubt between HDD 3 and 4 although judging by reviews on the net WD should be a better choice. HDD 6 is a bit pricey for 500GB of storage but warranty of 60 months is very attractive.. Space is not an issue here, I can go with the 500GB or 1TB. This drive will be used as a secondary storage so maybe I really don't need WD black edition. Can I hear your suggestions/experiences? Thanks!
  21. And again we have upgraded the board to the latest version of the forum software. Any issues can be posted in this topic. Regards, Nik
  22. Interested, I'll have to check this. I have published a small article some time ago for best practices for SSD drives, but didn't know about partition alignement. http://www.wincert.net/tips/microsoft-windows/windows-7/3158-best-practices-for-ssd-disks-on-windows-7
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