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Everything posted by NIM

  1. NIM


    Nice system, welcome to wincert. Please don't bold font in your posts 'cause there's really no need for that. Please check the forum rules HERE.
  2. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    88 Euros??? LOL, no way hose btw, 10Mbs connection sucks
  3. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    No, they claim that I did have 20GB of traffic, but I don't see that anywhere..
  4. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    I've had it with this hosting companies, I would kill someone! Nobody to help me with this from JaguarPC department. Here you can see what answer I got when my site went down: No shit Sherlock?? And of course, he didn't put it back online. I checked raw access logs and haven't noticed anything suspicious, on the contrary, I've seen that we only spent 6GB of bandwidth on Sunday when we were blocked for using 21GB. So please, can anyone help me find decent web hosting company with the following package.. Semi-dedicated server At least dual core processor At least 1GB of RAM 1000 GB of bandwidth (unlimited?) Thx
  5. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    So far, today we've made "only" 3,5 GB and yesterday in the same time 20,1GB. Hopefully, we won't have troubles anymoreh, at least for couple of weeks
  6. Yo LZR, hope that you're alright too.. Here is same ol', same ol', downtime due to a high bandwidth consumption etc
  7. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    I would like to know that too. But can you imagine that one IP can leech more than 10 gigs/day of our bandwidth.
  8. NIM

    WinCert downtime

    You probably guess what happened, well similar thing as in the quoted post, but now we have to investigate IP responsible for this. Someone really hates us and jaguar PC reacted as a snail and let the site be offline for more than 6 hours.
  9. We moved our files to another server and forgot to edit this download link, sorry for this. Link is fixed now, so please try again. Cheers.
  10. We're trying to keep this place clean, but in the last couple of days we were under spammers attack like never before :confused02: Invision company reacted promptly since this was the problem for all IPB boards. We added re-captcha system which supposed to be better than captcha.
  11. Forum updated to latest version of IPB..This update should prevent spammers from registering with auto scritps. Please report any issues here.. Thx
  12. Welcome to the forums mate!
  13. This is my favorite weather gadget for Vista or XP sidebar. TheWeatherChannelSidebarGadget1.6.gadget
  14. Yup, games addons forum was *reapers* idea, and I've decided to open the sub forum for him since he plans to add more games to this section.
  15. I'm using Vista Ultimate x64 and I'm pretty satisfied with it. But I agree with runningfool that XP runs much smoother than Vista.
  16. Google is crawling our pages pretty fast
  17. Thx Jonnyboy, already first result on google :prop: http://www.google.hr/search?hl=hr&clie...ant&spell=1
  18. I'm disappointed that you haven't asked me first Rick, you know I would help you with this. I told you before that when you decide to go with this, contact me. You have PM and consider your problem solved.
  19. NIM


    Did I? Welcome mate!
  20. Thx Mona! :thumbsup_anim:
  21. Don't you like the current one, what would you like to be changed? Some guidelines would be nice mate..
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