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Everything posted by NIM

  1. NIM

    Mighty Ducks!

    Found that in my funny archive :thumbsup_anim:
  2. ezemjcsd JurgenDoe windowsguy
  3. windows guy, congratz on your win :lock:
  4. Dear members, visitors, guests and spiders I thank you for being patient in the last couple of days where we experienced huge problems with our site. As you may know, we were using shared hosting provider and after only couple of weeks WinCert managed to make a CPU overload which resulted in automatic suspension of our account. We appeal them to bring back our site online which they did, but after only one day, we did another CPU overload. Therefore we found ourselves blocked again without any hope to get the site back online. We started to search for a VPS, semi-dedicated or low end dedicated server up to 100$ a month. After some research we decided to go with a semi-dedicated monster server with 8 Xeon processors and 4 Gigs of RAM. Our monthly expenses increased to 70$ per month and I'd like to take this opportunity to ask all of you for help. Anyone who's willing to donate and help in covering WinCert.net expenses, please contact me (admin@wincert.net) or check THIS topic for additional donation info. I'd like to thank to thank to following people for their kind help when we mostly need it (in random order). John from switfNIC Tony aka Atsaunier Vjeran aka ::VJ:: Miss Zana aka zANavAShi IPS Support Now, off to the forums
  5. Dear members and guests, As you already know, we have recently moved to another shared hosting server and now after only a week of using it, I got this message from them: "One of your accounts: wincert.net is using up 32% of cpu and 15% of mysql server which is over the limit allowed. It seems to be a really intensive forum. You need to move this site somewhere else, if you like a back up please reply." The problem is that WinCert.net has almost 10,000 visits a day and is already too big for the shared hosting server. There is also possibility that we're being hacked or something similar, but we'll investigate that.. As most of you probably know by now, I'm paying for all of site expenses by myself, since I only received 1 read (one) donation so far, thanks to generosity of Jurgen Doe. The time Has come for WinCert to move to a deidicated server if we are to remain alive! However, to do this I am going to need all of your help and support for this blossoming time of Wincerts growth. Please consider becoming an official sponser of Wincert.net this way we both reap the benifits of your support (as supporting members you would have greater forum benefits). Our only solution is to move to a dedicated server hosting and we're talking about 100$/month expenses. To be honest, I can't pay these invoices by myself and I need help from you guys.
  6. I heard that too , but x64 Vista is something different
  7. Happy birthday to our faithful member runningfool who just turned 21 Have a great day mate!
  8. Not sure , I'm using Nod32 x64 and it's working like a charm, and it's not expensive at all, at least here in Croatia..
  9. I had the same problem when I started with Joomla. There's a plug-in for Joomla that shows transparency on PNG images for Internet Explorer 6 users. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about that, use PNG images whether or not IE6 users can or can not see the transparency, cause I don't know how would you do the thing you asked..
  10. Frontpage is finally back although we still need to make several adjustments to it.. :icon_cool:
  11. NIM


    This looks interesting, thx
  12. Hi all, I have a problem with DNS setup in my domain. Here's the current situation.. We have about 40 branches and in every branch we have one domain controller. Local PC's in branches have DNS setup: Primary: Local Domain Controller Secondary: One Server that was shutdown couple of months ago. We're currently in consolidating servers in our network, in other words, recenlty we've connected our branches with 10Mbit links and now we don't need so many servers. We'll only have servers in regional centers on which will the small branches be connected to. We made a group policy GPO and have linked that GPO to our branches which servers are planned for shutdown. This GPO should change the DNS and WINS setting, along with importing the regkey for Single Label Domain value. The problem is that this policy won't apply to all of our PC's and when we shut down server for one brach, some of the PC's can't connect or map disks since they don't have a proper DNS setup. Any ideas how to set DNS to our clients in some other way? BTW, we have 7 regional centers and primary DNS should point to it's regional center server to which it is connected to and secondary should be the one in the Central Region..
  13. Yup, you're right, I was wrong I'll see what will I do Thx Scrat
  14. Icons are really good mate although the flags did loose a bit on their quality. Will check how they look on board later.. Cheers..
  15. Thx Scrat, I've got the flags before in mail. I have to think what to do with the flags since we have to convert them to .gif and then they loose their quality.. :confused02: Ahh, I just saw that you made .png's, darn, we can't use that. Can you make gif's without using quality?
  16. I still haven't received icons from you scrat... :crying_anim02:
  17. Seems that it's consuming less memory than 2.x versions..
  18. Cute dog, and may I test the offtopic code :icon_cool: Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) Is it working?[Close]
  19. You can make a request in the Turkish part of the forum. I think that MrNxDmX could help you.. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showforum=132
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