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Everything posted by NIM

  1. Yeah, it must be something related to our server move. I can't seem to find the solution for this. Rick, can you please re-upload this file?
  2. Yes I will, it will have similar look and the same header as the forum page, but we're currently adopting the skin for use with Joomla 1.5.1
  3. Glad to see you back bud :icon_cool:
  4. Sorry to hear that bud, hopefully you'll buy a new one soon :sweatingbullets:
  5. I've removed the BBCode for downloads since it was messed up, but it shouldn't removed the links.. :confused02: I've also edited your fist post and put the download links in it.
  6. Yes, this is the new look, we still have to work on the icons.. But, Scrat will probably take care of it..
  7. I don't know which that address was, but yeah, send it please..
  8. That looks very good, can I get those you made so I can upload and see
  9. Who knows, when Wolf drops by :naughty:
  10. Happy Birthday mate, again! When you finish with the celebration, it' time to check the new forum I've created by your request.. :icon_cool:
  11. I suck, 17.521 :crying_anim02:
  12. I'm glad to say that we are finally back online! I would like to apologize to our members and visitors for WinCert.net downtime which lasted more than 2 days. Some of you are probably wondering what's the reason of this downtime, so I've decided to make this post.. Most of you already know that WinCert.net had Joomla CMS and IPB forum installed and bridged by BBPixel script. Several months ago, we had a huge traffic jump (more than 1 million pages a day) and a lot of PHP requests which was the reason of Hosting Server crash. From that day everything seemed normal, until couple of days ago when server crashed again and it looked like the same issue as before. We suspected mostly on Joomla v.1.0.14 version. I wonder why a major security release v1.0.15 was released today?? Anyway, forum is now online and you can enjoy it again. Frontpage will be new and will look similar to the new forum skin (which still needs to be finished). I'm also announcing Turkish part of WinCert.net forum which will be maintained by our faithful member MrNxDmX! Also Happy Birthday matey! If you experience any problems with the forum, please reply here as soon as possible so we can fix it.
  13. Very good app...I'm using it at work all the time
  14. When will it finally become final :confused02:
  15. Yeah, Wolf is too busy and I'd be glad if you can help.. You can access this new skin and you can see current icons that I'd like to be changed. You can change only several icons for a start, like board index icons.. Here's the icons that looks nice with this skin..
  16. THX Rhor! Can you help with our new forum skin icons
  17. Since we're discussing the page file configuration, I have a question. We have 3 new servers which have 24 gigs of RAM and what would be your recommedation for page file in this scenario. Here's what we did: We created one partition just for a page file so we can use page file on two partitions: C: and E: in this case. 1 gig initial and 3 gigs maximum for both partitions. In this case Windows will use the page file for less active partition which will be E:, and if we'll have BSOD it will be still dumped on C:.. Do you have better idea for this Cluberti? THx
  18. For local network full desktop access you can use RealVNC. It is also free for all systems except Vista.. http://www.realvnc.com/products/download.html
  19. There's a difference mate. Your internet connection is probably around 512KB Up and that's why you get around 47Kilobytes while uploading to internet. In local LAN you probably have router and network cards that supports speeds up to 100Mbit, and that's why you have much higher upload speeds.. I have the same situation here
  20. More info LZR, what are you uploading, where, what transfering etc?
  21. I'd gladly help, but I'm afraid I'm unable to since I never saw that router :confused02:
  22. Hi guys, I need someone to make icons for our new skin that will be used along with the new frontpage look. So, can someone make icons for "Blue and Improved skin" which you can select from the dropdown list at the bottom of any forum page.. Please PM me if someone is willing to help.. Thx
  23. Hmm, it would be easier to help you if you have a Linksys, then I could navigate you step by step. Unfortunately since I never so this router admin panel I can't help you with it.. Have you got any manuals with it? You can also check THIS page to get some useful info about that router.
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