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Everything posted by NIM

  1. NIM


    Welcome to the forums mate..
  2. NIM

    Ping tests

    Seems that the possible new server has better ping for all of us. Now, I should find out what hardware is on that machine.. :sweatingbullets:
  3. NIM


    Hi, welcome to the forum mate.. :icon_cool:
  4. Happy New Year to all our members and guests!
  5. Hi guys, I need a favor from you all who'll read this topic. We have to test ping response times on two servers and I need your help on this. So here's what you should do.. Open a command prompt (Start-->Run-->CMD+Enter) Type ping, write down this info: Minimum = xx ms, Maximum = xx ms, Average = xx ms Repeat the action for the second address Type ping, write down this info: Minimum = xx ms, Maximum = xx ms, Average = xx ms Check and paste your results here. If anyone wants to know, we're testing the new server. This is the first step and better ping will not guarantee us faster access, it depends on the server hardware too. That's something will test out later on.. Thank you all. Server Server
  6. Happy birthday to 0d14r3(44), Sage(61). Have a great double celebration today guys! :thumbsup_anim:
  7. No worries mate, just check how cygnus did it. When you upload picture on imageshack, you'll get several links you can use. One of them is "hotlink for the forums", which you can copy and paste here..
  8. @LZR, please use thumbnails mate.. Thx
  9. The problem is that I'm downloading from private sites and from public sites... I'm open for any testing on this issue :icon_cool: My current download speed is 8Mbit and upload 512Kb
  10. It seems that the problem was in TCP/IP connection limit that was limiting the half-open connections of the system.. I've limited maximum number of connections in uTorrent cliecnt and now it seems OK. Here's the fix for tcpip.sys file if limiting max number of connections won't help.. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2376 This is what I did with uTorrent: Global maximum number of connections was set to 200, and I've changed it to 100. Maximum number of connected peers per torrent was set to 60, and I've changed it to 30.
  11. Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista have both a TCP/IP connection limit that limits the half-open connections of the system. If that limit is reached a new entry in the Event Viewer is created stating “EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.”. ( I had a bunch of those logs in the event viewer ) Microsoft probably set this limitation to prevent worms and other malicious scripts from spreading to fast or to limit file sharing. Users will most likely notice that something is wrong when running P2P clients, slow downloads and timeouts are indicators that the limit is set. Slow browsing, no matter which browser do you use, is also possible, like it was in my case.. Thankfully a solution exists that can patch the tcpip.sys file and remove the security limit. To do that you need to download the Vista TCP Patch, open an elevated command prompt with administrator rights and enter the following command. VistaTcpPatch /n X with X being the maximum amount of half-open connections allowed on that system. The computer needs to be restarted afterwards. Some users reported that they needed to execute Vista TCP Patch from the \Windows\System32\ folder to make it work. Windows XP users can download and run the software EventID 4226 Patcher Version 2.23d instead which basically does the same thing but sets the limit to 50 half-open connections. Vista patch: VistaTcpPatch.rar XP Patch: EvID4226Patch223d_en.zip In my case, I didn't patched tcpip.sys file, I've just limited number of connections in my uTorrent client. Global maximum number of connections was set to 200, and I've changed it to 100. Maximum number of connected peers per torrent was set to 60, and I've changed it to 30. This action seems to fix my problem I posted here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2375
  12. Now it's working fine..I haven't touched or changed anything, I just left my PC for about 1,5 hours and now I tried again. Could my ISP be responsible for this issue..?
  13. I have a strange problem and need you help guys to found what's the cause of this.. I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate x64, IE 7 and Firefox This system was installed 3 weeks ago.. After this period of time I started to experience strange problems with my Internet Access by using Mozilla Firefox or IE7. Here's the situation... -Windows Vista loads, sidebar and windows live messenger and torrent client sends request to my router for internet connection. -Router connects to internet (ISP) -Every application that needs to communicate through internet starts to work properly: Windows Live Messenger (connected and working) uTorrent client (connected and working properly) Sidebar gadgets that require internet connection (Weather Gadget, RSS Feeds, stocks, etc), also working properly. Now here's the trouble.. Microsoft Outlook 2007 checks the mail and it takes much time to do that ( about minute or two) Internet Explorer or Firefox, when opened it takes about 1-3 minutes to open the home page (google.com) Sometimes, this problem happens only after system startup,but after 10 mins everything starts working as it should. Today this problem just won't go away. I opened the browser and tried to open www.wincert.net/forum. The browser status is: Waiting for www.wincert.net and status bar is standing still After 2-3 mins the page opens in a split second.. Everything was working fine after I've installed this system initially, all programs were installed immediately after the Vista install, so I can't say that some software installation could cause this behavior. Any ideas?
  14. Only rapid link is dead, other two links work just fine.. Anyway, I'll attach it in this post so you can download it.. NR_CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9.rar
  15. NIM

    Evil Look Kid

    The Evil Eye - The funniest videos clips are here
  16. NIM


    There's a new version out v2.0. Looks preety good. It's very useful to me on my PC at work.. :thumbsup_anim:
  17. We can always wait for Cro-man to show up. He's a software finder king.. :icon_cool:
  18. Problem is that I haven't used such an app, I'll try to search something newer..
  19. See if any of this apps will fit your needs.. http://www.download32.com/keyboard-replacement-software.html
  20. Yes, you can install it and it will work fairly good. Although, if possible, add more memory.. If not, there's always option to use ready boost option in Vista if you have a spare USB stick drive.
  21. Welcome to our forums mate..
  22. Welcome to the forums mate..
  23. Accept my deepest condolences dirt.
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