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Everything posted by NIM

  1. Ok, we need one more vote to decide a winner here..
  2. That's the reason why I'm afraid to use it again. I've used it before and removed files that I really don't need, but then had big problems with my Windows installation..Error here, error there, I said, wtf, will install the full version and then be happy.. I can only safely use it to integrate updates into my windows installation.. :crying_anim02:
  3. NIM


    No one's gonna flame you.. Welcome aboard.. We set sails towards addons and windows help in general, along with nice tutorials
  4. Try with HDD Regenerator 1.51 :icon_cool:
  5. Spinrite is a great program for this, but I think it doesn't support S-ATA disks..
  6. Very good find Scrat...Thx :thumbsup_anim:
  7. Check this mate: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312295
  8. I've tried several .rar pass crackers but never had luck with any of them.. I've googled to find several applications for this, but never had luck with it..
  9. Another one, anyone have inspiration to flame them? http://www.teamserra.net/forums/index.php
  10. I have a lot of 3D wallpapers on my disks, but unfortunately I still haven't finished my new PC because of my eye problems. When I'll have the PC, I'll .rar it and upload it somewhere for you..
  11. Off Topic: Now you reminded me of a great book from Dan Brown called Angels and Demons :happy:
  12. That's the case with several similar programs I've tried.. @lzr, nice logo there :icon_cool:
  13. I tried to google for an answer but without luck. You can only contact their support since I'm almost sure that this problem is application related.. :confused02:
  14. Yes, I'm aware of this problem. Rick also told me about this and I'll have to contact skin makers to see if there's a solution for this issue.. Thx for the feedback.
  15. Could be application problem, try to reinstall it for a starter..
  16. Cool, I'm using K750i which I got from my company and I'll surely use something new on my phone GUI. :icon_cool:
  17. I would definitely choose Corsair VX550W, it's cheap with 5 year warranty. Some 600 Watt PSU's would not be enough to run with one 8800GT or 8800GTS. It depends on how good the PSU is and the Amps on the +12V rail are very good. If you plan to use SLI, the GPU power requirements of the 8800GT's in SLi are 183W (Idle) and 358W (Load In F.E.A.R.) and ~38Amps on the +12V Rail. To clarify, that's total system power consumption. The 8800GT itself only uses about 110-120W of power each at max load. A Q6600 is another 100W or so. The rest of this system will take about another 150W total in a worst-case scenario, so ideally you're really going to use about 370W of power in a worst-case scenario unless you overclocks the heck out of that CPU/Video Card. Since that's about 80% on the +12V rail, you're going to need something with at least 32-35A on the +12V rail, and the VX550 should be perfect. You never want to load the PSU to 100% load because the fan will be spinning up too fast and loud and the components' lifespans will be shortened by running near their capacity. But 3/4 of the max load is fine, and at idle I imagine you'll use only 1/3 of that, or about 10-12A on the +12V. I will first answer your question about MBO and SLi. I chose Asus since I had Asus P4C800Deluxe MBO with my old system (which I sold now). I was more than satisfied with it and it was stable for 4 years along with OC of P4. Asus P5E has a new x38 chipset and supports PCIE 2.0 While I was deciding what to choose for my PC, I planned that I'll go SLi sometime in the future, but decided that I won't after all. The main reason is that GPU industry is developing very fast and I'd rather buy a new card in one year than buy another OLD card to have SLI. The question is to whom will I sell that 2 cards after two years.. (That's just my opinion). So, I won't use SLi and that's why I didn't care will my board support SLi. For instance, and to comment your selection of graphic card, I bought XFX 8800GTS, 640 MB card and was happy for one day although I didn't unpack it yet. I've found out that a new 8800GT was out the other day, which was 150$ cheaper, faster and better than my 8800GTS.. Here are some links that should help you choose 8800GT instead of 8800GTS: http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/nvidia...nce/default.asp http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3140&p=1 http://www.vr-zone.com/articles/Nvidia_GeF...iew/5369-1.html http://www.hothardware.com/articles/NVIDIA..._Flight/?page=1
  18. Forum updated to latest version of IPB forum software. Shoutbox page is now fully customized to match the i-tab look. If anyone encounters any problems please post here.. Thx
  19. But don't you guys have username and password saved, so you just need to click OK to login? Anyway, that's two of you now which will find this option disabled very useful..
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