Happy birthday Nines!
Ooo, thanks. I'm glad to see the forum is doing so well. I'll have to come by more often.
Unreal Tournament 2007
My guess would be somewhere around the second quarter this year, April or May. Nothing is official yet, though.
How did you choosed your nick name?
My name comes from Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines. The leader of the Anarchs(vampire rebels), named Nines Rodriguez.
How Old Are You
18 Sundsvall, Sweden Student
Domain Name Change
Have you given the namechange any more thought, N1K?
Guess This Movie Name
That's actually not from Team America, it's from the 200th Stargate SG-1 episode. A joke episode to celebrate 200 aired episodes. On with the movies...
Happy Birthday N1K
Happy Birthday!
Unreal Torunament 2007 Trailer 2 HD!
However, seeing as Unreal Engine 3 is the most advanced engine to date, it wouldn't surprise me.
Domain Name Change
Win Tech IT News IT Tech IT Tech News Tech News IT Win Tech News Win Tech IT ... I could go on... You can get lots of good names just by combining those four words.
First 1000 is here
It's all spam. j/k
New Wincert Signatures
Sweet, I'm going to try and fit that userbar into my sig at Beyondunreal.
Back from Vacation
Those are beautiful. :clap:
...brings new meaning to the iMac
Hahahaha, that's hilarious. :clap:
Wincert.net New Frontpage
It looks fantastic and it's easier to navigate. :clap:
2 new pics from UT2007
Well, the game won't be out until next year, so there's enough time to get a new comp.
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