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  1. Thanks
    Asifmute reacted to jo72 in Multiboot dvd   
    Re.take a Look ad...
    WinSetupFromUSBv1.3 x86x64 out now.
    I recommend the exe.download-7zip is defect.
    (Instal.esd is now supported)!!!-not testet by me so far... :g: .
  2. Like
    Asifmute reacted to jo72 in Multiboot dvd   
    WinSetupFromUSBv1.2 x86x64...is the real Tool-works 100%(Tested)...
    (Note!! VISTA+up Sources must have Install.wim and NO Install.esd in it-XP has do be unpacked Source)
  3. Like
    Slightly easier method:
    Run the sp with JUST the /extract switch.
    It will bring up a dialog box asking for the dir to extract to.
  4. Like
    Yes, it's the same way as with SP2!
    Thanks Makcalable!
  5. Like
    The same way as with SP2, right?
    May I post this on the frontpage?
  6. Thanks
    How To Integrate SP3 Into MS Office 2007
    Here is a quick guide on how to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD.
    Right now 'Create A New Folder' to anywhere of your choice, I named mine 'Office 2007';
    Now I created my new folder on my G:\ Drive

    Ok to be able to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD first thing you will need to do is Download the "office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe" file.
    Click on the link here to Download MS Office 2007 SP3 - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=27838
    (Now Download this to the same location as your as your new folder you just created.) As in the image above. (Ignore the MS Office 2007 Enterprise SP3 as this was my test run)
    Ok now you will need to 'Copy the Contents of your MS Office 2007 CD/DVD' to the new folder "Office2007"

    Ok now all you will need to do is open Command Prompt as Admin and Enter the following command >
    G:\office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:G:\Office2007\Updates\
    Remember, where I have G:\ your's maybe different, so Replace G with whatever drive letter you used.

    Once you have Entered the Command, Press Enter.........

    You will see a new Window pop up 'Microsoft Software License Terms' for 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 3 (SP3)
    Here you just need to accept and Click on Continue to proceed......

    Now the files are being extracted from the SP3 file you downloaded and placed into the updates folder of the Microsoft Office Installation Files you copied from your CD/DVD
    The reason we have had to Integrate or Slipstream the SP3 file this way is because the update needs to be in the .msp file format to be able to install from the updates folder from your Microsoft Office 2007 Installation CD/DVD

    Ok in a matter of seconds, it is all done!
    Click ok......

    Now burn your new Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Installation back to a CD/DVD.
    Tried and tested on MS Office 2007 Enterprise and Professional.
  7. Thanks
    the addons on x64 are same as x86.
    now please give me an example. :crying_anim02:
    OK i am giving an example.
    please tell me if this works :crying_anim02:
    here it goes the Entries.
    yes i want to use SVCPACK addons.

    description=Some Vista Wallpapers


    Wallpapers.exe /S

    and about the file in SVCPACK i used Winrar
    and given customized location---C:\Windows\Web\
    and now please say will this work? :confused02:
  8. Like
    I am facing some problems in nlite addons. (XP)
    will anyone give me a 8.cab or 8.7z sample of wallpaper addon for nLite..will anyone?
    and also i want to add some musics in default music library in XP.
    anyway I am using XP 64 bit version update April 2009.
    Please help me :crying_anim02:
  9. Thanks
    Asifmute reacted to MGadAllah in How to dual boot Windows XP and Linux   
    View at Source
    Will also upload the picture to another site tomorrow in case of there site being down and that it doest make request to there site
    Scenario: You want to install Linux on your system which is already running Windows XP.
    Tutorial Summary: We
  10. Thanks
    Asifmute reacted to waleder in Please help for make Customize winxp   
    You can visit