Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
They do work, I have checked it twice. You simply have to wait a few seconds until download will start or use links posted below which will let you to download the same files: Chinese 32-bit: http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/release/E/1/2/E129EE96-0DF6-43B8-ADDE-07B95484435B/14.0.4763.1000_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x86_zh-cn_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe Turkish 64-bit: http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/release//9/9/6/996922BD-861E-44CA-BDE4-E4301E616ED5/14.0.4763.1013_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x64_tr-tr_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
If someone needs Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus, here are the direct links to the Chinese, German and Turkish distributives: Chinese: http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/release/E/1/2/E129EE96-0DF6-43B8-ADDE-07B95484435B/14.0.4763.1000_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x86_zh-cn_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe German: http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/release/9/4/E/94E71E1B-100D-4236-99BB-AD14678DECF0/14.0.4763.1000_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x86_de-de_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/release/9/4/E/94E71E1B-100D-4236-99BB-AD14678DECF0/14.0.4763.1000_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x64_de-de_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe Turkish: http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/release//9/9/6/996922BD-861E-44CA-BDE4-E4301E616ED5/14.0.4763.1013_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x86_tr-tr_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/release//9/9/6/996922BD-861E-44CA-BDE4-E4301E616ED5/14.0.4763.1013_ProfessionalPlus_retail_ship_x64_tr-tr_exe/ProfessionalPlus.exe
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
Thank you, but I have the English version of Microsoft Visio Premium 2010 too. I have downloaded it and Project Professional 2010 32-bit (English) using links published on this forum.
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
Last hours I have tried to get download links for Visio Professional 2010 TechG and Project Professional 2010 TechG (both for Russian language), but I saw the same errors: "Error. We encountered a problem processing your request. Please try again later." and no links were created. Can you check if there some problem with licenses you use for getting links to these ISOs?
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
I tried to get download link for Visio Premium 2010 Russian several minutes ago and I saw such message: "Error. We encountered a problem processing your request. Please try again later." As I can see no link was generated, but now when I try to get such link again I see such message: "This file is currently unavailable and can be provided again in a small capacity NEXT MONTH. For now, please select one of the downloads highlighted in green instead". So, I can not download the Russian version of Visio Premium 2010, nor the English version. Can you tell me why this problem occured?
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
Does it mean that if someone generated a link to Windows 7 ISO, then a link to an Office 2010 ISO cannot be generated until an hour has passed?
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