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Everything posted by justme

  1. https://officecdn.microsoft.com/db/492350F6-3A01-4F97-B9C0-C7C6DDF67D60/media/nl-NL/AccessRetail.img Same as you, and now i test it and it works. Maybe something was wrong with the cdn server of Microsoft. case closed And thanks for the help!
  2. MY connection is fine: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8656566677. 219/30-40. Everything works fine expect the downloads of several office products. also tested it with a other network same result. so i tried it also with the IDM. Still same result
  3. When i try to download Access 2016 the download will start, but after 1-2 minutes it will stop/stall. Other downloads from office 2016 like home and student and other office components as well Thank you!