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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. Windows 8 Consumer Preview It's Windows reimagined and reinvented from a solid core of Windows 7 speed and reliability. It's an all-new touch interface. It's a new Windows for new devices. And it's your chance to be one of the first to try it out. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/consumer-preview
  2. in v12, i think i've got a working solution. If it don't fully work then you can blame Microsoft but it seems to now work in my tests
  3. v11 will prob get released tomorrow once i've received a few error log.
  4. I think it detects what language Windows is in, that's just a guess though so don't quote me on it.
  5. Oops forgot about number 3. EDIT: Just fixed (v11)
  6. Sorry to hear that, but as Rica said, things will get better but i'm glad you're ok Done, if the RunOnce is already running then it will just bring the current RunOnce to the front(focus), i also did the same thing to W7T itself.
  7. I'm not sure how to get pnputil to only install drivers which are needed. 1. Fixed the first issue 2. Not sure how to get rid of the warning message.
  8. Thanks Kels, long time no talk, hope you're alright and things are going well EDIT 1: Anyways i'll add some code that if the program is already running it won't run again EDIT 2: Done.
  9. But i'd rather them start a new thread, that way i can deal with them individually and mark them as [solved] obviously if a user has the same problem as some else then they can join in the topic
  10. Does it do the loop problem when you don't use Kel's installer?
  11. You can either just delete/raplace the exe in the Apps folder or you can use WIM Registry Editor and remove the values in HKLM\\WIM_Software\\W7T
  12. OK, i've fixed the Up and Down buttons just need to sort the Top and Bottom, which are proving to be harder lol. EDIT: Fixed.
  13. did the fix work and what was it?
  14. Thanks for the video, when you cant move that file, do the other files become un-movable as well? EDIT 1:I've finally been able to reproduce this problem How strange that it only happens to this update... EDIT 2: This is a huge complicated issue, and will take some time thinking to figure it out, in the mean time add anything which goes in the priorities last and you should be able to move it fine
  15. I recommend C# Grrr, i also made the mistake of posting 2 years after the original post
  16. Just tried 'Libraries' tweak on my live install and it works fine, even on Windows 8.
  17. I'm assuming you mean after integration and install? Thats not a W7T issue and just a crappy Microsoft issue
  18. Strange, not working for me neither. Infact its not even trying to integrate the drivers. fixing now... EDIT: Fixed!
  19. Thanks, glad its working. Fixed the 'aborting thing'
  20. You can't.
  21. I know what that issue is, i did something silly, can't do anything now because I'm at work and don't finish until late Theres only one reason it prompts to restart, naughty naughty
  22. You may have to create a video, because it works absolutely fine for me
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